Garden of Life Organics Vitaminas para Mulheres 40 Plus – 120 Comprimidos
O Garden of Life Organics Vitaminas para Mulheres 40 Plus é um suplemento vitamínico vegano especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades nutricionais das mulheres acima de 40 anos. Com uma combinação única de nutrientes essenciais, este multivitamínico não apenas ajuda a equilibrar os hormônios, mas também promove a saúde geral, oferecendo suporte vital para o bem-estar feminino. Cada embalagem contém 120 comprimidos, proporcionando uma solução prática e completa para as mulheres que buscam manter sua vitalidade e saúde ao longo dos anos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Saúde, Rejuvenescimento e Foco
Nosso suplemento multivitamínico vegano para mulheres acima de 40 anos promove a saúde geral e o bem-estar, incluindo suporte para mama, hormônios e coração – feito a partir de mais de 30 frutas, vegetais e ervas nutritivas e orgânicas.
2. Vitaminas e Minerais para Mulheres
Suas necessidades de saúde mudam ao longo do tempo, mas isso faz parte da aventura. Nosso Multivitamínico para Mulheres de 40 e 50 anos fornece 16 vitaminas e minerais em 100% do Valor Diário ou mais – incluindo vitamina A, C, D, E, K, B, ácido fólico, zinco e biotina.
3. Suplementos de Suporte Hormonal para Mulheres
Nosso Multivitamínico para Mulheres inclui vitamina D3 vegana, além de Cohosh Preto Orgânico, Tomate (licopeno) e Cúrcuma (curcumina) para saúde hormonal e mamária aos 40 anos e além – sem corantes ou conservantes artificiais.
4. Você Ainda Tem Energia
Comece o seu dia com 24mcg de vitamina B-12 (como metilcobalamina) para ajudar a manter sua energia e metabolismo – isso é 1000% do Valor Diário – além das vitaminas B1, B2, niacina e B6; Tome dois comprimidos fáceis de engolir diariamente.
5. Multivitamínico Certificado Orgânico
As vitaminas e minerais da Garden of Life Organics são feitas a partir de alimentos reais – colhidos suavemente e extraídos usando água, além de serem testados e certificados por terceiros como orgânicos, não transgênicos, sem glúten e veganos.
- Suporte à saúde hormonal, essencial para o equilíbrio durante a menopausa.
- Rejuvenescimento da pele e aumento da vitalidade, promovendo uma aparência saudável.
- Aumento da energia e do foco mental, ajudando a enfrentar o dia a dia com disposição.
- Fórmula vegana e orgânica, garantindo um produto livre de aditivos artificiais.
- Facilidade de uso com apenas dois comprimidos diários, integrando-se facilmente à rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar dois comprimidos diariamente com alimentos. Este produto é destinado a mulheres com mais de 40 anos. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade e eficácia do produto.
Patti –
I don’t eat everything I should . This vitamin really makes up for my diet . I noticed a difference 2 days after taking . Felt much better .
Nicole R. –
Michael R. –
Nice product
Jean Grey –
These are wonderful, wonderful multivitamins . . . the best I have taken in years. The organic formula is more bioavailable, gentle to the planet, does not deplete soil integrity nor chelate minerals in my body, and is super-convenient to take because you need only two for a serving size. The capsules are large tablets, but easy to swallow because they go down very smoothly.
I am a 47-year-old home schooler dealing with all of the stresses of raising a family of four people and 10 animals with nonstop chores and responsibilities. I don’t always have the time to eat a perfectly balanced diet complete with every vitamin and mineral my pre-menopausal body needs every single day . . . (aw, who am I kidding, I almost never get to do that), but I do feel the beneficial difference in my mood, energy, and sleep quality when I take these multis. The hormone blend within this formulation is spot-on for my age group. I cannot recommend them enough, and I bought two bottles. We ladies perform more tasks and care-giving functions than we realize, and it is a wonder our bodies can go through so many phases throughout our lives and withstand such miraculous changes. It feels good to nurture myself at this age. More than good — it’s essential.
TimeTraveler –
I’ve been using this brand for years and love them. I won’t use anything else for my multi.
* It’s USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC. The ingredients are farmed without the use of toxic pesticides & fertilizers.
* It’s not a synthetic multi. It’s a WHOLE FOOD MULTIVITAMIN. It’s made from real fruits, vegetables & herbs that are non-GMO.
* It’s independently 3rd party tested.
* It’s specifically formulated for women 40 plus.
* It’s free of iron.
It contains some not-so-good ingredients such as maltodextrin, palm oil & a few others.
Monica –
Good quality and value!
Nicole R. –
I have 1 special needs kiddos that requires a lot of attention and a 2 yr old, both also having a rare medical condition called gsd (glycogen storage disease), their liver doesn’t release storage so they both go hypoglycemic daily and nightly.
I have felt run down to the point I was beginning to worry if there was something medically wrong. I felt and looked like death. I lost most of my hair (it was tail bone length), and the fatigue was really bad. I felt so bad, I didn’t want to be on this earth anymore. I was just so depleted and exhausted.
I went to the doc and she considered prescribing me anxiety and antidepressants and wanted to check my hormones.
I now have ptsd due to their medical condition. Seeing blood glucose numbers on their monitors was and still is scary. The weight of protecting them from sugar drops was overwhelming. Bathing, sweating, running and playing all drop their sugars.
My life is nothing but theres, from scheduled feedings to therapy, to monitoring blood sugars. They are adopted, I’ve already raised 3 kiddos. My 3 oldest were a breeze. Now being a special needs mom in my mid 40’s isn’t at all easy. I’m struggling.
These vitamins raised my energy, removed my fatigue, ended my constant dizziness, and helped me emotionally. I feel like a walking miracle from these! My thoughts are also so much lighter and clearer. I was having so much difficulty comprehending, and could no longer read much. My brain felt like it was in a cloud and swimming in water. I was so dizzy and tired. I became resentful and short tempered. These vitamins erased it all.
Thank you! Thank you for creating such a remarkable and trustworthy vitamin.
Side note: I did have an allergic reaction much like others shared. One reason I held onto these was because they worked but I was too worried to continue taking them due to the reaction. I started taking them again due to the severity of how I was feeling, I almost went to the ER the day after Christmas. Thats when I decided as last resort to start taking these again and see. I’m happy to report the allergic reaction hasn’t happened anymore either and they are worth every cent and sanity.