O Gel Energético GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance é a escolha perfeita para atletas que buscam maximizar seu desempenho em atividades ao ar livre, como corrida, ciclismo, caminhadas ou esqui. Este gel vegano, sem glúten, kosher e livre de laticínios foi desenvolvido para fornecer energia rápida e duradoura, essencial para enfrentar os desafios das atividades físicas intensas. Com 100 calorias e eletrólitos essenciais em um pacote portátil, ele se torna um aliado indispensável para quem deseja manter a performance em alta.
A fórmula do Roctane Ultra Endurance é enriquecida com 1425mg de aminoácidos, que ajudam a reduzir danos musculares e a fadiga mental, permitindo que você se recupere mais rapidamente após treinos intensos. A combinação de maltodextrina e frutose oferece uma fonte dupla de energia, utilizando vias de absorção não concorrentes para garantir que você tenha energia disponível de forma eficiente e contínua. Além disso, a versão Cold Brew deste gel contém 70mg de cafeína, o que representa o dobro da quantidade encontrada em outros géis Roctane, proporcionando um impulso extra para melhorar seu desempenho atlético.
1. Energia de longa duração: Ideal para atividades de alta intensidade, com 100 calorias e eletrólitos essenciais.
2. Redução de danos musculares: 1425mg de aminoácidos que minimizam a dor e a fadiga muscular.
3. Absorção eficiente: Maltodextrina e frutose garantem energia imediata e duradoura.
4. Caffeine extra: 70mg de cafeína para aumentar resistência e reduzir fadiga mental.
5. Adequado para dietas restritivas: Vegano, sem glúten, kosher e livre de laticínios.
Para obter o máximo desempenho com o Gel Energético Roctane Ultra Endurance, recomenda-se consumir um pacote 5 minutos antes de iniciar a atividade física. Durante o exercício, ingira um pacote a cada 45 minutos para manter os níveis de energia elevados. É fundamental acompanhar a ingestão do gel com água suficiente para garantir uma hidratação adequada. Este gel é projetado especificamente para atividades de alta intensidade, permitindo que você alcance seus objetivos atléticos com eficiência e segurança.
Adam Machanic –
Rocktane ultra is very good for long or intense races, I also like that it has 70mg of caffeine, it’s like having two sachets in one and I can use it in two races or training sessions.
The flavor is very good, and since the gel is dense, it helps to avoid flatus.
The effect is in approximately 5 minutes, depending on the person.
Paola_pops –
UPDATE: 23 SEP 2017
I’ve been using the Blueberry Pomegranate for over a year now in many races. The taste is OK but my runner partners all hate it for some reason. The Cherry lime tastes better, but if you hated the Blueberry Pomegranate, you’ll probably hate the Cherry Lime. Honestly, when I’m tearing down the road/trail in a race, I couldn’t care less about taste. I’m sucking down that gel pack and looking for a bit of hydration, while trying to maintain a competitive pace, locate a garbage can / refuse drop zone, and try to finish a race. I only use the gels at the beginning of a race, or in the middle if it is longer than 45 minutes (like a 10K, 10 miler, half marathon, etc…)
Original review:
I purchased the Blueberry Pomegranate flavor and am glad I did so because it tastes great. It tastes just like their chews, except in semi-liquid form. It goes down very easily without the need for water. I find that it really does give me the energy I need to finish my race or activity. The instructions say to take it 5 minutes before, and every 45 minutes afterwards. My stomach doesn’t digest stuff as quickly, so I have to experiment with how early to take it prior to a race.
If you’re going to run a race or participate in an event longer than 30 minutes, I highly recommend packing these gels. So far, the BCAAs have not upset my stomach. The caffeine really does work.
Diego –
muy util
Amazon Customer –
Tasty and good for Endurance. Without Gu Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Gel, I cannot run long distance now…
Andrea –
Long Distance running.
Chaz Turbino –
I use these all the time on long or intense workouts and events and work great for me.
Paola_pops –
Ease of swallowing, helps a lot my perfomance for running long distance. Consult your nutritionist for better instructions.
Jhonny De Gouveia –
Estou super satisfeito com a minha compra, a mais feliz.
Steve LaMourea –
70mg caffeine in each one so it’s nice as a “loading dose” at the beginning of a run or even yardwork. Tastes a tiny bit chocolatey even though it doesn’t say chocolate.
Jillsy –
I’d been using the normal Gu for quite some time — Vanilla Bean flavor — and found that it worked fairly well. The occasional minor stomach issue, but no big deal. I’ve never been a big fan of the very thick consistency, and since I was working my way through a large box the vanilla flavor started getting on my nerves.
I decided to “upgrade” to Roctane and thought that switching over to something with a fruit flavor would help break me out of my vanilla rut…
The good: Roctane has a considerably thinner consistency, which is awesome. Easier to eat, doesn’t coat the mouth/throat as much, and feels much easier on the stomach. I also feel like the extra caffeine gives me a small bonus boost. And the BCAAs? I have no clue, but apparently they help with carb uptake. I can’t measure that. Energy levels feel pretty much the same, but MAYBE a bit faster acting with Roctane. (Could be totally psychological since these things are damn expensive and I want them to work better.)
The bad: The cherry lime flavor that I bought tastes like jellied, chemical-infused regret. Ugh. Almost laughably bad. I brought two Roctanes and a plain Gu Vanilla Bean on a recent long run, and ate the Roctanes first. The vanilla Gu was like a delicious special treat after the Roctanes.
So, four stars, mainly due to taste.
Next time I’ll try the Vanilla Spice flavor.