O Gel de Limpeza Facial Medpeel para Pele Oleosa, com 250ml, é a solução ideal para quem busca uma limpeza diária eficaz e que respeite a integridade da pele. Formulado especialmente para peles oleosas, este gel purificador atua de maneira profunda, removendo sujeira, óleo, maquiagem e impurezas, enquanto mantém os óleos naturais da pele. Com uma combinação poderosa de ceramidas e niacinamida, o Medpeel Skin Balancing Cleansing Gel não apenas limpa, mas também ajuda a refinar os poros, proporcionando uma textura suave e uma aparência saudável e radiante.
A fórmula inovadora deste gel de limpeza é projetada para controlar o excesso de óleo e a produção de sebo, resultando em uma pele fresca e revigorada. Ideal para ser utilizado antes de peelings químicos da MedPeel, ele prepara a pele para maximizar os resultados dos tratamentos subsequentes. Além disso, sua ação suave potencializa a absorção de séruns e hidratantes, tornando a rotina de cuidados com a pele ainda mais eficaz. Com 8,5 fl oz, o Medpeel Skin Balancing Cleansing Gel é um aliado indispensável na busca por uma pele equilibrada e luminosa.
– Purifica a pele sem remover seus óleos naturais, mantendo a hidratação.
– Refina os poros e suaviza a textura da pele, reduzindo a aparência de poros dilatados.
– Controla o excesso de óleo e a produção de sebo, evitando o brilho indesejado.
– Prepara a pele para peelings químicos da MedPeel, otimizando os resultados.
– Potencializa a absorção de séruns e hidratantes, melhorando a eficácia dos produtos de cuidados.
Para utilizar o Medpeel Skin Balancing Cleansing Gel, comece umedecendo o rosto com água morna. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do gel nas palmas das mãos e ative-o com movimentos circulares suaves, massageando delicadamente o rosto por cerca de 30 segundos. Enxágue bem com água abundante até remover todo o produto. Este gel de limpeza é suave o suficiente para ser utilizado tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, garantindo uma pele limpa e equilibrada em qualquer momento do dia.
Nathaniel –
I have very dry and sensitive skin. So, obviously I am not the target for this balancing cleanser designed for oily skin. However, in the summertime, I do have issues with excess sebum and enlarged pores on my nose and chin, while the rest of my face is still parched. I have had some luck with trying skin care products made for oily skin and just using them on my areas of concern. At first I thought it would be a bit of a hassle, but it really is no big deal. I use this two or three times a week to avoid over-drying and irritating my skin (this isn’t as gentle as the products I use on the rest of my face) and it does seem to be helping to lessen the oiliness I have been experiencing. I have been using this for over a month, and it hasn’t really had any effect on my pores, though (most skin care products don’t). This is a fairly thick gel with a light, pleasant scent. The formulation does contain added fragrance; the product description states that it is a melon scent, and I guess it is a little fruity. I don’t notice it after the first few minutes. The cleanser rinses away completely, leaving my skin feeling very clean. The current price of $22.00 seems quite reasonable for a tube that contains a little over 8 ounces, especially since only a small amount is needed. The product arrived wrapped in plastic and was properly sealed.
Zingo –
This cleanser is an easy 5 stars for me. The smell is pleasant and not heavy, it cleans my skin without irritating my rosacea, and I included a couple pictures to show that it’s bigger than I expected.
The cleanser is clear and just thick enough that it doesn’t roll off too fast and drip into the sink. I am accustomed to more lather, so initially I used more than I needed – which I later realized wasn’t necessary at all.
The smell is light and kind of fruity, reminding me of a certain popular brand of candy, maybe the watermelon… with a little apple? But more natural, less sugary sweet. I would consider it a light and pleasant scent, but if you don’t like that candy or any scents you might find it unappealing. I can smell it for a short time afterwards but I also use other products following this and they may be masking any lingering scent. Ok I need to get off the scent, I really like it, nostalgic maybe, without the cavities.
My skin feels clean but not all dried out like it did with the product I was using previously. I have noticed the texture of my skin has improved and my pores do look smaller, but I’ve really been trying to take better care of it (including other skincare products like moisturizers) so I can’t 100% attribute it to this cleanser – I do think it’s a major contributor and I definitely plan to keep using it. I’m very pleased to have found another product that has been gentle on my sensitive skin!
Barbara Endicott –
Love it
Christine –
This is a very good cleansing gel for combination skin. It did not strip my husband’s face, yet it felt very clean after use. He usually doesn’t use a face wash in the morning, but has been opting for this one. He also is using this brands other products: eye cream, moisturizer, face cream and serum and he is very content with the results he has achieved using this brands products on a daily basis.
SuLu –
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The lid won’t seal as shown in the video
Also the cleansing strength is mild/low
Dobro –
I don’t love this cleanser and I just don’t love the products I have tried from this brand. I prefer a cream based cleanser or something a lot more gentle on the skin. This is a gel cleanser that definitely lathers up and gets your face squeaky clean. If you are oily, using something harsh that strips away the oils will just make you oilier in the long run. However, in the short run this cleanser will make you feel very, very clean. I found I could not use this cleanser both in the AM ad PM without feeling very stripped and dry. Actives like Niacinamide have to sit on the skin and penetrate the skin barrier to be any good at reducing hyperpigmentation or brightening the skin. So, I don’t really see the point of putting actives like that in a face wash. Just seems like a wasteful way to jack up the price on a facial cleanser by adding popular ingredients to get people, who are trusting that the ingredients will actually work for them, to buy the product because of the catch phrases. It would be much better to find a gentle cleanser and then include those actives as serums in your skincare routine so they have time to penetrate the skin and actually do some good.
William’s Syndrome Mama –
I love this stuff. Actually heals your skin. Using this for even a week will have you noticing a difference. I A/B tested on half my face with a regular cleaner as a placebo and it’s night and day. It’s good to the point where you can use it for a few weeks, take a week off, and still look good. Honestly you’d have to deliberately neglect your skin to relapse, at least in my experience. This is definitely worth the money as someone who has tried countless products. I will buy again for sure.
Zingo –
MedPeel is a fantastic line of skincare products. I’ve used quite a few of them. This cleansing gel is meant for the face but I actually use it all over my body because it’s got such a wonderful scent and gets so sudsy. I like to use it in my poof as a body wash. A little goes a long way! And you get quite a lot in this bottle!! It leaves my face and skin feeling soft, clean and hydrated, with a light scent that I like quite a lot. I would recommend this and any MedPeel products to anyone.
I use this product as part of my own personal skincare routine. Individual results could vary from person to person. Always remember to test new products in small areas until you’re sure of any reaction your skin may have to something new.
Full disclosure, as an Amazon Vine Voice I received this product at a free/discounted rate. However, I select each individual item for my own use personally and spend at least a month assessing the item before I make my unbiased and honest review. Thanks for reading my thoughts on this product!