NutriNoche Colloidal Silver Gel 100 PPM – 4oz
Descubra o poder do NutriNoche Colloidal Silver Gel, um gel excepcional que se destaca no tratamento de irritações cutâneas. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este gel é ideal para aliviar rapidamente queimaduras solares, queimaduras de lâmina, cortes e arranhões. Sua alta concentração de partículas de prata coloidal, com 100 PPM, garante uma eficácia superior, proporcionando alívio imediato e promovendo a cicatrização da pele. A textura leve e de rápida absorção do gel permite que ele penetre facilmente na pele, oferecendo um efeito calmante e refrescante.
- ✅ O MELHOR GEL DE PRATA COLOIDAL. O gel de cuidado de feridas NutriNoche é excepcional para tratar irritações na pele, incluindo pele seca, cortes, queimaduras, picadas de insetos e muito mais. Ele promove alívio rápido de cortes, queimaduras e arranhões menores. Além disso, é altamente eficaz para aliviar queimaduras de lâmina e queimaduras solares.
- ✅ ALTA CONCENTRAÇÃO: Nosso Gel de Prata Coloidal em Tamanho Nano oferece uma dose concentrada a 100 PPM, garantindo eficácia de alta qualidade. As partículas ultra-puras e pequenas são facilmente absorvidas pelo corpo, maximizando seus benefícios.
- ✅ SEGURO PARA HUMANOS E ANIMAIS: Use o gel de prata coloidal em seus pets. É seguro e adequado para gatos, cães e todos os outros animais.
- ✅ PARTÍCULAS DE PRATA EM TAMANHO NANO: Ele é facilmente absorvido pela sua pele, é livre de óleo e seca completamente.
- ✅ SEM FRAGRÂNCIAS OU CORES ADICIONAIS: Este produto é sem cheiro, sem cor e fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação de fabricação certificada cGMP.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para queimaduras solares e de lâmina, reduzindo a dor e a irritação.
2. Cicatrização Acelerada: Promove a cicatrização de cortes e arranhões, ajudando a restaurar a pele mais rapidamente.
3. Segurança para Animais: Pode ser utilizado em pets, oferecendo uma solução segura para o cuidado da pele de animais.
4. Fórmula Leve e Absorção Rápida: A textura do gel permite uma rápida absorção, sem deixar resíduos oleosos.
5. Sem Aditivos Químicos: A ausência de fragrâncias e cores artificiais torna o produto ideal para peles sensíveis.
Aplique uma camada fina do NutriNoche Colloidal Silver Gel diretamente sobre a área afetada da pele. Massageie suavemente até que o gel seja completamente absorvido. Para queimaduras solares, aplique generosamente e repita a aplicação conforme necessário. Em caso de cortes ou arranhões, limpe a área antes da aplicação para garantir a eficácia do produto. Utilize o gel sempre que necessário, garantindo que a pele esteja limpa e seca para melhores resultados.
Segue Fischlin III –
My RV has ringworm; it was an unlisted ‘feature’ that came with the purchase. Once in awhile I wear something really pretty in the bottom of the drawer or back of the closet that has been sitting collecting ringworm and then ‘yikes!’ it’s back on the butenafine again! Well I was running low this time so I reached for this silver gel and–what do you know–it seems to work as well or better than the specialized product! And it seems, much more quickly too.
Big E –
Put on my arms and hands sometimes daily when skin is dry. It absorbs quickly. I use it on cuts or scabs under bandaids to prevent infection and heal quicker.
Nancy Davis-Bowen –
This is the first colloidal silver gel that is actually a gel. Great product and I would recommend it.
Eric J –
Very impressive stuff! Nano silver gel is the perfect carrier for other substances that are not easily absorbed through the skin, and a little goes a long way. This is a must have for any emergency kit!
CBaz –
Honest, I don’t know if this product has helped me with any wound care. I had a burn on my finger that I applied the gel cream to immediately and I think it helped. I had a rash that I can’t say it made any better, I ended up using Cortisone. I had a bad cut on my shin that I applied the gel on and it provided relief, I think it helped with the healing especially as the scab began to shrink, minimized itching of the scab, but it did not prevent me from getting a scar, however, I’m also older and my skin does not repair itself like a child’s. I keep trying to use it as needed hoping to say it worked and was worth the hype, but I can’t really say for sure yet.
NK –
Heals scratches, burns and wounds quickly. Use sparingly and it will last forever.
Tifsim –
Helps minor burns, scrapes and other skin ailments heal so much faster. Put a thin layer on & let it dry. If needed, put on another THIN layer and let it dry. Highly recommend this product.
Luka –
Long time ago I read that high concentrated colloidal silver can kill any virus fungy bacteria and yes it’s true ! This is the only brand that helped my in 2 days my skin was like new ! I used the whole tub it one week it was plenty enough for my area of allocation . But I just bought another two ! When applied don’t feel nothing feels like just gel but it works like charm . I used different antibacterial or anti fungal creams but they made it worse . This just kicked out all bad stuff from my skin and neutralised it all. Seriously this is the only one that’s on the marked and works . Just buy it it’s amazing product thanks a lot, it’s a life saver .
Blaze –
I bought this gel because I have ulcers (6 on one leg) from a skin attacking disease. Doctors had been giving me bandages with silver on them to help keep them from getting infected so I figured silver was a good thing – when I saw this gel I thought that might help the whole problem so I got it – This does so much more than I thought it would! Not only have the sores gotten so much better but I put this gel up and down my whole leg and the skin on my leg looks almost NORMAL again – I’ve been in one or another bandage for over a year now so my leg looked sore and red and very dry from all the meds they have had me putting on under the gauge wraps. I never thought I’d ever been able to look at that leg again and see – A LEG! Just a small bit of it goes so far and moisturizes so well I started to use it in other places as well – I get this rash from all the soaps and anti-bacterial washes I have to use and I try the silver gel on that too and the rashes don’t itch as they did and the redness is going away as well – My only problem with this product is – that the jar isn’t BIG ENOUGH – LOL – I could use a jar of about 2 pounds. This is really good stuff – Now you may not have ulcers that you have to worry about but if you have dry skin or rashes that itch like crazy – try this – but don’t blame me if you start using it on very little skin problem you have – ’cause that’s what I’m doing and it works on all most everything I use it on – it’s a good, GOOD buy!
Calc –
I highly recommend this silver infused gel. It really works, and it works quickly. I use it to treat stubborn body acne and fungus that I’ve had for years and even been prescribed medication for that ultimately didn’t work unless I continued using the medicine forever. I’ve used this gel for one week, now, and It has nearly eliminated all my body acne far better than any store-bought product or prescription medicine. This include benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid and the like. I also used it for jock itch and it’s virtually eliminated the fungus, so far. I used it for athletes foot, and it’s worked extremely well there, too. Silver has long been used to kill bacteria and fungus on the skin from ancient times. It’s now embedded in some sports clothing to do the same, but that’s kind of a gimmick because the silver particles wash out, easily. It’s only in about the 20th century that the medical society has turned away from using silver for solving skin problems and other issues people have. However, this gel really works wonders compared to the modern nonsense chemical skin “remedies” for acne and fungus that are sold in most stores and prescribed by doctors, today. It’s my theory that the drug companies stopped using silver for skin problems because they want you to keep coming to the well and continually buying their garbage products with your hard-earned money. Trust me, this product works, and it works faster than any other conventional or prescription medicine I’ve ever used.