GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder – Aumenta o Fluxo Sanguíneo, Aumenta a Força e Energia, Melhora o Desempenho nos Exercícios (Blue Raspberry, 30 Porções)
O GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder é um suplemento pré-treino de alta qualidade que oferece uma série de benefícios para melhorar o desempenho durante os exercícios físicos. Com sua fórmula avançada, este produto é projetado para aumentar o fluxo sanguíneo, impulsionar a força e energia, e melhorar o desempenho geral nos exercícios.
Agora com Nitrosigine para bombas ainda maiores! Esta nova fórmula apresenta Nitrosigine como sua única fonte de Arginina. Nitrosigine tem mostrado inibir a enzima responsável pela quebra da Arginina, tornando-se a escolha superior de suplementação de arginina e um parceiro sinérgico perfeito para a L-Citrulina.
Nitrosigine tem benefícios cientificamente validados que duram até 6 horas após a dosagem.
Com apenas 1 dose (1 scoop) de NITRAFLEX, você já sentirá sua potência. Não exceda 1 dose em um período de 24 horas e evite tomar NITRAFLEX dentro de 5 horas antes de dormir.
Cada dose de NITRAFLEX contém 200mg de Citrato de Boro, um mineral traço que tem mostrado reduzir os níveis de estrogênio, enquanto aumenta a testosterona livre em até 28,3% em apenas 7 dias!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento do Fluxo Sanguíneo
O GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder é formulado para aumentar o fluxo sanguíneo, o que ajuda a fornecer mais oxigênio e nutrientes para os músculos durante os exercícios. Isso resulta em uma melhor resistência e recuperação mais rápida.
2. Aumento da Força e Energia
Com sua fórmula avançada, este suplemento pré-treino é projetado para impulsionar a força e energia, permitindo que você treine com mais intensidade e alcance melhores resultados. Você se sentirá mais motivado e pronto para enfrentar qualquer desafio.
3. Melhora do Desempenho nos Exercícios
O GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder melhora o desempenho geral nos exercícios, ajudando a aumentar a resistência, a força e a capacidade de se recuperar rapidamente. Você poderá treinar por mais tempo e com mais intensidade, alcançando seus objetivos de forma mais eficaz.
4. Fórmula Avançada com Nitrosigine
A fórmula avançada deste suplemento pré-treino inclui Nitrosigine, uma fonte superior de Arginina que inibe a enzima responsável pela quebra da Arginina. Isso resulta em benefícios duradouros e uma sinergia perfeita com a L-Citrulina.
5. Resultados Comprovados
O GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder é um produto com resultados comprovados. Sua fórmula foi cientificamente validada e os usuários relatam melhorias significativas em seu desempenho físico e resultados de treinamento.
- Aumento significativo do fluxo sanguíneo, promovendo melhor oxigenação muscular.
- Impulso na força e energia, permitindo treinos mais intensos e eficazes.
- Melhoria na resistência e recuperação, possibilitando treinos prolongados.
- Fórmula com Nitrosigine, garantindo benefícios duradouros e sinérgicos.
- Resultados cientificamente comprovados, aumentando a confiança no uso do produto.
Recomenda-se misturar 1 scoop (dose) de GAT SPORT Nitraflex Advanced Pre-Workout Powder com 300ml de água e consumir cerca de 30 minutos antes do treino. Para garantir a eficácia do produto, não exceda 1 dose em um período de 24 horas e evite tomar NITRAFLEX dentro de 5 horas antes de dormir. A dosagem correta é essencial para maximizar os benefícios e evitar possíveis efeitos adversos.
Darko & D –
This pre workout is by far the best one I’ve used to date, felt the energy right away and I didn’t get a crash I highly recommend this and it tastes amazing 👍
Caio –
Guys guys guys.. This is the only review that you need to read. Just came home after working out and for sure, this pre gives you a different high that I have never experienced from any pre-workout before. Could be a case that I have never been a caffeine junkie in my life so that is why it hit like that. But one thing for sure, this will shake your world completely, not only in the gym but also in your day to day life. I am not a big believer in writing reviews but this, this thing has completely hypnotized me. This product definitely has to be up there on the list of things that I will never ever regret buying.
erik n. –
Good flavor, effective without giving me the chitters
Allen –
Thoughts on the product-
Ill start off by saying I am 21 years old, 5’10 and 183-185 pounds, I have been working out seriously for about 2 years now and I have tried many prework outs. Some of my favorites being Superpump max, SAN fierce domination, and a lot of the small scoop high stimulant products like craze, so I have a high tolerance for stimulants.
