Descrição do Produto:
O Suplemento Articular Garden of Life para Homens e Mulheres – Wobenzym N Systemic Enzymes é uma fórmula clinicamente estudada que promove articulações saudáveis, mobilidade, flexibilidade e recuperação pós-exercício. Com mais de 40 anos de história, a fórmula do Wobenzym N foi introduzida pela primeira vez na Alemanha e inclui pancreatina protease, papaína, bromelaína, tripsina, quimotripsina e rutósido tri-hidratado, que ajudam a manter articulações saudáveis, mobilidade e flexibilidade.
O Wobenzym N é líder global em saúde articular e é a única fórmula de enzimas sistêmicas respaldada por décadas de pesquisa clínica e satisfação dos clientes. As enzimas sistêmicas atuam em todo o corpo para promover a saúde geral das articulações.
Este suplemento ajuda a melhorar o conforto articular e a amplitude de movimento. O Wobenzym N é confiável por milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo para fornecer suporte clinicamente comprovado para a saúde das articulações e tendões, além de auxiliar na recuperação rápida após esforço físico.
A fórmula do Wobenzym N é livre de glúten e laticínios, sendo uma combinação sinérgica de enzimas à base de plantas, enzimas pancreáticas e antioxidantes, com Carica papaya e Sophora japonica. Ele proporciona alívio temporário de dores musculares, dores e desconfortos causados pela atividade diária.
As enzimas são catalisadores biológicos essenciais envolvidos em quase todos os processos do nosso corpo. As enzimas poderosas e delicadas do Wobenzym N são protegidas por um revestimento entérico à base de vegetais para uma absorção e utilização ideais.
- Suporte comprovado clinicamente para a saúde das articulações, promovendo uma vida ativa e sem limitações.
- Fórmula de enzimas sistêmicas respaldada por décadas de pesquisa clínica, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
- Melhora o conforto articular e a amplitude de movimento, facilitando atividades diárias e exercícios físicos.
- Livre de glúten e laticínios, adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares, ampliando o público-alvo.
- Enzimas poderosas e delicadas protegidas por um revestimento entérico para absorção ideal, maximizando os benefícios do suplemento.
Recomenda-se tomar 3 comprimidos duas vezes ao dia, pelo menos 45 minutos antes das refeições ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este produto é destinado a adultos. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando, tomando medicamentos ou tiver algum problema de saúde.
Felipe Abimael León Muñoz –
Greatly reduced knee connected pain. Why isnt it on the ‘essential list’ I wonder!
neelam –
Llegó bien.
Nat Read –
For me it eats scar tissue & helps with imflammation. You take it on empty stomach with full glass of water and it flushes your system out through the urinary tract. Well worth it.n
Felipe Abimael León Muñoz –
El tiempo de llegada va de acuerdo a lo marcado a demás de venir bien cellado
Lu CasH –
El producto es bueno, el precio es muy elevado.
Amazon Customer –
I am writing this review after 4 months on a new regime in which Wobenzym is a key factor. I have been diagnosed with “fibromyalgia/lyme/yeast/ibs/thyroid/perimenopause”, etc… I am 46 and have spent the last 5 years visiting over a dozen doctors, having unending tests and paying thousands of dollars out of pocket. I have seen traditional doctors and naturopathic doctors, and have tried everything from acupuncture to ingesting magma, cortisone shots to adderall. In the end nothing helped my never ending joint pain in my hips and shoulders, my intestinal problems, extensive swelling all over and breast pain, and foggy brain and vision.
FINALLY however, I seem to have stumbled on the combination that has slowly and surely been balancing my body and turning back the clocks. Instead of feeling 60+ as I have for the last few years, I have started feeling like my “old self”. I have had far more energy and have been able to start running, my pain in my shoulders and hips is essentially gone, my GI issues seem resolved (I have been able to occasionally been able to eat wheat, sugar and dairy which I haven’t been able to eat for years), and I have actually been able to back up 4 levels on my reading glasses!
