Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder da combinação perfeita de ingredientes com o PeakPury GABA, 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, Ashwagandha 2000mg, Chamomile, L-Theanine e Magnesium – um suplemento projetado para elevar seu bem-estar a um novo patamar. Cada frasco contém 150 cápsulas, oferecendo um suprimento de 75 dias, com cada cápsula contendo 200 mg de 5-HTP e 500 mg de GABA, proporcionando um impulso eficaz para sua saúde mental e emocional.
Este produto combina 12 ingredientes essenciais em uma única mistura poderosa: Vitamina D3, Vitamina B6, Magnésio, GABA, 5-HTP, L-Tryptophan, Ashwagandha, L-Theanine, Manjericão Sagrado, Valeriana, Camomila e Pimenta Preta. Juntos, esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para apoiar a qualidade do sono, fortalecer a saúde cerebral e promover relaxamento e restauração, ajudando você a enfrentar os desafios diários com mais tranquilidade.
O PeakPury é totalmente vegano, com cada ingrediente cuidadosamente selecionado de fontes confiáveis, garantindo que sejam todos naturais, não transgênicos, sem glúten, sem açúcar e livres de produtos químicos. A qualidade é uma prioridade, e este produto é fabricado com ingredientes premium em uma instalação que segue as normas cGMP, passando por rigorosos testes em laboratórios de terceiros para garantir a pureza e eficácia dos ingredientes.
– Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Os ingredientes como GABA e 5-HTP ajudam a regular o sono, proporcionando noites mais tranquilas e reparadoras.
– Apoio à Saúde Mental: A combinação de L-Tryptophan e Ashwagandha promove um estado mental equilibrado, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Aumento da Concentração: A L-Theanine e o Magnésio colaboram para melhorar a função cognitiva, ajudando na concentração e foco durante o dia.
– Relaxamento Natural: Ingredientes como Camomila e Valeriana oferecem um efeito calmante, ideal para momentos de tensão e agitação.
– Fórmula Vegana e Natural: Com ingredientes livres de aditivos químicos, este suplemento é uma escolha saudável e ética para quem busca bem-estar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de PeakPury GABA, 5-HTP diariamente, preferencialmente antes de dormir ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água e manter uma rotina regular para maximizar os benefícios do suplemento. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Vijay Kumar –
Although I have not been taking these long, it definitely seems like I am noticing that I am getting more rest at night. It seems like I am awaking in the mornings feeling more revived and focused as opposed to feeling sluggish. With the small improvements that I feel, I will continue to take them. Also, the capsules don’t have a weird smell or after taste. So far so good!!
Atldude –
I’ve been using these for a month or so and cannot really tell if they work or not. I’m not noticing any difference.
Carol –
Some of the ingredients in this product were unknown to me regarding what they can help with. I was surprised to find that there are similar benefits from many of the primary ingredients. Anxiety, sleep, mental clarity are just a few of the purported benefits. This product sure beats taking several different product capsules to get the general results acquired from 2 capsules of this product. I have been taking them for about a week and so far, I do tend to feel more calm every day. I will finish the bottle and judge at that time whether or not to continue with this product. I am thinking that I may continue. The results this week are impressive to me.
Vijay Kumar –
The packaging looks very simple and ordinary. The capsules look ordinary as well. Their website does not have details about this product. The email address on contact page is completely misleading and wrong. They claim 5000 d3 per capsule which means 70k per week, which seems unsafe. I opened it, so not sure if Amazon will allow me to return this product. Buying such product from a dubious source could be health hazard. There is no detail on how and where it was manufactured or tested.
Alexus A. Parker –
I have been taking this supplement at night for the past couple of weeks. It did not disappoint. My sleep feels much deeper and I have been waking up much more refreshed. My wife now wants to try this as well. I feel very good about the quality of this product and would recommend it for anyone looking to catch a deeper sleep with the benefits to your overall system.
Cleve –
** I look for manufacturer certification, testing, distributor and website accountability, place of manufacture, sourcing, dosage, listing accuracy, return policy, tamper evident packaging and expiration date. I check accuracy of nutrition claims and supplement facts and, when available, share my knowledge of usefulness, potential drug interactions, and precautions. My reviews mention any shortcomings I discover. I reserve my highest ratings for products that positively satisfy all these criteria and reduce that rating fairly for those that do not. As I gain information regarding the underregulated supplement industry, I will adjust my review criteria. **
75 – two capsule doses.
Address shown on label is incorrect. My request for clarification was unanswered. Made by others – sourcing unknown.
I will provide any known benefits and side-effects I experience from each supplement I take personally; however, effects are often unapparent for many months – if at all. For this reason, I choose to place more emphasis on product safety in my reviews and will point out weaknesses.
My ancestors were slaves in the lowcountry barrier islands on my mother’s side and Native Americans from the Great Smoky Mountains of NC on my father’s. Herbal remedies have been a part of my heritage for centuries. I was treated with herbs since birth, grow many of my own, and they have been a part of my life for over 60 years. I have successfully treated numerous friends and family members in our coastal community.
Now finally, many previously unavailable herbal remedies are on the market. This is a mixed blessing, because the industry is largely unregulated. I hope that I may better assist Amazon buyers by publishing my reviews in this manner.
Tee –
This supplement includes several vital ingredients that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and are at a reasonable price. They are easy to swallow and provide many health benefits.
Chris Michaud –
Safe packaging, consistent product- exactly what I needed!