First of all this was my first time using any GAT product and I must say I have been very impressed. Ill start with the flavor, I chose Green Apple flavor, which was very unique tasting compared to other green apple flavors I’ve tasted, it gave off a very sour aftertaste but was sweet as well, the closest thing to compare it too would be sour candy which was a plus for me, I thought the flavor was outstanding. One thing I also noticed was compared to other pre-workouts that sometimes can take 20-30 minutes to really kick in you start feeling the effects of Nitraflex minutes after you take it , which is a plus for anyone in need of very quick energy.
I personally have never been a fan of the tingles that Beta-alanine provide, however this preworkout features beta-alanine (as carnosyn) dosed at just the right amount, it was not too overpowering to handle. When it comes to vascularity this product is hands down the best I have experienced. The pumps were outstanding and it was a product that left me feeling pumped even hours after my workout, it really works as a great vasodilator where some products claim to fail this one does not.
Energy wise it was great, this product contains 325 mg of caffeine in each scoop, as well as a few other stimulants, so it is not for someone who is very stimulant sensitive, but it is for someone that needs a great boost of energy before a workout.
This product also mixed rather well, there was usually no residue left in the bottom of the shaker when I was done drinking it.
I also thought this product was unique as a preworkout because it also claims to boost testosterone, using Calcium fuctopyranose borate CFB US PATENTED, although I can not back up these claims nor did I see any significant effects over the past few weeks using the product testosterone boost wise, I must say it has worked well all around as a preworkout.
I have just purchased a second tub of watermelon, the flavor is good, but not as good as green apple in my opinion. Overall I really liked Nitraflex, it retails anywhere from $32-$38 and contains 30 servings per container, so that puts you at a minimum of $1.06 per serving which is a little high but if you have the money and are looking for a good pre I would say its well worth it.
Price Per Serving- 8
Overall Rating- 9.6/10
Anand Budhoo –
Great pre-workout, fast delivery, and good price.
Quick and Dirty –
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There are many other reviews on here that will do the product more justice than I can. All I can say is I love the taste of Nitraflex GAT and I love how it makes me feel.
I did want to share something I recently did that’s a “cool” quality of life improvement for all my supplements. I got long handled measuring spoons. I was tired of the little plastic scoops that come with supplements, especially for my protein. Reaching down in the bottle and scraping my hand got annoying. When I bought a large bottle of Vital Protein and it didn’t come with a scoop at all, I thought, this is the last straw.
So I looked at the sizes that I needed, and found a set of long handled measuring spoons that were very close to the same volume as the scoops that come with my supplements. These are the ones I got and the ones pictured:
Once those came in I was like, this is GREAT… but one thing still annoyed me. Having to actually locate the spoon everytime I needed to scoop. And then I remembered I had these bands ( When I put them on the bottle, it was an absolute eureka moment. The little plastic black cleats that come on the bands are PERFECT for sliding the measuring spoon right down beside, making reinsertion effortless. Now I keep my spoon with each supplement. A place for everything, and everything in its place.
I also purchased a larger spoon for my protein. You can find it here:
Just wanted to share this in case any others are OCD like I am. I am loving this setup, I’ve been running it for around a month now and I won’t go back.
Caio –
Not too overpowering
Quick and Dirty –
awesome product
Michael Terrazzano –
Ian Carefoot –
This is one of the best pre workouts I’ve used in a long time. I’m a “stimulant junkie” and get a great feeling with Nitraflex. No tingles, great focus, good energy, no made up ingredient names for marketing, great pumps and no crash. To see if it was me or the product, I purchased a different pre workout to find out. Sure enough the other product I bought gave me uncomfortable tingles and left me lagging through out the remainder of the day (I used it for a week for my own study). I’m an early morning gym guy, so feeling sluggish wasn’t good for me. So I turned around and immediately purchased my third container of Nitraflex. Even if you’re an evening gym goer this product is still a good choice. It’s a clean transition from your “high” to being on your natural energy. So it won’t keep you up all night. I also tried it in the evening just to see if it would keep me awake. Over all; the taste is great (I’ve used fruit punch and black cherry both were good), the results for the use of a pre workout are legit, no crash, clean energy (no tingles or jitters), and the price compared to other pre workouts can’t be beat. I’m making my comparisons based off uses of C4 Ripped, Beyond Raw LIT, BPI Best Pre, and Nitro Surge to name a few of the previous products I’ve used. As always, test your tolerance first, know the ingredients, and be sure to cycle off at least a week between the end and start of a container.