Descrição do Produto: Life-flo Magnesium Gel
O Life-flo Magnesium Gel é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para quem busca alívio e relaxamento para músculos e articulações sobrecarregados. Este gel é formulado com cloreto de magnésio puro, extraído da antiga leito marinho de Zechstein, na Holanda, uma fonte imaculada, longe da poluição moderna. O resultado é um gel concentrado e de alta qualidade, enriquecido com elementos traços provenientes de águas marinhas ancestrais, que proporciona uma experiência de cuidado e bem-estar.
A aplicação do gel é simples e prática. Sua textura suave permite que ele seja facilmente espalhado sobre a pele, sendo rapidamente absorvido. Ao massagear o produto em músculos e articulações cansados, você experimenta uma sensação de relaxamento calmante. O gel pode ser utilizado sozinho ou misturado a um óleo corporal ou loção de magnésio favorita, potencializando a experiência de massagem.
O Life-flo Magnesium Gel é ideal para ser utilizado tanto de dia quanto à noite. Ao acordar, uma leve aplicação pode ajudar a reanimar e revitalizar corpo e mente. À noite, a massagem com o gel proporciona um efeito calmante, ajudando a relaxar os sentidos e preparando o corpo para uma boa noite de sono.
Além de seus benefícios para músculos e articulações, o magnésio também atua como um suavizante para a pele, ajudando a equilibrar e acalmar áreas problemáticas, promovendo uma aparência mais saudável e suave. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se a aplicação diária do gel.
A diferença Life-flo se destaca pela qualidade dos ingredientes utilizados, produzidos em uma instalação moderna em Utah. O cloreto de magnésio tópico é verificado em laboratório quanto à pureza e qualidade, não é testado em animais e vem com uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 60 dias.
– Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para músculos e articulações sobrecarregados.
– Fácil Aplicação: Gel de rápida absorção que se espalha facilmente pela pele.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser usado sozinho ou combinado com outros produtos para massagem.
– Cuidado com a Pele: Ajuda a equilibrar e suavizar a pele, ideal para áreas secas e problemáticas.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido com ingredientes de alta qualidade, verificado em laboratório e não testado em animais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Life-flo Magnesium Gel, aplique uma quantidade generosa do gel diretamente sobre a área desejada. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido pela pele. Para um efeito revitalizante, utilize pela manhã, aplicando o gel em músculos e articulações que necessitam de atenção. À noite, aplique novamente para ajudar a relaxar e acalmar o corpo antes de dormir. Para potencializar a experiência, considere misturar o gel com um óleo corporal ou loção de magnésio, criando uma mistura personalizada que atenda às suas necessidades específicas.
A Customer –
This is great stuff. A terrific way to boost magnesium levels without the laxative effect of taking it orally. You get more usable magnesium into your body by using magnesium gel or oil. I have chronic muscle spasms and the thing that helps the most is this magnesium gel. As other reviews have said, it is drying – it can cause a “rash” from drying out your skin. Each person has a different tolerance because each person has a different level of skin sensitivity. I cannot just put this gel on my skin and leave it all day – it is too much for my sensitive skin. I put it on and wash it off 10-20 minutes later. I can feel it working instantly – I can literally feel it being absorbed into my skin. It is impressive! When I used to get leg cramps at night, I would put this gel on and the cramp would be completely gone within 30 seconds. I don’t get cramps anymore because I use this in a regular basis and my magnesium levels have restored to normal levels. Another unexpected benefit of getting my magnesium level back to normal through using this gel is that it had kept gray hairs at bay. Given my family history of going gray early that has all been seen with my siblings, I should have gray hairs by now. All of my friends of the same age do. But not me – not one that I can find. Turns out gray hair can be triggered by a magnesium deficiency – one of the many ways your body uses magnesium is to make your hair colored (not gray). I love this outward sign that I am doing the right thing to keep my magnesium levels in a healthy range. And I have this gel to thank for that!
