Keto Balanced Meal Replacement Shake – Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Ketogenic Meal Balanced Shake Powder, Truly Grass Fed Butter
Apresentamos o Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Ketogenic Meal Balanced Shake Powder, Truly Grass Fed Butter, um shake substituto de refeição balanceado para a dieta cetogênica. Com uma composição de 70% de gordura, 23% de proteína e apenas 7% de carboidratos, este shake é perfeito para quem busca uma alimentação saudável e com baixo teor de carboidratos.
A gordura presente neste shake é proveniente de manteiga orgânica de vacas alimentadas com capim, garantindo uma fonte de gordura saudável e rica em ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) e triglicerídeos de cadeia média (MCT). Além disso, a proteína utilizada é proveniente de soro de leite de vacas criadas a pasto, sem o uso de hormônios artificiais (rBST, rBGH) e antibióticos.
Para facilitar a digestão, este shake contém 1,5 bilhão de UFC de probióticos e fibras prebióticas. Esses ingredientes ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal e promovem uma digestão saudável.
O Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Ketogenic Meal Balanced Shake Powder é certificado pelo Projeto Non GMO, sendo livre de organismos geneticamente modificados. Além disso, é certificado como Keto Friendly e Paleo Friendly, atendendo às necessidades de quem segue essas dietas. Também possui certificação NSF Gluten Free, garantindo que não contém glúten.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alimentação Cetogênica Balanceada
Este shake é especialmente formulado para atender às necessidades da dieta cetogênica, com uma proporção ideal de gorduras, proteínas e carboidratos. É uma opção prática e saudável para substituir uma refeição.
2. Ingredientes de Qualidade
A gordura proveniente de manteiga orgânica de vacas alimentadas com capim e a proteína proveniente de soro de leite de vacas criadas a pasto garantem ingredientes de alta qualidade e livres de hormônios artificiais e antibióticos.
3. Digestão Saudável
Com probióticos e fibras prebióticas, este shake auxilia na manutenção de uma flora intestinal saudável e na digestão adequada dos nutrientes.
4. Certificações de Qualidade
O Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Ketogenic Meal Balanced Shake Powder é certificado pelo Projeto Non GMO, Keto Friendly, Paleo Friendly e NSF Gluten Free, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do produto.
5. Praticidade e Sabor
Além de todos os benefícios nutricionais, este shake possui um sabor delicioso e é extremamente prático de preparar. Basta adicionar água ou leite de sua preferência, agitar e está pronto para ser consumido.
1. Manutenção da Cetose: Ideal para quem segue a dieta cetogênica, ajudando a manter os níveis de cetonas no organismo.
2. Energia Sustentada: Proporciona uma fonte de energia duradoura, evitando picos de glicose e a sensação de fadiga.
3. Promove Saciedade: A combinação de gorduras saudáveis e proteínas ajuda a controlar a fome, reduzindo a necessidade de lanches entre as refeições.
4. Fácil Digestão: Os probióticos e fibras prebióticas contribuem para uma digestão saudável, melhorando a absorção de nutrientes.
5. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado como substituto de refeição em diversas situações, seja no café da manhã, lanche ou pós-treino.
Para usufruir de todos os benefícios do Garden of Life Dr. Formulated Ketogenic Meal Balanced Shake Powder, basta adicionar 2 colheres de sopa (35g) do pó em 350ml de água ou leite de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e consuma como substituto de uma refeição. Este shake pode ser utilizado uma ou duas vezes ao dia, de acordo com suas necessidades nutricionais e objetivos de saúde.
David Gomez Fuentes –
This is a really really great product and has been essential in my keto success.
I have this nightly and add 1/4 avocado to it to make it even more filling since it’s a replacement meal. I have it two hours before bed (9pm) and am really not hungry until the next afternoon (1pm).
Once you’ve gotten past keto flu and your carbohydrate withdrawal (take on more salt to reduce keto flu) and you begin the new keto lifestyle, this will really help. It’s rich and creamy, blends well (I mix the two flavors), and can really scratch your sweet treat craving – while still staying on track. It doesn’t taste artificially sweetened particularly after you grow accustomed to it.
