Descrição do Produto: Standard Process General Health Daily Fundamentals
O Standard Process General Health Daily Fundamentals é um suplemento nutricional projetado para manter a saúde ideal, combinando uma poderosa mistura de vitaminas e minerais essenciais. Este produto contém uma variedade de nutrientes que desempenham papéis cruciais no funcionamento do corpo humano, promovendo o bem-estar geral e a vitalidade. Entre os principais componentes, destacam-se:
- Minerais Traço-B12 (um comprimido) — suplemento de minerais traço que auxilia na produção de energia e na formação de glóbulos vermelhos.
- Óleo de Atum Omega-3 (duas pérolas) — fornece 300 mg de DHA e 60 mg de EPA, ácidos graxos ômega-3 que suportam a saúde do coração, cérebro, olhos e articulações.
- Uso Sugerido: Tome o conteúdo de 1 pacote cada manhã e noite.
- Standard Process: Produtos de alta qualidade que funcionam da maneira que a natureza pretendia.
Este suplemento é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem holística para a saúde, integrando nutrientes que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, melhorar a função cognitiva e promover a saúde cardiovascular. A combinação de vitaminas como a D, C, A, B12, além de minerais como zinco, ferro, iodo e cobre, garante que o corpo receba o suporte necessário para enfrentar os desafios diários.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Os ácidos graxos ômega-3 contribuem para a saúde do coração, reduzindo o risco de doenças cardíacas.
3. Função Cognitiva: Nutrientes como DHA e EPA são essenciais para a saúde do cérebro, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
4. Saúde Óptica: O DHA é conhecido por beneficiar a saúde ocular, ajudando a prevenir problemas de visão.
5. Equilíbrio Nutricional: A combinação de vitaminas e minerais essenciais garante que o corpo receba os nutrientes necessários para um funcionamento ideal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que os usuários tomem o conteúdo de 1 pacote do Standard Process General Health Daily Fundamentals pela manhã e à noite. É importante seguir as instruções de uso para garantir a absorção adequada dos nutrientes. O uso regular deste suplemento pode ajudar a manter níveis ótimos de vitaminas e minerais, promovendo uma saúde robusta e um bem-estar duradouro.
Gregory Conrad –
These are great vitamins by standard process. The box says to take 2 packs per day, but I’ve been taking one pack and feel energized. One pack per day will give you a two month supply. $78 dollars every two months is easier on the wallet. Interestingly enough though, I have taken the Catalyn, and the B12 separately. The Catalyn says to take 3 pills per day, and the B12 trace minerals are one a day. The only conclusion I can come to, as to why they want you to take 2 packs per day is more money for them.
William D. King –
Standard process has been around since I was a kid. You can buy with confidence. They are not your standard el-cheapo vitamins.
Heather –
My physician recommended this brand to me. I can take all of this packet w/ a cup of strong coffee and not have a single stomach ache. They are very gentle. I’ve never been able to stomach vitamins my entire life, and I’m in my mid 40’s. Nice brand. Great vitamins. Everything you need in a single packet.
Jhceagle –
Been using them for over 1 year. As a test I stopped for a month. I could see a drop back in energy and alertness.
Unfortunately, I am still as ugly as I was when I started taking them…but do feel healthier.
Maria S –
I’ve been taking these daily packs for over a year now and feel better taking them. Because B12 and fish oil pills are included, I feel it’s a good value because buying those supplements separately plus a quality multivitamin would cost more than these. Like another reviewer, I take 1 pack a day so my supply will last 60 days. I also have a smoothie with 4-5 organic fruits/veggies on average 5 days a week and try and eat organic, good quality food regularly so for me, this supplementation is enough. I like that the ingredients are from whole foods. The synthetic vitamins scare me.
Mr. Dynamite –
I was introduced to these vitamins by my chiropractor. After taking these for a month I couldn’t believe how much better I felt. I had more energy, less aches and pains, and most importantly I have never slept this good in my life. I’ve always been a really lite sleeper and would wake up several times through the night. I’ve been sleeping so well my wife gets a little jealous that I sleep through the kids crying at night but she has no problem waking me up to get them if she’s tired. The taste isn’t so bad and the fish oil isn’t fishy at all. No burping it up and no acid reflux from the vitamins like other brands do. These are all good based so you can take them with or without food and either way hasn’t bothered my stomach at all. I usually take them with my breakfast or lunch. I take some other supplements and stack these with the Balance Of Nature fruits and veggies and I haven’t felt this good in years. I highly recommend these vitamins to everyone and throw out those store bought vitamins that don’t dissolve and are hard for your body to absorb. I love these vitamins and what they have done for me!!
sameiam –
Well balanced vitamin supplement and made by Standard Process. Pricey ? yes , but actually better than wasted on otc junk vitamins
Jordan G –
I am a huge fan of Standard Process and have been taking their vitamins on and off for years. When I saw they had a general health daily packet, I knew it was for me.
With only using 1 packet a day, I have noticed a huge change in my energy levels, better gut health, and I do believe it is helping my hair grow more too.
Not sure how much more of a value it is compared to buying the individual vitamins, but it’s the convenience for me!