Descrição do Produto: Garrafa Elétrica Shaker
A Garrafa Elétrica Shaker é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na preparação de shakes de proteína, pré-treinos e outras bebidas nutritivas. Com um design moderno e funcional, esta garrafa recarregável possui um motor potente que mistura os ingredientes de forma homogênea, eliminando grumos e garantindo uma textura suave. Fabricada em material livre de BPA, a Garrafa Shaker é segura para o consumo e fácil de limpar. Seu tamanho compacto a torna perfeita para ser levada à academia, ao trabalho ou em viagens. Com capacidade para até 600ml, você pode preparar desde shakes de whey protein até smoothies e bebidas energéticas, tudo com apenas um botão.
1. Mistura Eficiente: O motor potente garante que seus shakes fiquem perfeitamente misturados, sem grumos.
2. Praticidade: Recarregável via USB, você pode usar a garrafa em qualquer lugar, sem a necessidade de pilhas.
3. Material Seguro: Fabricada em plástico livre de BPA, assegurando que suas bebidas estejam livres de substâncias nocivas.
4. Fácil Limpeza: O design da garrafa permite uma limpeza rápida e prática, podendo ser lavada à mão ou em máquina de lavar.
5. Versatilidade: Ideal para shakes de proteína, pré-treinos, smoothies e muito mais, atendendo a diversas necessidades nutricionais.
Para utilizar a Garrafa Elétrica Shaker, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de água ou leite na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente a porção de proteína em pó ou outros ingredientes de sua preferência. Feche bem a tampa e pressione o botão de mistura. A garrafa irá misturar os ingredientes em poucos segundos, resultando em uma bebida homogênea e saborosa. Após o uso, basta enxaguar a garrafa com água e detergente ou colocá-la na máquina de lavar louças para uma limpeza completa. Certifique-se de recarregar a bateria regularmente para garantir o funcionamento ideal do motor.
Corrie Oekawa –
I enjoy my recovery drinks with this cup. It works amazing. After a nice workout, you will appreciate a cup that mixes your protein drink for you. Get it.
Perfect size to fit in my tote. Works well with my energy drinks as well as my protein drinks. Easy to rinse out when done
The Boujee Bruja –
I am absolutely in love with this blender cup! I use it every day and I will be buying more for my friends. It works as expected and blends my protein shakes nicely. I usually blend three times because I have sensory issues with protein powder but the charge lasts nicely even with that usage. Easy to clean. Be careful with the straw as it’s designed to go a certain way and if you force it you will break it. You will need to move the rubber on the inside of the lid or you might have trouble getting the straw in. Saw others complaining in the comments about those things and it’s a “common sense” fix. Overall I really love this cup.
DG –
I am definitely a huge fan of this electric shaker bottle!!! I took a chance and purchased two bottles right away since my husband and I need shakers for our Moringa powder shakes. These totally fit the bill!!! I can highly recommend this product for the following reasons:
1 It was delivered overnight ( I am a happy Amazon Prime user )
2 It was packaged very well and the product had no scratches or damage of any kind
3 Everything you need in included ( Charger, Straw and Straw-brush cleaner )
4 I appreciate the auto shut off function and these shakers are super quiet
5 It’s strong and whips the powder around like it’s nobody’s business!!! LOL
6 The size is perfect for our use and the weight is also nice
7 Clean up is a breeze! The whole top piece can be washed
NOTE: I have to admit that I wish there’s a cover on the charging opening on the top. The write up shows the whole top is washable, but I still feel weird getting water in there. I just place my thumb on the opening while washing it LOL
If you’re searching for a medium size shaker that’s affordable and strong, give this one a try!
Hope my review helps you out! Good Luck on your search…
Deb0729 –
After using this shaker bottle for about two months the stirring rod cracked at the top and broke off. It was used an average of twice a week. I would not recommend this shaker bottle to anyone. Very disappointed with this product. I would like to contact the seller but there is no link to contact them.
Grace H. –
Wonderful product, the shakers work so well and mix my drinks very well, not leaving behind any grit from my pre-workout drink!!! I ordered two of them!! Very easy to clean and you can even drink them on the GO. Customer service was great especially since one of my straws broke. They immediately sent me out another one!!!
drioszap –
The shaker works great, but the motor is quite exposed and gets dirty easily with drops of liquid that fly into it.
Caíque V. –
Easy to use. The battery its not that good