Descrição do Produto: Gainful Get Lean Performance Boost
O Gainful Get Lean Performance Boost é a solução ideal para quem busca otimizar seu desempenho físico e alcançar seus objetivos de emagrecimento de forma saudável e eficaz. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina ingredientes de alta qualidade que promovem a queima de gordura, melhoram a digestão e aumentam a energia, tudo isso sem aditivos prejudiciais.
- INGREDIENTES QUE APOIAM SEUS OBJETIVOS: O chá verde é um aliado poderoso na perda de peso e na gestão do peso corporal, pois aumenta a oxidação de gordura. O extrato de chá verde é rico em catequinas, especialmente o EGCG (epigalocatequina galato), que demonstrou facilitar a perda de peso. Como um ingrediente termogênico, o GTE pode ajudar a acelerar seu metabolismo, aumentando a capacidade do seu corpo de queimar calorias.
- UM INTESTINO SAUDÁVEL = UM TREINO FELIZ: A boa saúde e o desempenho esportivo ideal começam com um intestino saudável. Poucas pessoas conseguem ingerir a quantidade adequada de fibras em sua dieta, e é fundamental atingir a ingestão diária recomendada para ter um desempenho otimizado. Consumir quantidades adequadas de fibra pode regular a digestão e melhorar a saciedade das refeições, ajudando você a se sentir confortável e energizado durante o treinamento.
- MANTENHA-SE ENERGIZADO E NO CAMINHO CERTO: Estudos mostram que o extrato de chá verde afeta positivamente a absorção e o metabolismo, apoiando a perda de peso e a manutenção do peso. Sendo uma fonte natural de cafeína, ele também pode ajudar a melhorar o desempenho em exercícios de resistência.
- NENHUM ADITIVO, NENHUM DESPERDÍCIO: Livre de aditivos prejudiciais ocultos – Sem cores, sabores ou adoçantes artificiais – Vegano – Sem glúten.
1. Acelera a Queima de Gordura: O extrato de chá verde potencializa a oxidação de gordura, facilitando a perda de peso.
2. Melhora a Digestão: A inclusão de fibras na fórmula ajuda a regular o sistema digestivo, promovendo uma melhor absorção de nutrientes.
3. Aumenta a Energia: A cafeína natural do chá verde proporciona um impulso energético, ideal para treinos intensos.
4. Sem Aditivos Prejudiciais: A fórmula é limpa, sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto saudável e seguro.
5. Apoio à Performance: Melhora o desempenho em atividades físicas, especialmente em exercícios de resistência, ajudando a manter a motivação e o foco.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Gainful Get Lean Performance Boost, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (indicada na embalagem) em água ou na sua bebida favorita, uma vez ao dia. Para maximizar os efeitos, consuma 30 minutos antes do treino. Mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo para potencializar os benefícios do produto. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Jsmith1987 –
Great burner, gives a good amount of energy and helped my focus
Vine Customer –
Tried this in my smoothie today & while it didn’t make me feel cruddy, it didn’t boost me either.
Was taken aback by the reddish brown color when I opened the jar, was expecting green like the pics. While it’s said to be unflavored, the only ingredient(s) other than fiber & green tea is “natural flavors”. While I didn’t notice a flavor change in my smoothie, just dipping my finger in the powder to take a taste was remarkably sharp & sour. I really don’t know what to think about any of this, the taste, the color…just seems off to me.
There’s no info on the label as to where this is made, no organic certification badges, no FDA or cGMP approved facilities of manufacture…just nothing. I checked their website to try to learn more & can’t find any of this info there either.
Gonna have to be a no for me – just too vague for me to be ingesting.
TechAndJewelGeeks –
I’m taking this purely to get fiber in my diet as I have severe gastroparesis and this will allow me to take a little/get a little or take a lot/get more, depending on how my stomach feels. It’s also 2 different forms of fiber, so I figured why not. So I’ve been taking it for a week and putting it in my drinks – everything from my flavored tea to hot chocolate. The consistency of the Gainful hasn’t changed my drink, which is great; I did get a cup that spins powerfully at the bottom when you press a button to keep everything evenly mixed.
I initially started by taking a very small amount (1/8th of a scoop a day) and am up to 1/2 a scoop a day right now. I’m in no rush. Something is better than nothing for me. It hasn’t gotten me sick, not have I noticed any benefit yet. I’ll post an update if something good or bad happens.🙂
Note: I’m not a medical professional and am just relaying my personal experience. Consult with your own medical professional.
Love & Light –
There are only two ingredients in this formula, but something in this made my stomach feel like I had concrete in it. I don’t know if it is the tapioca fiber, or the green tea extract. I take different types of fiber, i.e. prebiotic corn fiber and psyllium husk daily, so I am not usually sensitive to fiber supplements. I also drink matcha green tea daily. It is possible this green tea extract in this is too tannic for me. This powder is rust orange/red toned not green as expected for green tea, so it could be too oxidized.
There is no information on where these ingredients are sourced from, where this is manufactured, or if third party lab testing has been done for safety. This is a pass from me.
Katherine Woods –
Satiates. I add 1 scoop to my protein shake and blend it up twice a day (breakfast and around 3:00). It keeps me full. No noted energy boost. When mixed into a smoothie you cannot taste it and it does not affect the texture.
The Velvet –
I like this? I guess. I’m not quite sure what taking it might accomplish on its own though. It’s just green tea and fiber which IS great for the gut but weight goals need a workout routine and diet to achieve. This stuff on its own will just make me feel good, fill me up for a bit and is good for gut health
There isn’t enough of the tea extract in here to even provide a boost to get going before a workout. BUT, I intake a lot of fiber and love green tea. Both things are great so this makes it convenient to add into drinks like shakes, smoothies, other pre-workouts etc. Just don’t fall for the marketing, put some effort into it as well as taking this I guess
Amazon Customer –
The Gainful Get Lean Performance Boost is an effective and customizable supplement for enhancing workouts and achieving fitness goals. Designed to support energy levels and metabolism, it’s an excellent addition to a pre-workout or active routine.
The formula is clean and well-balanced, providing a noticeable energy boost without jitters or crashes. It mixes easily with water or shakes and complements Gainful’s personalized protein powders for a tailored nutrition plan.
Highly recommended for anyone looking to improve performance, stamina, and recovery while staying on track with fitness and lean body goals. A great product for active individuals and athletes!
Very well made and nice material. The fur on the vest is super soft and high quality. Fit perfectly. TTS. –
Not the same as the Get Lean at Target