O Juice Beauty GREEN APPLE Brightening Gel Cleanser é um limpador facial hidratante rico em antioxidantes que proporciona uma tez mais brilhante. Com uma fórmula inovadora, este gel de limpeza é ideal para mulheres que buscam uma pele iluminada e saudável. Feito com sucos botânicos orgânicos, hidroxiácidos de cana-de-açúcar e limpadores de origem vegetal, ele purifica a pele enquanto a hidrata, revelando uma aparência mais refinada e radiante.
O suave limpador facial purifica profundamente com limpadores de coco, removendo impurezas e resíduos acumulados ao longo do dia. Além disso, a presença do ácido málico de maçãs verdes orgânicas proporciona uma esfoliação suave, refinando a textura da pele e promovendo um brilho natural. Com sua ação clareadora e antioxidante, o produto não apenas limpa, mas também protege a pele contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, garantindo uma hidratação intensa e duradoura.
Sugestão de Uso
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o Juice Beauty GREEN APPLE Brightening Gel Cleanser pela manhã e à noite. Massageie suavemente o produto no rosto, pescoço e colo, utilizando movimentos circulares. Em seguida, enxágue bem com água morna. Para potencializar os efeitos, siga com os demais produtos da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
- 1. Aparência mais brilhante: Este limpador facial ajuda a revelar uma aparência mais brilhante e refinada, proporcionando um aspecto radiante à pele.
- 2. Rica em antioxidantes: Formulado com sucos botânicos orgânicos e hidroxiácidos de cana-de-açúcar, este produto é rico em antioxidantes que ajudam a proteger a pele contra danos causados pelos radicais livres.
- 3. Limpador suave: Com limpadores de coco, este produto limpa suavemente a pele, removendo impurezas e resíduos sem causar ressecamento.
- 4. Esfoliação suave: O ácido málico de maçãs verdes orgânicas presente neste limpador facial ajuda a esfoliar suavemente a pele, removendo células mortas e deixando-a mais refinada.
- 5. Hidratação intensa: Além de limpar e esfoliar, este produto também hidrata a pele, deixando-a macia, suave e hidratada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomendamos utilizar este limpador facial pela manhã e à noite. Massageie suavemente o produto no rosto, pescoço e colo, em seguida, enxágue bem. Siga com os demais produtos da sua rotina de cuidados com a pele para maximizar os benefícios e garantir uma pele saudável e radiante.
Bel –
This is literally the best face wash I have ever used in my entire 22 years of life. I wish I had started using this sooner. I first bought this from Ulta a few months ago and this has been my third time repurchasing because it is just that good. I think this will be the only facial cleanser I will use for the rest of my life, UNLESS they change the formula. I really hope Juice Beauty never changes the formula of this cleanser because as it is right now it is PERFECT. I hadn’t repurchased this cleanser in a couple of months so I had to resort to using other cleansers for a while when it ran out because it is pricey, and the other cleansers do not come NEAR the quality of this one. Within TWO days of using this, my skin is already looking and feeling so healthy and amazing. I don’t think I even need to tone or moisturize with this. It’s not drying at all, and doesn’t irritate my sensitive skin. Even though this product is targeted to ageing skin, I feel like anyone can use it. Like I said, I’m only 22 and this has done wonders for my skin. Thank you Juice Beauty for creating such amazing quality natural skincare. I will be a loyal customer as long as you don’t sell-out to higher corporate interests that will compromise the quality, such as many other brands have done before.
Mercedes Brunelli –
This is my favorite face wash. The citrus smell leave me feeling clean and fresh. Makes a great lather.
Jill Stacy Bornstein-Hyman –
Cons: Not worth $. Leaves face super dry & I bought this for brightening and didn’t see much difference over months like I do with other products in only a day. Didn’t notice a difference using this on my pigmentation, face or chest (I always use vitamin c products on my face and can quickly see a difference when using them on my chest, but not with this). Also if you’ve exfoliated that day or are not healed from day before, it will burn, but you can otherwise gently use with sensitive skin. There are cheaper antioxidant support cleansers out there, won’t be repurchasing.
Pros: Smell is strongly weirdly citrus but totally ok, I don’t love it but it’s not bad (and washes off). Company is eco-friendly vegan, bottle made with recyclable plastic. Love the pump. Cute and functional design. Probably quality ingredients.
Mocha54j –
I normally have combination and sensitive skin. I’ve been using this about a year and my skin has no oil! Its not moisturizing but I use the most for that and it doesn’t add excess oil either. It is a bit drying but not too bad. I even have bangs and they don’t get oily! No break outs either! I love it and I am very picky!
Lucy C –
I like the consistency of this product, it’s not watery like some soaps are, it has a great lather and smells nice. I can use one or a half of a pump and wash my entire face well. I have really enjoyed it so far. Not sure it is truly lightening my dark spots but I would purchase again just bc it’s a very nice face soap. And it doesn’t dry my skin out and hasn’t caused any issues with the psoriasis that I have on my hands.
Alex –
I like how it has clean ingredients and leaves your face feeling squeaky clean!
Katherine –
Love it and using also a face moisturizer. The smell is amazing and my face is so clean and exfoliated. The moisturizer keeps your face moistures all day. Going to try a few other a juice Beauty products and I’m sure they will be just as amazing! 😊
Debbie Garoutte –
I have very sensitive skin, especially in my facial area. It is hard for me to find a cleansing product that does not cause me to break out. Juice Beauty’s facial cleanser is extremely gentle but it always leaves my skin feeling very clean and best of all it is formulated for skin just like mine. I love it. I have been using it for years.
Norma Martinez –
It leaves my skins super clean and doesn’t strip it too much. It makes my skin super soft and doesn’t feel dry after washing my face. It also has a light apple scent which i like!
Joonie Millu –
Brightens without irritation or dryness .