Descrição do Produto:
O American Biotech Labs Silver Biotics Colloidal Silver Gel Nano-Silver 20 PPM é um gel inovador que combina a eficácia da prata coloidal com a tecnologia de nanopartículas, proporcionando um cuidado excepcional para a pele. Com uma fórmula leve e de rápida absorção, este gel de 1,5 oz é ideal para quem busca conforto e bem-estar cutâneo. Sua textura não oleosa permite que a pele respire, enquanto suaviza calosidades e hidrata profundamente, tornando-o um aliado indispensável no dia a dia. Além disso, sua composição não irritante é perfeita para todos os tipos de pele, garantindo que até mesmo as peles mais sensíveis possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades.
- Absorção rápida
- Não oleoso
- Suaviza calosidades
- Hidrata
- Não irritante
1. Alívio Imediato: Proporciona alívio rápido para irritações e desconfortos na pele.
2. Hidratação Profunda: Mantém a pele hidratada, evitando ressecamento e promovendo uma aparência saudável.
3. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado em diversas áreas do corpo, desde mãos até pés, atendendo a diferentes necessidades.
4. Fórmula Segura: Ideal para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, sem causar irritações.
5. Efeito Suavizante: Ajuda a suavizar calosidades e áreas ásperas, melhorando a textura da pele.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade adequada do gel sobre a área desejada da pele. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Utilize o gel duas a três vezes ao dia, ou conforme necessário, para manter a pele hidratada e confortável. Evite o contato com os olhos e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Alyssa J –
Carey –
It a nice thick gel that is easy to hold a dollop on your finger. The product works well on abrasions and stopping the itch of a mosquito bite. It doesnt have a scent. I also placed some on a Qtip to clean out my dog’s ear (not in ear canal) but to clean the folds of the ear. Worked great!
Carey –
Works great!!! After one application I could see a difference! It worked great and it soothed my dog’s ear and he no longer wanted to scratch. It was a cooling gel and it was wonderful!!
Analisa –
I burned the top of my hand making toast on Saturday AM. I got this cream on Monday and applied it Monday PM. The scabbing was healed by Thursday and it looks so much better. This stuff really works.
Amazon Customer –
This is a great organic remedy for many
skin issues. For skin care problems, it absorbs Well. it’s not greasy, it does not have an doesn’t have a bad scent. And it comes out of the tube easily. I highly recommend it.
Shae Kline –
Somewhat expensive but the gel quality is excellent. I’ve used it for my shingles outbreaks on my hand and it works wonders. Allows the skin to heal. I would definitely order this again.
EmaLeigh –
I had a stye on my eyelid and this cured it healed in less than 48 hours once I put this on my eye lid.
Amazon Customer –
Burnt my leg on my exhaust on the Harley, It does immediately relieve the pain and it helps with the healing I keep some in the cabinet ordered it the second time the other day. Non-greasy hydrates the burn area and protects promotes healing very easy to apply. Helps with scarring as well Good value for the money
Mommaof3boys –
My teens are swearing by this stuff, they use on their face nightly and say it helps clear up their zits but you have to keep on it, they miss a night or two and you can see zits forming. We will keep trying this, just wish it wasn’t so expensive.
Amazon Customer –
My daughter had these sores on her body that were diagnosed as molluscum contagiousum. It is a virus, and as it sounds, it is very contagious when touched. There is no cure, and it has to run it’s course. From a few months, to a couple years. The dermatologist never gave us anything for the sores, and as my daughter entered 3rd grade, the mean girls started commenting on her “bumps” (they were unsightly). So I started researching what could be used to get rid of the bumps, also looking up what to use to get rid of warts, as although a different virus, I thought it might be worth trying the remedies. Welp. It was after researching a number of searches on Google, combined with some research of reviews on Amazon, that led to me deciding on thia product. I decided to put a good sized drop of gel on a band-aid, and covered her sores. (They start off as bumps, then burst open, get raw, then scab and go away, which takes MONTHS) THIS STUFF WORKED!! when I say it worked, I mean it took a flash bump, to an open wound in one night, and an open wound to a scab in 2 nights, then went away. Complete treatment of each bump within a week. Coincidentally or not, she stopped getting bumps. (I think it’s coincidental, because topical treatment doesn’t get into the viral DNA that’s in the blood) Her dermatologist was quite surprised, and almost defensive. Saying she could have given us something for the bumps……. Yeah. Ok. Almost 2 years later…… Next. I found a skin tag on my upper arm next to my armpit. I thought about the molluscum treatment, and decided to try. Same thing. Gel on bandaid, and covered it. 24 hours later, I took it off. The bump had started to deteriorate. With proof of some blood on the bandaid. It’s already half the size. I’m sure within another few days, it will be gone. I’ve gotten kind of excited, and Ive decided to try 2 things more. I put some on my picked sores on my face from small blemishes. And I’m going to use some of the gel on some brown spots on my arm to start. If it helps, Ill be using it on my chest next, just to be safe, them my face. The one thing the dermatologist warned us, is that it can kind of tattoo your skin. So that’s my hesitancy. Although thia product says no staining. So I hope that’s right. Anyway. Best $13 I’ve ever spent on a skin treatment. : ) (also keep in mind I’m a nurse, so trust me that I researched well) (recent 24 hour treatment of skin tag in pic)