Garden of Life Baby: Água de Cólica Orgânica para Bebês – Alívio Natural
Conheça o Gripe Water Orgânico para Bebês da Garden of Life, um produto cuidadosamente formulado para oferecer alívio suave e natural para cólicas, gases e desconforto estomacal em recém-nascidos e bebês. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes botânicos, como extratos orgânicos de camomila, erva-doce, melissa e gengibre, este Gripe Water é a escolha ideal para os pais que buscam um suporte gentil e eficaz para o bem-estar de seus pequenos. Livre de açúcar, álcool e ingredientes artificiais, a fórmula é segura e adequada para os estômagos sensíveis dos bebês, proporcionando conforto sem o uso de substâncias agressivas.
A Garden of Life se preocupa com a qualidade e a segurança de seus produtos, e por isso, o Gripe Water é orgulhosamente certificado como orgânico por terceiros, garantindo que apenas ingredientes seguros e livres de transgênicos sejam utilizados. Cada frasco contém aproximadamente 24 porções de 5 mL, e a dosagem recomendada varia de 2,5 mL a 10 mL, dependendo da idade do bebê, facilitando a administração com a seringa livre de BPA inclusa. Seja durante o dia ou à noite, este Gripe Water oferece uma solução prática e eficaz para aliviar o desconforto abdominal, permitindo que os pais desfrutem de momentos tranquilos com seus filhos.
1. Alívio Suave para o Bebê: Proporciona conforto imediato para cólicas e gases, ajudando a acalmar o bebê.
2. Ingredientes Naturais e Orgânicos: Com extratos de ervas como camomila e gengibre, é uma opção saudável e segura.
3. Certificação Orgânica e Livre de Transgênicos: Garante a pureza dos ingredientes, sem aditivos prejudiciais.
4. Fácil de Usar: A seringa inclusa torna a administração simples e prática, ideal para o dia a dia.
5. Segurança e Qualidade Garantidas: Produto vegano, kosher e livre de glúten, assegurando a saúde do bebê.
Para utilizar o Gripe Water Orgânico para Bebês da Garden of Life, agite bem o frasco antes de cada uso. Com a seringa livre de BPA, meça a dosagem recomendada de acordo com a idade do bebê, variando entre 2,5 mL a 10 mL. Administre o Gripe Water diretamente na boca do bebê ou misture com um pouco de água ou leite materno, conforme preferir. Repita a dose conforme necessário, respeitando o limite máximo de dosagem diária. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar em bebês com menos de 1 mês de idade. Mantenha o produto fora do alcance das crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco para garantir sua eficácia. Proporcione alívio suave e natural para o seu pequeno tesouro com o Gripe Water Orgânico da Garden of Life.
Kat Guerra –
Definitely worth the buy to get rid of the lingering hiccups, love that it doesn’t have as many ingredients as the other brands, works even with a little lower dosage than listed for newborn age and size.
Jennifer A. –
I’ve used other brands of gripe water in the past. With my first born, I used zarbees brand. But I can’t find it in stock anywhere, now. So I chose this brand because the formula matches zarbees brand the closest. Unfortunately, I didn’t read where it says it needs to be refrigerated and the 2nd time I used it, my daughter spit it all up. It’s totally my fault. I should have done a better job reading the label. But I’ve never bought another brand of gripe water that needed to be refrigerated. Since making this mistake, I searched online and haven’t found another brand of gripe water that needs to be refrigerated. It’s a bit odd. I wasted an entire bottle and gave my baby something that had gone bad by sitting at room temperature. Again, that’s my fault. But I wanted to make it clear to everyone else that buys this product… Don’t forget to refrigerate it.
I lowered the star rating because it’s really inconvenient to have to refrigerate it. My kitchen is on the 1st floor. We spend most of our time on the 2nd floor. And my daughter really hates that it’s so cold. So I found a different brand to use (with a different formula) at room temp until my baby gets less picky about the temperature of things. It would be a lot easier if I could administer this product at room temperature.
Estefany hernandez –
I like this better than the other gripe water brand.
Cheyanne –
Great product. Over priced.
One bottle said for 0-3 month olds
The other bottle says only for 3 + months…
I’ve been giving it to my 3 week and now 7 week old…
Wondering if I shouldn’t have.. sketchy to me.
Also if you do overpay and get this great product lol.. make sure you refrigerate it!! Ugh!!
Innabond –
I have tried this one and the mommy bliss and between the two my baby seemed to love this one more
Beth –
Baby hates the taste but it really works well, and I’m glad it doesn’t have sugar or alcohol. I like this brand too, I’ve used other products of theirs before. I give it to her 4x a day, three times right before she eats and once in a mini bottle with a little breast milk and her multivitamin. She gulps it down and doesn’t notice. From what I read, “they” say it works best when not added to anything, but I don’t really know. Hey as long as it keeps her tummy settled, it’s a winner in my book!!! Definitely worth trying.
UPDATE: After using this for 3 months, I can definitively say it still works. For my baby, I figured out 1mL to each ounce of milk directly in the bottle after it’s warmed is the best. She doesn’t mind the taste at all, it helps her burp without being too aggressive, and she’s much happier. Her tummy issues have drastically reduced. Life saver!
Jaclyn W –
I would not recommend this product. Save your money and don’t try it.
We use gripe water in our home almost every day. We have been trying several different brands to find the “best” gripe water, evaluating this based on the ingredients, effectiveness, and stain-factor.
The reason I rated this product so low is this is the ONLY gripe water my baby hates.
It doesn’t have agave, which is part of what I liked about the ingredients, as it isn’t ideal to give my 4-month-old sugar, especially right before bed time which is often when she needs it. Because it doesn’t have agave, it is not sweet, and I’m assuming due to the lemon balm, it is bitter and sour. I tasted it myself and I could understand why she isn’t a fan. She will hold it in her mouth, then turn to the side so it will all drizzle out and avoid swallowing.
It’s not inherently a bad product. I love this brand and I trust the quality of the ingredients. I also love that it is clear and doesn’t stain. I just wish the company would find some way to incorporate a sweetness factor so it is slightly more palatable to a baby. I’m disappointed to have to throw away the bottle.
Maclady –
This stuff is gold! My poor baby girl was getting violent hiccups and terrible gas. This stops the hiccups instantly and allows for the gas to pass more freely. She is in way less pain. The flavor is not so bad for her. She didn’t bat an eye, yes, it is a tad sour because of the lemon, but definitely doable. I added 2.5 ml to a medicine doser bottle with a nipple and she took it right down (in between meals). She is about 6 weeks old and was born a preemie. But I waited until she was term and talked in detail with my pediatrician before considering. I love GOL brand for the adults in our household and was excited to see something so clean available for my baby girl’s precious developing system.