Descrição do Produto: 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack
O 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack é um produto versátil que pode ser utilizado tanto para aplicação de calor quanto de frio. Sua flexibilidade permite que ele permaneça maleável mesmo quando congelado, proporcionando um ajuste confortável ao corpo. Feito com materiais de alta qualidade, este gel pack é resistente, durável e reutilizável, garantindo sua longa vida útil.
Além disso, o 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack possui mangas de lã macia disponíveis separadamente, que podem ser utilizadas para proteger a pele durante a aplicação do gel pack. Essas mangas proporcionam uma sensação suave e agradável ao toque, aumentando ainda mais o conforto durante o uso.
Este produto é seguro para uso, pois é livre de substâncias tóxicas e não contém látex, evitando possíveis reações alérgicas. Sua composição de gel de alta qualidade garante uma terapia eficaz, proporcionando alívio para dores musculares, lesões, inchaços e outros desconfortos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Terapia versátil: pode ser utilizado tanto para aplicação de calor quanto de frio, proporcionando alívio para diferentes tipos de desconfortos;
- Flexibilidade quando congelado: mantém sua maleabilidade mesmo em baixas temperaturas, garantindo um ajuste confortável ao corpo;
- Resistente e durável: feito com materiais de alta qualidade, o 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack é resistente e reutilizável, oferecendo uma longa vida útil;
- Mangas de lã macia disponíveis: as mangas de lã podem ser adquiridas separadamente e proporcionam uma sensação suave ao toque, aumentando o conforto durante o uso;
- Seguro e livre de substâncias tóxicas: o gel pack é não-tóxico e não contém látex, garantindo um uso seguro e evitando possíveis reações alérgicas.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para utilizar o 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Para aplicação de calor: aqueça o gel pack em água quente ou no micro-ondas, conforme as instruções de tempo e temperatura fornecidas;
- Para aplicação de frio: coloque o gel pack no freezer por pelo menos duas horas antes de usar;
- Antes de aplicar o gel pack no corpo, verifique a temperatura para evitar queimaduras ou desconforto excessivo;
- Caso deseje, utilize a manga de lã macia para proteger a pele durante a aplicação;
- Aplique o gel pack na área afetada e deixe agir pelo tempo recomendado;
- Após o uso, limpe o gel pack com um pano úmido e guarde-o em local fresco e seco.
Para utilizar o 9×12 Comfort Gel Pack, siga as instruções abaixo:
- Para aplicação de calor: aqueça o gel pack em água quente ou no micro-ondas, conforme as instruções de tempo e temperatura fornecidas;
- Para aplicação de frio: coloque o gel pack no freezer por pelo menos duas horas antes de usar;
- Antes de aplicar o gel pack no corpo, verifique a temperatura para evitar queimaduras ou desconforto excessivo;
- Caso deseje, utilize a manga de lã macia para proteger a pele durante a aplicação;
- Aplique o gel pack na área afetada e deixe agir pelo tempo recomendado;
- Após o uso, limpe o gel pack com um pano úmido e guarde-o em local fresco e seco.
Amazon Customer –
It was way larger than I realized and is a little weighty. It works well and is made well. I just can’t use it on my neck because of the heaviness of it. I can lean my back on it though.
The Iron Beast –
The size and quality is great, it’s flexible and actually gets cold, lasting well. It works very well as a heating pad too. It is a great size and covers more area than the standard ice pack.
Gwen Morris –
Works great and stays cold for a good amount of time
Louis Wolfenson –
It’s flexible and cold enough to do It’s job through a towel.
Dorothea C. –
If you haven’t used ice packs before, they provide extremely rapid and effective pain relief. Get over the ick factor: they really work! This one is a good size for hip or knee surgery and stays cold much longer than the ones made of opaque blue plastic with removable covers because it has much more gel in it. Do use an old T-shirt or 1-2 old dishtowels between your skin and the ice pack to protect your skin. Shape it to fit. You can keep it in place and prolong the cold by wrapping a bath towel around yourself over the pack. Left in the freezer for a long time – days – it will get very stiff and take a while to soften – just give it time. Get 2-3 packs so you can rotate them in and out of the freezer if you’re in a lot of pain. I also like my ice machine but these packs are actually better the first week after surgery; they’re colder than the machines. And much less of a hassle than the machine. Between these and my pain meds, I was able to keep post-surgical pain to an entirely manageable level.
