A Hydro Flask 24 Oz Insulated Shaker Bottle é a solução perfeita para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na hora de se hidratar ou preparar suas bebidas. Com um design moderno e funcional, esta garrafa é ideal para o dia a dia, seja na academia, no trabalho ou em passeios ao ar livre.
- O sistema TempShield️ de isolamento a vácuo de parede dupla mantém suas bebidas frias por até 24 horas e quentes por até 12 horas, garantindo que você desfrute da temperatura ideal a qualquer momento.
- Fabricada com aço inoxidável 18/8 de qualidade profissional, a Hydro Flask assegura durabilidade, um sabor puro e não transfere sabores, permitindo que você aprecie cada gole sem interferências.
- O bico de chug com tampa flip-top assistida por mola proporciona um fluxo rápido e fácil, ideal para hidratação rápida durante os treinos.
- A whisk ball incluída facilita a mistura de suplementos, mesmo os mais densos, garantindo que suas bebidas fiquem homogêneas e saborosas.
- A vedação removível permite uma limpeza descomplicada, mantendo sua garrafa sempre higienizada e pronta para o uso.
- Com um design à prova de vazamentos quando fechada, você pode transportá-la com segurança em qualquer bolsa ou mochila.
- A forma ergonômica proporciona uma pegada confortável, tornando o uso ainda mais prático.
- As marcações internas de medição ajudam a dosar suas bebidas com precisão.
- Com material livre de BPA, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo de forma segura.
- A Hydro Flask é lavável na máquina de lavar louça, facilitando ainda mais a sua rotina.
1. Isolamento Térmico Superior: Mantenha suas bebidas na temperatura ideal por longos períodos, seja para um treino intenso ou um dia de trabalho.
2. Durabilidade e Segurança: O aço inoxidável de alta qualidade garante que sua garrafa resista ao uso diário sem comprometer a saúde.
3. Mistura Eficiente: A whisk ball permite que você prepare shakes e suplementos de forma rápida e prática, sem grumos.
4. Fácil Limpeza: A vedação removível e a possibilidade de lavar na máquina tornam a manutenção da garrafa simples e rápida.
5. Design Funcional: A forma ergonômica e o bico de chug facilitam o uso em qualquer situação, tornando-a ideal para atividades físicas e uso cotidiano.
Para utilizar a Hydro Flask 24 Oz Insulated Shaker Bottle, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de líquido na garrafa, respeitando as marcações internas para garantir a dosagem correta. Em seguida, adicione o suplemento ou pó de sua escolha. Insira a whisk ball e feche bem a tampa flip-top. Agite vigorosamente por alguns segundos até que a mistura esteja homogênea. Após o uso, remova a vedação para facilitar a limpeza e, se preferir, coloque a garrafa na máquina de lavar louça. Com essa rotina, você garante uma bebida sempre fresca e bem misturada, pronta para acompanhar seu dia.
Stephanie Wick –
My boys loved these! I’m always buying new cups for my girls and wanted to do something similar for my boys. They loved these shaker hydro flasks!
Jordan –
I got it for him for Christmas and he’s loving it so far. Reason why I got it for him is because stainless steel is definitely cleaner and doesn’t build up as as much bacteria as say as plastic does over time, so he’s loving the durability and the cleanliness of it. Seems very well built as well
John perez –
Firts tume buying hydroflask…Lid won’t stay closed. What good is a shaker cup if the lid doesn’t stay shut. I like it otherwise but what’s the point if the lid pops open all by itself!! I just spent $200 on around 8 of them. Will be returning them asap. Never will buy hydroflask products again!
jilliane –
Love Hydroflask and this stainless steel shaker bottle. I have been using it for my electrolyte mix and protein. Doesn’t leave any residue and washes easily.
Flimflamflom –
It has a lot of very well thought out features, like the lid gasket with a tab for easy cleaning. It is very good at keeping things cold as all Hydro flask products are. It is quite durable, does not leak, the lid snaps firmly, the lid and vessel are very easy to clean. I do not need a special brush or anything, I can get everything with a scrub pad. And the handle is more useful than you’d think. It is double walled and is quite weighty and substantial in the hand and is not convenient to carry by gripping. This size also leads to issues.
Most of my problems come from handling it with wet hands. It has the normal Hydro flask smooth finish. Since your hands are likely to be wet from washing it when you go to use it again, it’s very slippery, especially when soapy. The grooves in the side help, but not much. I found few issues with dry hands so I did not knock much off for that.
Because it’s double walled, it’s quite a lot thicker and heavier than most other shaker bottles and can be difficult to grip. That compounds with it being slippery when wet. It does not inspire confidence that it won’t go flying. This is what I dislike the most. I wish it had a more textured surface.
It also has a lot of nooks and crannies to hold water. So when you clean it and reuse it right away, you’re going to fling water everywhere, or get water all over the contents of your bag.
The mouth is quite small. I make my meal replacement shakes with ice, which blocks the mouth. I wish it had one of those ice strainer insert things like other shakers have.
Really nice to make my protein shakes in it. Beautiful color too!!
Yanni –
Me encanto el color y está muy práctico !!
Sean –
As someone who has tried at least 10 different variants of insulated blender bottles and lives in Arizona so my water bottle is attached at my hip, this has been the best one I have used to date. Size is perfect, maintaining the 24 OZ capacity while still being able to fit into cup holders and in ice/water dispensers. Lid is very well thought out and not overly complicated with twist top or extra gaskets that just add complexity when cleaning. The one gasket this bottle comes with has a pull tab for removing it to clean which is a welcome and very uncommon feature. I’ve only had one other bottle come with it. Havent had it long enough to know for sure the robustness of the handle, but it seems to be much more likely to survive than other bottles I’ve had where that is the first thing to go. If you’re wanting a great, flexible, solid insulated blender bottle, stop browsing and get this one.
Alana –
Love this shaker bottle!! Especially for protein shakes on the go! Great quality. The tab on the lids inner seal makes cleaning a breeze, I love the handle strap, makes it easy to grab as I juggle all I take with me! I highly recommend!
Courtney M. –
1000% better than the stinky plastic these keep your drink cold and if you drop it it’s not shattering or popping the cap open and spilling everywhere. Size is good – would love one in a 40 oz and the red is a true red.