Reader –
for me it works as good as ben gay. soothes achy muscles and relieves pain. i hear we are all deficient in magnesium, this is a good way to get it without having to swallow a pill.
JMT 1913. –
This item is very good value last for a long time, very helpful for all ages and improves health, good price will order from this seller again.
Cheryl R. –
I can’t say enough about this stuff! Due to medical issues I develop low magnesium levels frequently. Of course this affects the body in many ways, the most annoying for me is the sudden, excruciating cramps of the calves and feet. This product when applied to the skin over the cramp relieves the cramp within a minute or two. Of course it is messy and must be wiped off after use but it is definitely worth it. I have read reviews where the reviewers complain of the picking sensation. When you feel the tiny “picks” this sensation is due to the magnesium being absorbed into the skin. This means that your deficiency is severe enough for the absorption to produce notable pain. After the “picking” stops you are supposed to wipe off what is left. You can apply another application if necessary and again wipe it off (or shower it off) after the “picking” stops. You really need to remove the excess gel as it is extremely drying to the skin. You can also get extra magnesium by soaking your feet in epsum salts and you may get the “pricking” sensation during this process as well. Getting extra magnesium through absorption is a preferred way because when you take it orally it has a laxative effect! If you get a lot of cramps you may need a supplement. Get the kind that releases the magnesium slowly in order to prevent the laxative effect. And yes magnesium can help with sleep, it can also help with high blood pressure because magnesium affects these processes in the body. It’s all about balance! But balance is not always easy to achieve which is why I like to keep a bottle of this topical gel in bathroom. I’m a nurse, everything written here can be substantiated if you choose to do so. This is wonderful stuff if you need it!
Jacobus deRottmann –
My application:
Magnesium is the mineral the body uses to relax muscles. Like many other folks, I have been prone to occasional leg cramps, mainly when lying down. So I keep several magnesium products by the bed. Magnesium cream stays put but doesn’t soak in unless I rub in magnesium oil at the same time. Magnesium oil tends to run down my leg while I’m applying it.
Magnesium gel can be applied without it running away, and soaks in, helping to relieve the cramping. Good product.
My acupuncturist recommended using this for tight muscles. She recommended mixing one tablespoon of this magnesium gel and mixing with three tablespoons of lotion (I use Shea Butter Cetaphil lotion). I use it as a massage lotion and it has been helping.
くぼ ワレンチナ –
ジェルがとても気に入りました! 痛みを和らげます! 夜はふくらはぎや関節に塗ってクリームと混ぜると、肌が乾燥してしまいます。 体をマグネシウムで満たし、けいれんや痛みを素早く和らげます!!!
mary johnson –
This Magnesium gel BURNS the skin! I have happily been using the Lifeflo magnesium lotion with EXCELLENT results. However it seems as though they no longer carry the popular unscented version I have been using. The reviews say that the vanilla scented is horrible so when I found this gel version I immediately purchased it. The minute I put it on my legs it started to sting and burn, within minutes the burning was absolutely unbearable. I got up out of bed, and attempted multiple times to wash my legs off in the shower to no avail. No matter what soap I used there was still a residue from the gel. The stinging and burning lessened but didn’t go away. And much to my frustration they do not accept returns. So I $20 for something that does the OPPOSITE of what it claims it should. It does NOT soothe!! I’m so disappointed because the unscented lotion worked so well and I cannot use this gel at all. There should be a disclaimer on the listing about how it is not diluted and that it is NOT for use on sensitive skin! I would appreciate a refund!!
Richard Berry –
Seems to help with aches and pain BUT leaves a white film on my skin. And where it was put on my back a little thicker, it dried and flaked off, rather annoying.
ItsAnt… –
Sleep well! I use it when I take a shower in the evening and go to bed. Eliminates odor if paired with a clean diet and helps ease the stress of mineral deficiency allowing REST.