Descrição do Produto: Garden of Life Vitamin D, Vitamin Code Raw D3
O Garden of Life Vitamin D, Vitamin Code Raw D3, é um suplemento alimentar inovador que oferece uma forma pura e eficaz de vitamina D3, essencial para a saúde geral do corpo. Com 2.000 IU de vitamina D3, este produto é formulado com uma base de alimentos integrais, utilizando chlorella orgânica de parede quebrada, rica em ácidos graxos ômega-9. Além disso, contém probióticos vivos e enzimas que promovem a absorção ideal dos nutrientes, garantindo que seu corpo receba todos os benefícios dessa vitamina vital.
A vitamina D, muitas vezes chamada de “hormônio do sol”, desempenha um papel crucial na absorção de cálcio, na memória, na concentração e na replicação celular adequada. A forma D3 é preferida em relação à D2, pois é a forma natural que o corpo produz quando exposto à luz solar, além de ser encontrada em alimentos como sardinhas. Este suplemento é uma solução prática para quem busca manter níveis adequados de vitamina D, especialmente em regiões com pouca luz solar.
O Garden of Life Vitamin D3 é um suplemento vegetariano que apoia a saúde dos ossos, articulações, mama e próstata, além de fortalecer o sistema imunológico. Com 250% do Valor Diário recomendado de vitamina D3, ele está disponível em embalagens de 60 ou 120 cápsulas, proporcionando uma opção conveniente para o seu dia a dia.
Além disso, a fórmula inclui probióticos e enzimas digestivas, como Lactobacillus, Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, Lactase e Papain, que auxiliam na digestão saudável. Os adultos podem tomar uma cápsula por dia ou abrir a cápsula e misturar o conteúdo com água ou suco, tornando a ingestão ainda mais prática.
O Garden of Life Vitamin D3 é um suplemento limpo, certificado por terceiros como não transgênico, livre de glúten e kosher. É também RAW, o que significa que não contém calor excessivo, ligantes sintéticos, enchimentos, sabores artificiais, adoçantes, cores ou aditivos comumente usados em comprimidos.
– Suporte à Saúde Óssea: A vitamina D3 é fundamental para a absorção de cálcio, promovendo ossos fortes e saudáveis.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a manter o sistema imunológico em funcionamento ideal, especialmente em épocas de maior vulnerabilidade.
– Melhora da Concentração e Memória: Contribui para a saúde cognitiva, ajudando na memória e na concentração.
– Fórmula Limpa e Natural: Sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo um suplemento puro e de alta qualidade.
– Facilidade de Uso: Opção de tomar uma cápsula ou misturar o conteúdo com líquidos, adaptando-se à rotina do usuário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos tomem uma cápsula de Garden of Life Vitamin D3 diariamente. Caso prefira, a cápsula pode ser aberta e seu conteúdo misturado com água ou suco. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Bart Gary –
Beings I’m not outside much during winter months , I love this vitamin d supplement. Many healthy benefits!
BeautifullyMeInside&Out –
This is a very high quality vitamin D supplement. I’m not going to go into all the science that backs up how this product differs from other D3 supplements because there seems to be other reviews that are doing a better job at that than I can.
However, what I want to share is my actual experience with this product and explain why I have repetitively purchased it over and over again.
It started when my son, who was about 5 at the time, started having boughts of behavior issues as well as some unusual joint pain. I had him tested for lymes disease which came out negative thankfully. The doctor did a run up on blood work to make sure there was nothing of comcern and results showed very low levels of both vitamin D and Zinc. The doctor said it was imperative to get those levels back in the normal range whether or not this was a reason for his medical issues or not because they were abnormally low.
At first I began supplementing with a oil based liquid drop and really thought it was great: one quick drop and that’s all it took but unfortunately it was not restoring his levels quick enough and his blood work was not showing an improvement even after months of supplementation.
After almost an entire year of trying different products, I finally bought this one. He was too young to swallow the pill so I had to mix it in applesauce! He didn’t like it but faithfully to it daily and his next lab results FINALLY showed improvement to the level that he no longer needed to take supplements for his vitamin D.
Supplementing with this has GREATLY reduced his behavior issues since he no longer has drained D3 levels. He was almost diagnosed with O.C.D and no longer shows those tendancys. I’m not saying this is a treatment for those issues, but if your body is detrimentally low on any required nutrients, you will have issues and symptoms can only be resolved when you bring your levels back into the normal range.
I still give it to him to keep his levels up but we are not rigid about it. I myself have also take it, as well as the Garden of Life Zinc that my son takes too. I can say from my own experience with it, I can tell a HUGE difference when I take it regularly versus forget about it for periods of time.
I have PCOS and my D levels are typically low due to that. This helps greatly especially with energy and fighting off adrenal fatigue.
We live in PA and getting good in vitamin D is very hard about half the year if not more due to weather. I am glad I found this supplement and will continue buying it. I know this one works and don’t want to deviate from a trusted quality product that has so dramatically benefitted my son and myself.
amidstthealders –
I’ll leave this review on all the products I have from Garden of Life because they’ve changed the game for me.
I have a coconut/palm/all derivative allergy. If you’re informed about how much of this crap is in literally 98% of supplements, all medicine in pill form, all cosmetics, etc. you know how difficult it is to find products I can use/consume.
I was told I was Vitamin D deficient about 6 years ago. Since then, I’ve been consuming a sublingual dissolvable version that had great reviews. Imagine my surprise when I had a recent blood test come back that said I was more deficient than ever before and was on the line for Rickets! I do have LS Lyme disease, and went dairy-free/GF-free a few months ago, so that may have a part in it. I knew my current vitamins weren’t cutting it. I was also dealing with some intense depression and severely anemic. I know it’s my body not absorbing from food because I live at the beach and am outside all the time.
After too much research, I finally found these that were coconut/palm/derivative free.
Let me tell you- after months of ordering hundreds of dollars in supplements to help my mental health, one dose of each of the Iron, Vitamin D and Vitamin B capsules all from Garden of Life set me straight. I was happy dancing, humming, felt so light and free with so much energy and drive to get tasks knocked out. I finished writing a book I’d been working on for 2 years!
So, obviously the other brand wasn’t doing me any good, despite the good reviews, because *this* stuff is legit. I will support this brand until death do us part. And thanks for not using coconut! (a top 9 allergen that no one else takes seriously)
Kristina –
Good product wish they didn’t have the extra additives, new owners.
Adam –
happy with my purchases, good ingredients
Candi L –
So far I have really enjoyed these vitamin D supplements. I appreciate the convenience of the once-daily dosage. It makes staying on top of my health that much easier. Thus far, I’m a pretty happy customer.
Edgar –
Very desirable vitamins that give you daily requirements
Snowy living –
Good Vitamin D. I like this brand with a few others. Good product, although the capsule just got smaller for the same international units of 2000IU. I’m not convinced it matches same potency in a smaller capsule. I may need to change.