My wife uses their whey product as well, very well formulated. (I use the whey post-work out to ensure I’m burning stored fat).
Garden of Life is a good line of high quality products. Recommend this wholeheartedly for you Keto journey.
10/22 – 40 lbs down and going strong. I use this now as an occasional maintenance supplement.
foodie44 –
The formula has changed. I am basically a fan of this product. But my most recent canister was different. One pro was that the powder was much easier to scoop and measure. The old powder was very light and fluffy and clumpy and wouldn’t really settle in the scoop. The new formula is more like sand and settles right in and levels off with a shake. That’s where the improvements end.
It now foams up and incorporates way too much air by the time you have it blended. So it doesn’t fit in the same size glass at all. And then if you leave it to try to settle so that you don’t swallow so much air, after about a minute it has separated into a huge foamy part and a liquid part. It was always a little bit of this if you let it stand, for instance made it the night before to take the next day. But it was only a maybe half inch layer of foam on the top that could easily be shaken up back into it. Also if you don’t blend it enough there are a little crystal bits that chew up between your teeth. So blending it less is not really an option either. Very frustrating as I have eight shake containers that I take this to work in so that I have a clean one every day until the dishwasher fills up. Now the shake will no longer fit in these.
It’s also just less creamy. The flavor is different very slightly but still good. I can tell a difference but I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe just slightly less chocolatey. The problem is that all in all it’s a less blendable product which is frustrating. Just for reference I think this is my 25th or so purchase of this product. So I have been using it for a while.
Amy –
I have purchased this product over a dozen times and will continue to purchase it. I love that this product uses stevia instead of sugar and even has a beneficial bacteria strain for added digestibility. The flavor is great. I have blended it into shakes, smoothies and even my morning coffee. One of my kids can be a picky eater but this has helped me get some nutrient dense calories into him at breakfast.
Sound –
This powder is not terrible, its a great base. For the price and quality of this particular keto-labled brand. Garden of Life makes pretty realible products that are graded on labdoor too, so I trust the lable is as accurate as possible in terms of human absorption.
The vanilla by itself has a bit of a bland mouth feel, but if you add like a little HWC or almond milk, and a handfull of blueberries it comes out much better. Also perfect to add to keto-pancake mix, or ‘cake in a cup’. As a shake it fails and is very mid-range. As a base for sweet treats, its fantastic.
I got it on sale, and with how it tastes and is texture, I would not pay any more than the $27.50 I got it for.
As someone who like keto approved shakes for breakfast, I rank this one 3/5. The texture by instructions is just a bit to off. Plus, I’m spoiled how good keto-chow does their shakes and how smooth/creamy they get.
RG –
Love the flavors!! Chocolate is my favorite but my guy likes the vanilla so he can mix berries and other fresh fruit/vegetables. I use this as a meal replacement for breakfast and lunch. It leaves me feeling full, lots of energy, and zero hunger meltdowns. I eat a small dinner, lots of water. Lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks. I’ve incorporated bike riding this summer and the lbs are shedding. 20 lbs to go. This is by far the best meal replacement I’ve ever had and I’ve told others about this, and everyone agrees. Other protein shakes give me migraines and never feeling satisfied. This makes me feel full. My will power is in these keto replacement shakes. Love them. Just ordered three more. I recommend a shaker with ball to mix! Pricey, but if you do the math, it’s about $3.00 per meal. Unbeatable and worth it if wanting easy, no hassle, meal replacements. You will lose weight. Stay dedicated and teach that goal. This is the drink that’ll get you there! Do it!I want a coupon! Sincerely- your biggest fan!
David –
One of the issues I’ve had with keto meal replacement shakes is that they have a very bitter aftertaste and didn’t mix well. This one didn’t have either problem and I found that mixing in some PB2 will make it taste like a Reece’s shake, very tasty and adds more protein.