Gel de Limpeza Facial Hidratante Clareador By Nature com Vitamina C Cúrcuma – Suave (500ml)
O Gel de Limpeza Facial Hidratante Clareador By Nature com Vitamina C e Cúrcuma é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma pele radiante e saudável. Este produto inovador combina a eficácia da vitamina C, conhecida por suas propriedades clareadoras e antioxidantes, com a cúrcuma, que traz benefícios anti-inflamatórios e antibacterianos. Juntos, esses ingredientes proporcionam uma limpeza profunda e suave, eliminando impurezas e excesso de oleosidade, enquanto hidratam e revitalizam a pele.
Com uma textura em gel refrescante, o limpador facial é perfeito para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis. Sua fórmula não apenas remove a maquiagem e as impurezas, mas também ajuda a uniformizar o tom da pele, clareando manchas escuras e promovendo uma aparência mais luminosa. O uso regular deste gel de limpeza resulta em uma pele mais macia, suave e visivelmente revitalizada, tornando-o um aliado indispensável na rotina de cuidados diários.
Além disso, a ação antioxidante da vitamina C protege a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce e reduzindo a aparência de rugas e linhas finas. A cúrcuma, por sua vez, acalma a pele e ajuda a prevenir o surgimento de acne, tornando este produto uma solução completa para quem deseja manter a pele saudável e bonita.
- Iluminação e Hidratação: Proporciona uma pele radiante e bem hidratada, ideal para o dia a dia.
- Combate ao Envelhecimento: A vitamina C ajuda a prevenir sinais de envelhecimento, mantendo a pele jovem e saudável.
- Clareamento de Manchas: Reduz a aparência de manchas escuras, uniformizando o tom da pele.
- Propriedades Calmantes: A cúrcuma acalma a pele e previne acne, sendo ideal para peles sensíveis.
- Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e maquiagem sem ressecar, deixando a pele macia e revitalizada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Gel de Limpeza Facial Hidratante Clareador By Nature com Vitamina C e Cúrcuma sobre o rosto úmido. Massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, evitando a área dos olhos. Enxágue abundantemente com água morna e seque delicadamente com uma toalha limpa. Recomenda-se o uso diário, tanto pela manhã quanto à noite, como parte da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele, para garantir uma limpeza eficaz e uma pele sempre radiante.
Bahoo –
Amazing face wash. My skin is so smooth & feels super clean!
djw23 –
Great because of the contents and how efficient it is for the face
Cheri –
I’ve used this for a few years now, I absolutely love it! It makes my face feel fresh and clean – every time!
Rose Dawn Scott –
Wow, is this great stuff! But use a *tiny* amount; the first time I used it, I applied what I *thought* was a little dab of the cleanser to my damp face, and boyo-boy, I had so much lather it took forever to rinse off, LOL! I *loved* the way my skin felt afterward though, so the next time I tried just a *tiny* small amount, and it worked wonderfully. Now that I’ve got the “small means SMALL” through my head, I’m using it and continuing to love it. It’s actually manager to impress me! My facial skin is clean, moisturized, and feels great. I can’t say enough great things about this “By Nature” cleanser, first time I’ve tried this company’s products, but I’ll order the cleanser over and over. I have sensitive skin, too, and no irritation at all. Buy it! You’ll be glad you did. I sure am! 🙂
djw23 –
There were two holes in the foil seal covering the tube for my first order and it seemed like the seal had been removed and reapplied. I asked for an exchange to send the first one back and the second one came with a slightly loose foil seal.
So, I came back to revise my original 1 star review, which was 1 star mostly because I thought the product had been tampered with and resold as new. My new opinion is that I think the product may get a little too hot during shipping (weather permitting) and the seal is not strong enough to hold on. This is because I opened the second shipment pretty quickly after delivery and the tube was very warm to the touch.
As for the product itself, I like the cleanser enough to order it again when this one runs out. The faint cucumber smell is nice and the gel feels good going on. It’s a very fast and easy to clean your face before bed if you use this cleanser and I’m all about getting though my getting ready for bed routine, and popping into our comfy bed as quickly as possible.
The only reason I didn’t rate this as 5 stars is because I didn’t realize the product would lather up. I think I would prefer it better if it didn’t lather but I would still buy it again regardless.
Fluffy –
Good effect on my skin, this was my third time that I bought it and good price
Fluffy –
The face wash smells good and cleanses well. However, it does not measure up in overall performance as another product I have used.
Amazon Customer –
I picked up my package today and when I opened the product it came a mess!!! There is gunk all over the front of the bottle. I took the cap off and the seal was off and the product was all in the cap.