Descrição do Produto: Gaia Herbs Pro Magnesium Glycinate 400 – Suporte ao Sono
O Gaia Herbs Pro Magnesium Glycinate 400 é um suplemento natural projetado para proporcionar suporte ao sono e alívio do estresse, utilizando a poderosa forma de magnésio glicinato. Este mineral essencial é altamente absorvível, permitindo que o corpo responda de maneira eficaz ao estresse, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e tranquilidade. Ideal tanto para homens quanto para mulheres, este suplemento atua como um verdadeiro aliado na busca por uma noite de sono reparadora, ajudando a combater a sensação de nervosismo que muitas vezes nos acompanha durante a noite.
Formulado com ingredientes premium, o magnésio glicinato não apenas apoia o metabolismo, mas também é fundamental na produção de energia, contribuindo para um bem-estar geral. A Gaia Herbs se compromete com a qualidade, selecionando os melhores ingredientes de diversas partes do mundo, incluindo suas próprias fazendas. Essa dedicação à qualidade e integridade é respaldada por evidências científicas, refletindo um compromisso com a saúde e o bem-estar, além de um propósito que vai além do lucro.
– Alívio do Estresse: O magnésio glicinato ajuda o corpo a lidar com o estresse de forma natural, promovendo um estado de calma.
– Suporte ao Sono: Contribui para um sono profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Formulado com ingredientes premium, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
– Apoio ao Metabolismo: O magnésio é crucial para o metabolismo energético, ajudando a manter os níveis de energia ao longo do dia.
– Compromisso com a Integridade: A Gaia Herbs prioriza a qualidade e a sustentabilidade, oferecendo produtos que respeitam o meio ambiente e a saúde dos consumidores.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Gaia Herbs Pro Magnesium Glycinate 400 diariamente, preferencialmente à noite, antes de dormir. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e, se necessário, consultar um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Este suplemento pode ser integrado à sua rotina noturna, ajudando a preparar o corpo e a mente para um descanso profundo e revitalizante.
3 pills every night before bed have made a huge difference to my sleeping pattern especially that I’m a new mom, taking care of a newborn, waking up during the night to feed.
Those pills not only help me relax during night and day, they help me fall asleep more easily. I’ve been taking them since 3 weeks now, and I noticed a huge difference in my mood, my body aches from tiredness and waking up during the night became less, and my sleep pattern is so much better.
They are easy to swallow, and the fact that it’s magnesium glycinate, then the body will easily absorb it which allows them to deliver all the benefits.
I definitely recommend them.
Thunder –
I am really impressed with the quality
Zera Brown –
Gaia brand always comes through. Sleep help amd muscle relaxation. Does NOT cause diarrhea like some do
Ashley –
Good quality hence the price works good
AnotherCustomer –
Amazon was out of my usual magnesium supplement. I had been taking 500 mg per night for years to help with anxiety. I started having anxiety again after about a week on this new magnesium. It wasn’t until today that I found out why my anxiety & headaches returned – I unknowingly went from 500 mg per day to 133 mg because the label says 400 and usually that means 400 per capsule; not dose! Will never buy again. Very surprised because I normally love GAIA products – unless this is a different GAIA?? I know it looks different so very well may be.
AnotherCustomer –
Gaia PRO Magnesium Glycinate 400
The labeling feels a little misleading to me “Magnesium Glycinate 400”. I think at quick glance it can cause a reasonable person to believe they are getting 180 capsules of 400 mg capsules. A serving is 3 capsules.
To be fair, this isn’t the only product out there that does this. Other magnesium glycinate bottles even say “400 mg” but require two to four capsules to reach this recommended dosage.
As of January 31, 2023, this product is $45.00 for 180 Capsules (60 Servings), which makes them 25 cents a capsule or 50 cents a serving. There are some brands that are less (6 to 20 cents a serving) and several equal to this product (50 cents a serving).
There is a North Carolina address on the bottle. It states, “Manufactured for Gaia Herbs Inc. 101 Gaia Herbs Drive, Brevard, NC 28712”. The product description could make it clearer the product is manufactured in NC – in the USA.
I was concerned that this was not a non-GMO (genetically modified organism) product. I have listed Gaia Herbs’ policy directly from their website:
“Gaia Herbs is committed to using and supporting only non-GMO materials. Gaia does not purchase GMO herbs and/or ingredients. We do a purchasing review to ensure we eliminate the possibility of hidden GMOs making their way into our products. All herbs propagated and grown on Gaia Farm are Certified Organic and therefore are GMO-free. Our seeds, whether sourced from our farm or a trusted supplier, are also GMO-free. We will always do everything possible to ensure that our products are non-GMO.”
Also, since Gaia Herbs adheres to the “rigorous standards required of a Certified Organic Grower (COG) as determined by Oregon Tilth” their products are guaranteed to be certified organic which by definition makes them free of GMOs.
I think this type of information needs to be made more available on their product page on Amazon. Again, the above information was directly from Gaia Herbs Pro website.
There are a lot of good qualities to this product. It is vegan, soy-free, dairy-free, and gluten-free.
The capsules themselves are easy to swallow. They are about as long as a quarter. Remember, you’ll need to take three of them. I have included a picture to give an idea of their size.
I have been taking these magnesium capsules for six days now. I am sleeping a little bit better. It feels like I am getting a deeper sleep.
I have also had the added, unexpected benefit of no more leg cramps waking me up in the middle of the night.
Amazon Customer –
Helps relieve stress and increases my quality of sleep
kim howard –
I’ve been using this for a couple of weeks now and I HAVE been sleeping better, though I’ve also been a lot more tired, and I’m not sure if those go hand in hand or are unrelated, and if they are because of this supplement or any number of things going on in my life right now. I am familiar with this brand and feel good about it. I’ve never used Magnesium before so I can’t compare this against any other experiences, but I also have no complaints. I’m going to keep using it and am considering if it’s worth continuing to take this after this bottle runs out. I do take my pills over the course of the day, as they are pretty big so I’m not sure I’d want to take them altogether. That said, they are very easy to swallow, so I might consider trying that as I do sometimes forget and don’t get much full dose throughout the day the way I’m doing it now.