The solution seems to be threefold, and makes sense overall, as all the systems involved in the problems are involved in the solutions. In November I started on a low-dose “pill” (mircette generic) in order to alleviate ovarian cysts, which made me feel somewhat better but most of my symptoms still remained. A few weeks later I started up a combo of Wobenzym and Dr. Ohhira’s probiotics Essential Formulas Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics, Original Formula, which seemed to me like they may address my remaining symptoms.
I have continued to use this trio, and have been BLOWN AWAY by the results!!! I definitely move backwards if I stop any of them, but bit by bit I have been able to get totally off of most of my other supplements including adrenal and thyroid. I am sleeping better and have far more energy. The strangest thing is that my body seems to be looking more like it used to, like going back in time.
I have had some complications with taking both the Wobenzym and the Dr. Ohhira as they both need to be taken alone, away from any food. And they both certainly have the ability to cancel each other out as well. So I have moved toward taking 4 Wobenzyms on waking with the pill as they seem to be somewhat energizing. Then I take 4 again a few hours later and then again maybe early afternoon. I can’t seem to take them later in the day as they make me feel a little hyped and I can’t sleep. Then I take 2 or 3 Dr. Ohhira at bedtime, far after dinner, giving them overnight to work. I know they say to use it twice a day but can’t fit that in.
The threefold “cure” seems to be resolving problems in my gut (always primary, but no other probiotic has ever really helped!), yeast issues, joint issues, overall inflammation, as well as hormones and brain functions. My whole body finally feels like its getting balanced and my future feels a lot brighter.
The Wobenzym and Dr. Ohhira are not cheap, and in the long run I will definitely take a punch in the wallet but the solution is far better than spending the money on countless supplements, tests and doctors that didn’t make a dent in the problem.
Good luck if you are going through any of this same hell. Hope your solution is right around the corner as well!
Adriana R. –
El envio fue descrito que fue entregado los dos articulos, cuando realmente solo llego 1. el mismo empacado en un sobre y conteniendo la caja y el producto por dentro. pero la caja toda maltratada (aplastada). esto genera nversion de tiempo en correos y notas a diversos para conocer si se robaron el segundo producto, sino lo embarcaron, si existe, si lo enviaran o reintegraran el importe.
finalmene avisan que lo enviaran ( el faltante ) y este llega en otro sobre igual de maltratado pero sin caja!!!
Acerca del producto, todo correcto.
Y. Alexander –
Updated. My previous review was from almost 2 years ago. These tablets were a miracle for me. I was jumping out of bed and being active with 0 pain. Then several months ago these disappeared off the market seemingly. I couldn’t find them anywhere and went with an alternative. I’m in constant pain now and so disappointed. Then I see these are back available on Amazon. I typically get the 800 count to save money. I can’t wait to be pain free again.
A few months ago I listened to one of my favorite Spiritual authors who, at the time, recommended taking enzyme tablets to another listener to help improve her joint pain. He didn’t mention a particular brand so I went on Amazon and began comparing. Can’t recall why I chose this particular brand however I purchased a 30 day supply to see if it actually worked. I began taking six a day, then read that 12 a day would be better. So I began taking 12 a day and I did notice a significant improvement in my aches and pains. Because they were so expensive, I decided to purchase the 800 pill product. I also reduced the dosage to 9 per day and it works perfectly fine. I can jump out of my bed now pain free, as well as get up from a chair without pain. These enzymes are miraculous. And they do keep me regular so I no longer need to take the probiotics that I had been consuming. Some reviews complained of diarrhea and admittedly, I did experience some on a couple of occassions since I’ve been taking these. However it depended on what I had eaten.
The biggest challenge I have is attempting to space them between meals. You need to wait two hours after eating…then can’t eat for 45 minutes to an hour after taking them. This routine does help me keep control of my eating pattern. I highly recommend.