Descrição do Produto: Gel Bloqueador de Partículas Aéreas Original Airborne
O Gel Bloqueador de Partículas Aéreas Original Airborne é a solução ideal para quem busca proteção diária contra poluentes e irritantes presentes no ar. Com uma fórmula inovadora e livre de drogas, este gel é projetado para criar uma barreira eficaz ao redor do nariz, permitindo que você respire com tranquilidade, mesmo em ambientes contaminados. A sua fragrância clara e nítida, reintroduzida por demanda popular, proporciona uma experiência refrescante enquanto protege suas vias respiratórias.
- FORMULAÇÃO ORIGINAL NASALGUARD: Reintroduzindo a clássica fragrância clara e nítida, oferecendo a mesma tecnologia de bloqueio de partículas aéreas livre de drogas para uma proteção aprimorada contra irritantes no ar.
- MAXIMIZE SUA DEFESA: Aumente sua defesa com NasalGuard. Aplicar este gel nasal inovador ao redor do nariz proporciona uma camada adicional de proteção contra partículas aéreas, poluentes e ar contaminado. Aproveite seu dia sem se preocupar com irritantes ambientais.
- APLICAÇÃO SEM ESFORÇO: Aplicar NasalGuard é muito fácil. Basta uma gota deste gel nasal avançado ao redor das narinas e do lábio superior para criar uma barreira protetora, impedindo a entrada de milhares de partículas aéreas em seu corpo. É uma solução simples e conveniente para proteção duradoura contra contaminantes e poluição.
- BASEADO EM FÍSICA SIMPLES: NasalGuard é um gel filtrante nasal cientificamente comprovado que oferece proteção direcionada para aqueles expostos a ar poluído. Com sua fórmula inovadora, bloqueia efetivamente a inalação de partículas aéreas, garantindo que você possa respirar livremente e confortavelmente. Experimente o poder da ciência no combate a poluentes no ar.
- PARA TODA A FAMÍLIA: NasalGuard é seguro para toda a família, sem interações conhecidas com medicamentos. Seja você uma criança, adulto ou idoso, pode usá-lo com confiança a qualquer hora do dia. Sinta-se à vontade sabendo que NasalGuard não interferirá com outros medicamentos que você possa estar tomando.
- VIAJE COM CONFIANÇA: Antes de entrar em espaços públicos como aeroportos e aviões, proteja-se com NasalGuard. Ele proporciona a confiança necessária para navegar por ar potencialmente contaminado. Este tubo portátil vem em um tamanho conveniente que pode acompanhá-lo facilmente no bolso, bolsa ou bagagem de mão, tornando-o perfeito para viagens.
1. Proteção Eficaz: Bloqueia partículas aéreas, poluentes e irritantes, garantindo uma respiração mais saudável.
2. Fórmula Segura: Livre de drogas e interações medicamentosas, adequado para toda a família.
3. Fácil Aplicação: Simples de usar, permitindo que você se proteja rapidamente em qualquer lugar.
4. Ideal para Viagens: Compacto e portátil, perfeito para uso em ambientes públicos e durante viagens.
5. Base Científica: Desenvolvido com tecnologia comprovada, oferecendo uma solução confiável contra poluentes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Gel Bloqueador de Partículas Aéreas Original Airborne, aplique uma pequena quantidade do gel ao redor das narinas e do lábio superior. Certifique-se de que a área esteja limpa e seca antes da aplicação. Aplique o gel antes de entrar em ambientes potencialmente poluídos ou sempre que sentir a necessidade de proteção adicional contra irritantes. Reaplique conforme necessário ao longo do dia para manter a eficácia da barreira protetora.
Amy L Branham –
I get sinus infections when I fly from the recirculated air. I have been using a little nose filter for the last several years. The filters that stick to your nose really cut down the ability to breathe, so you are breathing through your mouth the entire time. I was almost out of those and decided to try this. I applied it to the opening and just inside my nose. You can actually breathe normally with this. I have been home for 4 days and no sinus infection!!! This really works. 😃 My only con is that the amount/size of the tube is very small. It doesn’t take much of the product, a little less than a pea size. This is my new product to use for flights.
E. C. Pick –
How does this product fail? Let me count the ways.
No tests available at their website showing efficacy and safety.
The product is for allergy sufferers. If you sneeze, if your nose runs, if you need to wipe your nose, you need to reapply the product.
I also have grave doubts that this would block a reasonable percentage of the pollen entering your nose as the gap between your nostrils is wide compared to what is a probably miniscule electrostatic charge.