Kim Hunter –
I’ve suffered with chronic migraines for over 35 years. I know . . . it’s the pits! 🙂 Along with needing darkness, quiet, no sounds, and no smells when I have a migraine . . I found over the years, that COLD on the forehead and over the eyes helped a lot! Family and friends, feeling so badly for me, and wanting to help would give me a cold pack that they just happen to have in their freezer, knowing that cold helps me when I hurt so bad. Needless to say, every person had a different brand of gel pack. I have quite a collection of gel packs from various manufacturers.
My wife sees a chiropractor and noticed some gel packs for sale that looked worth trying. She purchased two and brought them home for me to try. It just so happens that they were Accurate Manufacturing Comfort Gel Packs. I thought nothing of it for quite a long time. I was just glad to have a couple more gel packs to rotate in and out of the freezer so that I could maintain the “freezing cold” on my forehead.
This is what I discovered from using the different brands. I have 4, brand X blue gel packs that are quite thin, not much gel. They only keep the “cold” for a few minutes. Never “freezing cold”. Not good. I have another pack that is filled with a white colored substance of some sort. This substance doesn’t transfer the cold to the body very well at all. This gel also just separates into small globs and the cold is gone quickly. Again, not good.
The Accurate Manufacturing Comfort Gel Packs are quite different. From the freezer, the gel has a thick stiffness to it. It still allows you to squeeze it around inside the pack and form to whatever you need to cool. It does NOT separate. It stays exactly where you put it. The pack stays “freezing cold” for 15 – 25 minutes, depending on how and where you are applying it to your body. After that time, it remains “cold” for up to 1 hour before needing to put it back in the freezer.
The fastest way to get the pack back to “freezing cold” is to put it in a freezer that has a fan blowing cold air on to the Gel Pack. Most refrigerator/freezers operate this way. The Gel Pack will refreeze even faster if you can set it on a freezer “rack” (not a shelf) with no obstruction of the blowing cold from the top and the bottom of the gel pack. Standard upright freezers and chest freezers that don’t have fans take much longer, but eventually get it to “freezing cold”. If you don’t need “freezing cold” ASAP, as I do . . . then it works just fine. The end result is the same.
My first two Comfort Gel Packs were the smaller size that just fit over the forehead. They work great! I just recently broke a bone in my foot and decided I wanted something bigger. I purchased 4 of these 9X12 Comfort Gel Packs. They are fantastic! I’ll never have to worry about running out of “freezing cold” for my migraines ever again.
A word of caution. The Comfort Gel Packs transfer the cold so well, that when coming out of the freezer, they can freeze burn your skin, as if you were touching dry ice. To get safe cold to the forehead (or wherever you most need it), moisten a kitchen towel or cloth with tap water. Then, wring out the access water. Next, wrap the Comfort Gel Pack in the moist towel and place it on the desired area. That’s it. For me, they are “tried and true”. I dare you to find a better product. Good luck with that. Enjoy the Comfort Gel Pack!
already in use –
I tried several of the cold packs currently on offer at Amazon, and the Comfort Gel Pack is the best one I’ve found.
I use a cold pack as a cushion over a frozen pack (the kind used for shipping cold medicine). The Comfort Gel Pack is much more flexible than the packs with heavy vinyl skins, such as
Chattanooga Standard Size Cold Pack – 11″ x 14″ ColPac – Blue Vinyl Ice Pack #1500
Cold Pack – ColPaC Brand – Blue Vinyl – Oversize – 11″ x 21″
. The greater flexibility makes the pack much more comfortable and more effective to use with a frozen cold pack.
For me, the Comfort Gel Pack stays at its coldest for about 20 minutes and retains a noticeable coolness for an additional 30 minutes (in a warm room). This is notably longer than others I’ve tried. It may be that the gel in those other packs is staying cool longer, but you can’t feel the cool any more because of the heavy skin.
Another characteristic of this pack is its complete absence of odor. Some brands get absolutely stinky as the pack warms up. (None of the ones I bought on Amazon are all that smelly, however.)
The main drawback of the Comfort Gel Pack is that it’s more fragile than the thick-skinned packs, so you’re obliged to be more careful with it. It is, however, significantly less expensive than some others.
My second favorite gel pack is the Ace Reusable Cold Compress (with a surface called Soft Touch Fabric). I bought this in a drugstore, but I see that Amazon has it as
Becton Dickenson 58207517 7.5 x 11.5 Inch Ace Reusable Cold Compress – Blue
. This compress is flexible and reasonably comfortable, but contains a a minimum of gel. I don’t know if any of the packs have gel formulas that make them retain coolness longer. As far as I can tell, the variation relates directly to the amount of gel in the pack and the insularity/thickness of the pack surface.
farf –
Are use this ice pack all the time as it is perfect for when I sit on the couch and put it on my back. The gel stays cold for quite some time, and is easily shapeable.