FundAminos Blend – 100% Orgânico
O FundAminos Blend é um pó de aminoácidos essenciais e BCAA vegano premium que impulsiona o seu corpo com síntese de proteínas essenciais para massa muscular, longevidade, energia, recuperação, força, resistência e saúde. Nosso suplemento é 100% natural, orgânico e clinicamente comprovado, sendo utilizado por milhares de pessoas ao longo de 16 anos para recuperação muscular, energia e força.
Recuperação Rápida, Manutenção Muscular e Longevidade: O FundAminos Blend é uma fórmula especial desenvolvida pelo Dr. Richard Cohen, M.D., baseada em décadas de pesquisa MAP, para ajudar a combater o envelhecimento e aumentar a massa muscular, energia, saúde, recuperação e cognição. É um suplemento saudável pré e pós-treino, podendo ser combinado com outros ingredientes como pó de beterraba, creatina, HMB, café, colágeno, vegetais misturados ou proteína de soro de leite.
Sabor Natural de Frutas + Extratos de CherryPURE e ActiGINseng: O FundAminos Blend fornece os 8 aminoácidos BCAA e EAA veganos, além de uma deliciosa mistura de 9 superfrutas em pó, incluindo cereja azeda e extratos de ginseng, para uma absorção mais rápida de nutrientes e recuperação acelerada. Desfrute desses blocos de construção de proteínas enquanto combate a fome; começa a agir em apenas 15 minutos, fornecendo nutrição saudável em pó para músculos e tecidos. Com apenas 4 calorias, não requer digestão!
Optimum Nutrition a partir de Proteína Vegetal Orgânica: O FundAminos Blend é feito com proteína vegetal orgânica, excedendo as normas cGMP e atendendo às diretrizes da FDA. Com 30 porções de 6,5 gramas cada, obtenha um suporte de alta qualidade e valor para energia em pó com aminoácidos BCAA e EAA veganos. É um suplemento de longevidade e energia sem enchimentos ou ingredientes desnecessários; e, ao contrário de outros aminoácidos, não é feito de penas de pato ou cabelo humano. Use com eletrólitos para um melhor impulso pré-treino. O FundAminos Blend é confiável, puro e limpo!
Suplemento de Aminoácidos Clinicamente Comprovado e Confiável: Nós garantimos o FundAminos como o pó de BCAA e EAA natural mais estudado, de maior qualidade e sabor mais fresco. Não contém produtos químicos ou ingredientes artificiais, é testado por terceiros, livre de soja, não transgênico, com baixo teor de açúcar, sem glúten, sem lactose, com baixo teor de carboidratos e adequado para dietas paleo e keto. Basta misturar com água para obter uma nutrição ótima de proteínas pré-treino e para recuperação pós-treino.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Recuperação muscular acelerada
- Aumento da massa muscular
- Aumento de energia e resistência
- Melhora da saúde e longevidade
- Sabor delicioso de frutas naturais
– Sugestão de Uso:
Misture uma colher de sopa (6,5g) do FundAminos Blend em 250ml de água e consuma antes ou após o treino. Para melhores resultados, combine com eletrólitos. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada.
Misture uma colher de sopa (6,5g) do FundAminos Blend em 250ml de água e consuma antes ou após o treino. Para melhores resultados, combine com eletrólitos. Não exceda a dose diária recomendada.
Jessica Skelton –
For $50+ I’d expect the item to have not opened and spilled. No option to get a replacement. Will update review if that changes.
Jessica Skelton –
I’ve been using this for at least 3-4 years, and it’s not a cheap supplement. My recent shipment arrived with the newly designed bag’s seal open and some of its contents spilled out. They need to reassess that, or I’ll cease to order it.
The taste is a 3-4/5 unless you drink it really concentrated. Otherwise it’s somewhat bland, which I guess is the trade-off for it having less junk in it. The new packaging lowered the rating for me.
Alan Cooney –
I love that it’s organic, and shipped in a bag that uses less plastic than other products.
And … unfortunately … I mix this into the water in my reusable sports bottle, and though the flavor is fine, it seems to leave my bottle smelling like it needs cleaning—even when I just cleaned it.
Achiever1 –
I’ve been buying Fundaminos by Pure Clean Performance for over 5 years. This new and improved version is the absolutely best I’ve ever tasted. It mixes more smoothly and the cherry aroma hits your nose as soon as you open the package. More importantly, I love the RESULTS! This VEGAN blend of all eight amino acids along with their Biotanical Recovery Blend & Superberry Blend has helped me recover fast after training for & running many international marathons. This company is outstanding in their research AND customer service. PCP is an advanced thinking, honest, family run business, lead by Dr. Rick Cohen and his son Ethan. Dr.Cohen actually answers emails. Additiionally, Ralph, the operation manager, is amazing. He does everything possible to make sure you get your products ON TIME!!! I TRUST THIS COMPANY and their many outstanding producst!!!!
L. C. –
I have used this product for several years, cycling on and off it depending upon where I am in my competitive season and training. I can definitely say that I have less soreness and can handle more intense training loads and race schedules when I am taking this regularly. Taste is much milder than most super-artificially-flavored amino acid powders, and it does not upset my stomach at all. It’s not the cheapest out there, but you get what you pay for– this works significantly better than the 13 other amino acid products I have used over the past 5 years. It is important to take it on an empty stomach, at least for me… but YMMV. I have been extremely happy with the products I’ve used from this company (I use the beet products daily, and the coffee product when I travel), and would recommend them without reservation. That said, I am a competitive athlete and train hard year-round, so not sure how they work for more “normal” folks.
Mike C –
In a class by itself. Because they are free form amino acids they require no digestion, they just get absorbed, so a great post workout drink. I’ve used it for about a year. Like I read, it seems to work about like twice as much of a regular protein. Suitable for vegans it’s a very helpful protein boost for me, and it has helped me to gain weight. It’s helping my elderly father to also gain weight. It could be used with a low calorie meal for weight loss. I really like the taste, a little fruity, with no sugar or chemical sweeteners, and non GMO. Mixes easily, and I get a feel-good boost as well!
Emily D –
We have been using this product for more than ten years. I can’t imagine living without it. It was first given to us by my younger son’s doctor when he was 7 with undiagnosed autoimmune disorders. Then my older son and I started using it and got hooked as well. We are the serious amateur athletes, and have used it for more than ten years as well. We use during and after workouts. But this is also an important product for non athletes who are dealing with depletion and chronic illness. The prices have gone up now, and the company is growing fast. But the price still seems a very good value for what it does, and the service is still outstanding. Finally, we were good with the original flavor and got used to the new one quickly as well.
mcKate –
FundAminos Blend is an excellent vegan amino acid supplement that has significantly improved my workout recovery and muscle growth. The organic, plant-based formula provides all the essential amino acids, including a high dose of leucine for optimal muscle protein synthesis. Unlike many protein powders, FundAminos is rapidly absorbed and utilized by the body, with clinical studies showing nearly 99% absorption.
Key Benefits
– Faster recovery from intense workouts due to the easily digestible amino acids.
– Noticeable lean muscle gains over time from the anabolic effects of the amino acid blend.
– Clean, natural ingredients with no artificial flavors or fillers.
– Low-calorie yet highly satiating, helping with appetite control.
The real fruit punch flavor is quite enjoyable and mixes well into shakes. While more expensive than some BCAA powders, the superior quality, effectiveness, and clean profile make FundAminos worth the investment for anyone serious about fitness and muscle growth.