S Tanty –
Be aware : Unable to return
Ordered a larger size and the smaller ones are inadequte and dried up but can’t be returned
FrazierMommie –
let me just start out by saying.. I am allergic to all. the things.. inside and out. I’ve done allergy shots and taken all the medications and everything else. The last few years I have gotten so so sick when going outside spring summer and fall because of things I am allergic to. I take daily allergy meds, but I just felt like I needed something else. I briefly saw this stuff or something similar a few years ago and thought… yea right that is fake it can’t help. I broke down and bought it and I stand corrected. This stuff really has helped me from being so stuffed up and helped my sinus pressure. My kids are using it to and its really helped.
Boushy –
Unbelievable, It REALLY works!! I’m literally in shock. This product actually worked for me. I mean you read the reviews, take a chance and hope for the best. But this stuff REALLY works! I’m not quite sure how, but it does.
For years my allergies have gotten progressively worse. I’ve recently found out that my cats are a huge allergy factor for me (3 allergy pills per day, 3 different inhalers for asthma). I had to cut ALL of my exposure to them. Our family had made the heart breaking decision that we might have to give them up. With the cats sequestered in a different part of the house, we feverishly searched for foster homes for them. No one had room, or could take them. Desperate, and praying for a miracle, I stumbled across this product.
To be honest, I was skeptical, and not expecting much. I gingerly applied the medicine to my nose. Right away I noticed the smell. It smells like kinda like Vicks vapor rub, but not quite as strong. I wasn’t sure if it would flare up my perfume allergy, but surprisingly it didn’t.
After a few minutes, I felt like my sinuses were clear. And I just felt normal, not like I was constantly battling something. Feeling brave, I wanted to test it out with the cats. So I peeked in to see them, which normally I wouldn’t be able to step within 5 ft of the door. I couldn’t believe it, no itchy eyes, no feeling sluggish. I actually could pet them for the first time in months.
I’m SO thankful I found this product. It truly has given us hope that we might be able to keep our cats, without compromising my health. Can’t wait to share this news with my doctor.
To Nasalguard, Thank you so much for inventing this completely amazing product.
jackie –
A must buy listen to me please
If u have a child that suffers from any dust tree pillion or animals you need this!!! My daughter has tried all allergy meds even allergy shots from the doctor and nothing has worked for her!!!
I followed the directions on the back and within 15 mins my daughter wasn’t sucking up snot ever 3 seconds
This is a life saver and im gonna keep ordering 2 of theses every week
Just to stock up
Found this product from a tik tok creator
This product is truly the best for all my daughter allergies
Mrs. C. J. Jones –
Buy this to use on our Cruise holidays,confined on a ship with hundreds of people only takes 1 to sneeze and it travels like wild fire. This helps to keep the worst of it a bay.
Bunnie –
I am impressed by this stuff. I’ve used it for two reasons. Firstly when I’m in crowded situations without fresh air like in busy Christmas supermarkets, on trains or at an airport/on a plane and secondly for hayfever. Admittedly I probably use more than is suggested, and I spread it around both my nose and my mouth. You can never know if it’s stopped you catching a cold or Covid— But it’s stopped my sneezing from pollen, which is proof enough for me!
Glen –
After trying allergy meds, nasal spray, and literal Vicks rub for my extremely itchy nose, I discovered this. I’m in love with it. I have lost it bout 5 or 6 times just because of its size, but I’d always plead with God to help me find it as I practically clawed at the itchy insides of my nostrils. My allergies are terrible because of my inside cats and my really old house. But neither of those factors are changing for a while, so this stuff really helps me. I need it in like, a toothpaste bottle size for how often my nostrils burn with the itch of hell. I’d buy it if it were 50$ I don’t care about the price because this stuff works… believe me, I’ve tried pretty much everything out there for allergies. The scent doesn’t bother me either. I think it actually helps me more because of its minty smell. But I don’t care if it smelt like rotten salmon that’s been sitting in the fridge for 5 months. I’d still use it.
Kellen –
I live where allergies are a serious problem which interfere with your quality of life. When the pollen is high my nose itches constantly and intensely. I work in video sessions all day and found myself constantly rubbing my nose and my entire face because of the pollen. This tiny tube of cream stopped it completely. I put on a thin layer first thing in the morning and it works for about 8-10 hours. I have no itching – at all. By the end of the day it does wear off and the itching comes back. I see what a difference the cream has been making. It also seems to reduce the inflammation and irritation which occurs in my nasal passages, sinuses, and throat caused by inhaling the pollen. I’m using it with Flonase so the effect may not entirely be the cream The cream absorbs completely, it is not sticky or greasy. You don’t even feel it on your nose. The tube is tiny but goes along way and once you experience the relief, it is well worth the price.