Vitamina E Garden of Life – Suplemento de Vitamina E Vitamin Code Raw com Vitaminas A, D
Nossa vitamina E em cápsulas fornece vitamina E de alimentos integrais a partir de óleo de girassol, com tocoferóis mistos naturalmente presentes, juntamente com as vitaminas lipossolúveis A, D e K, além de selênio. Além disso, nosso suplemento de vitamina E contém 23 frutas e vegetais cultivados organicamente, que adicionam antioxidantes, vitaminas e cofatores nutricionais de suporte.
Este suplemento de vitamina E RAW, criado a partir de alimentos, auxilia na saúde do coração, suporte ao sistema imunológico, suporte digestivo, saúde ocular e saúde da mama e da próstata. Nossa vitamina E à base de plantas também inclui uma mistura de probióticos e enzimas RAW para suporte digestivo, além de uma mistura de frutas e vegetais para suporte nutricional adicional.
Diga sim aos suplementos limpos! Nossa vitamina E de alimentos integrais é certificada por terceiros como não transgênica, livre de glúten, kosher e RAW – sem altas temperaturas, ligantes sintéticos, enchimentos, sabores artificiais, adoçantes, corantes ou aditivos comumente usados em comprimidos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte Antioxidante: A vitamina E é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e proteger as células contra danos oxidativos.
- Saúde do Coração: Este suplemento de vitamina E auxilia na saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter a saúde dos vasos sanguíneos e a circulação adequada.
- Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A vitamina E desempenha um papel importante na função imunológica, ajudando a fortalecer as defesas do corpo contra doenças e infecções.
- Saúde Digestiva: Com a adição de probióticos e enzimas, este suplemento de vitamina E também oferece suporte digestivo, ajudando na absorção adequada de nutrientes e na saúde geral do sistema digestivo.
- Saúde Ocular: A vitamina E é benéfica para a saúde dos olhos, ajudando a proteger as células oculares contra danos causados pelos radicais livres e promovendo uma visão saudável.
1. Ação Antioxidante: Protege as células do corpo contra o estresse oxidativo, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
2. Melhora da Circulação: Contribui para a saúde cardiovascular, essencial para a prevenção de doenças cardíacas.
3. Fortalecimento Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do organismo a infecções e doenças, especialmente em períodos de estresse.
4. Suporte Digestivo: A presença de probióticos e enzimas facilita a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, melhorando a saúde intestinal.
5. Proteção Ocular: Ajuda a manter a saúde dos olhos, essencial para uma visão clara e saudável ao longo da vida.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula por dia, de preferência com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção das vitaminas lipossolúveis. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para garantir a integridade do produto.
Martha –
Appears to be a great product, includes A, D, E, K and selenium – but these capsules are HUGE!
I gave it 4 stars because these pills are so big. Chug em down with lots of water.
They are the same size as the women’s vitamin code, which are also too big.
Pamela Banner –
I’ve been using Vitamin Code products for a couple of years now and find them beneficial to me and my diet. They are tasteless, and are easy to swallow. The E Code has several other vitamins in it that I’d normally purchase separately but don’t have to because they are all wrapped up in this one capsule. I love their products!
annette828 –
I’ve bought over the years different brands of vitamin E: Costco / Kirkland, Target’s Simply Balanced, etc. But this one is the best. It’s really high quality. It’s the best I was able to find on the market after a lot of comparison.
I’ve been taking it for about a month and interestingly enough, the biggest improvement I’ve noticed is my vision. I am nearsighted (myopia) but I had been getting major blurry vision and headaches recently but now the blurry vision and headaches are gone since I started taking it.
Jessie –
I use this as a multivitamin as I take a few other single vitamins per day for specific purposes and don’t want to overload on too high of a dose. I like that these have A, selenium and D. They are gentle on my stomach, not hard to swallow and whole food. I highly recommend them.
Elise –
So I have been taking vitamins for a few months and since, I started with these a few days ago, I haven’t been peeing dark yellow. I do drink enough fluids and diet but wow, these help absorb all the other vitamins I’m taking at least, that’s what I believe. I just didn’t have enough vitamin E and A and, so greatful for this product plus. I get enough rest and have enough energy. Will purchase again.
Brandon G. –
I bought this for the potential skin and hair benefits Vitamin E could offer, but after a couple weeks of use any improvement in those areas remains to be seen. That said, what I have noticed and been very surprised by is a VERY noticeable change in my appetite. Specifically, I have almost none when taking 2 of these pills each day.
I’m overweight and have been trying to eat less, so this has been a pleasant and desirable surprise outcome of taking these pills. This has made eating less each day much, much easier for me with no noticeable negative side effects. I’m not sure the why or the how of it, but I’m very pleased and will continue taking these on a regular basis thanks to the appetite suppressant effect they have on me. If anything should change as time goes on I’ll update my review to reflect the change(s).
GIVE Reviews –
I needed vitamin A and vitamin E. I was thinking I was going to have to buy two separate products. For whatever reason GOL decided to put them together. I’m glad they did because it works out perfect for me.
You see, my right eye gets small dark spots in my field of vision. At first I thought it was cataracts. But then they would come and go and I do not know of cataracts that do that. So I started taking more lutin with vitamin A. Unfortunately it is hard to get a good quality vitamin A these days. I took Now Foods for a while and that did help. I am switching to these because I want the best quality vitamin A and I trust GOL to give me that (fyi: I take other Now Foods also and I trust them also). I will try and update this post if I have to go back to NOW.
Also, when I was supplementing with Vitamin A, IT DID make a difference if I took the Vitamin A in the morning or at night before bedtime. In the morning I had good days and bad days (days were I could see the dark spots more). When I started taking the Vitamin A at night the spots almost went away (90% gone). So if you are having the same problems then try taking supporting supplements at night and see if it helps.
[Update: 10/29/2015]
I have been battling this problem with dark spots in my right eye for was seems like forever. It has gotten better, but this is what I had to do so far. Make sure you understand, I am not suggesting this for anyone else. I am only giving information about what I am doing in hopes that it will give others ideas in how to solve there own issues:
I now eat high quality salmon on a regular basis. With that I take Cod Liver Oil (Now Foods) to get 100% of my Vitamin A. I take it with the salmon because salmon also has oils, so I am hypothesizing that the two might work synergisticly with each other in helping absorption. I also take Enzymatic Digest Gold with the Vitamin A because I read some reports that taking enzymes with Vitamin A helps the absorption of Vitamin A (might be anecdotal information). I also have started exercising. I walk 1 hour a day for 5 days a week. I am in my 50’s. I also take Now Foods ADAMS Multi (I take only 1 of the recommended 2) with my meal. I love GOL, and I do buy there products; unfortunately, I have stopped taking this product because I switched over to Cod Liver Oil, so I could get my Vitamin A directly (vs. my body having to manufacture it from beta-carotine).
My condition is probably the best it has ever been, but it has not gone away completely. It still varies from day to day. Some days it is worse while others it is better. I do not get the really dark spots anymore. Now it is more like translucent spots. And some days they are completely gone, but most days I have them in varying degrees. I am just glad it is not getting any worse.
jenjan –
This is a high quality natural raw Vit E, but we have had trouble lately finding it. I hope it will become available again soon.