Frownies Patches Faciais para Rugas no Canto dos Olhos são a solução ideal para quem busca suavizar e prevenir as linhas de expressão que se formam ao redor dos olhos e da boca. Esses adesivos inovadores são projetados para atuar de forma eficaz, proporcionando uma aparência rejuvenescida e saudável à pele. Com a capacidade de imobilizar os músculos faciais, os Frownies ajudam a relaxar as áreas afetadas, promovendo a suavização das rugas e a melhora da textura da pele. Feitos de papel Kraft não branqueado e um adesivo suave, são seguros para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis, e não contêm produtos químicos agressivos.
Os benefícios dos Frownies são notáveis. Eles oferecem uma alternativa natural e não invasiva aos tratamentos estéticos, como injeções, permitindo que você cuide da sua pele de maneira prática e eficaz. O uso consistente dos adesivos, recomendado por 30 noites consecutivas, garante resultados duradouros, ajudando a prevenir o surgimento de novas linhas de expressão. Além disso, a aplicação é simples e rápida, tornando-se um passo fácil na sua rotina de cuidados com a pele.
– Reduz rugas e linhas finas ao redor da boca e pés de galinha.
– Alternativa natural e não invasiva aos injetáveis.
– Feito de papel Kraft não branqueado e adesivo suave.
– Uso consistente garante resultados duradouros.
– Propriedade e operação de mulheres fortes e independentes.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os Frownies Patches, comece rasgando o adesivo ao longo das perfurações. Em seguida, umedeça o lado brilhante com água morna ou Hidratante de Água de Rosas até que fique pegajoso. Aplique o adesivo sobrepondo na área desejada, como a testa ou os cantos dos olhos. É recomendado usar os patches durante a noite ou por um período mínimo de 3 horas. Para maximizar os efeitos, utilize os adesivos de forma contínua por 30 noites consecutivas e, após esse período, aplique conforme necessário para manter os resultados desejados.
Tania –
Works well
Sheena henry –
Not a fan. First of all, they have a nasty odor, second even when you put a little water on it and put it on your face, it’s a stiff piece of paper that feels like cardboard. The entire piece is shaped oddly so it never really covers the area I want in full. Won’t buy again.
Alisa Jones –
Tried them for the first time and I am convinced in a months time I will have the exact results I was hoping for! I didn’t expect to have the “wow” results I’m seeing in adds in my first session because my forehead wrinkles are already so defined but these are so goooooood!!! Thank you Frownies I feel 10 years younger already !
Aaron P Lentz –
I tried these as an alternative to Botox for fine lines on my forehead and in between my brows. I tried this version and the other shape that is available by this company for at least three months and did use them nightly. The product was difficult to apply as I could not fully moisturize my face the way I prefer to before applying the product. If I used too much moisturizer, the pieces of paper would not stick to my forehead. The product was essentially craft paper that was sticky on one side and it did not smell good. The edges or corners tended to resist sticking to my face regardless of how long I held them to my face. I would wear this overnight and would wake up in the morning with slight improvements on my fine lines. The improvements would not last, and the lines would be present again by the end of the day. There was no general improvement in the final lines of my face over time through the three month period. I’m looking into other options, but this one was not it.
Tania –
Forget Botox, Frownies actually work! These patches “train” my facial muscles while I sleep, reducing movement and, over time, softening those pesky lines. The packaging is lovely, though the price makes me a bit curious – it’s not cheap for something so straightforward. My only gripe? Separating the patches can be a bit fiddly, and I’ve had a few accidental tears. Overall, they’re a solid addition to any low-fuss skincare routine.
Jaimee Montgomery –
These facial patches are exactly what they say they are, patches. Place them on your wrinkles and watch them, over time, become less visible. These have been around forever! The size is effective because you can place them anywhere, quality is amazing and my appearance has improved significantly! No smell, no interaction or worry of needles!
Sheena henry –
Before pic with my hair down, this was taken two days prior in the same room as the photo with my hair up. Second photo was after only using overnight for the first time only on my forehead. I applied before bed, slept on them really easily. Removing was kinda hard but I only wetted down the papers before sliding off. I think if I wore them in the shower and really drenched them with warm water they would fall off. My forehead feels tight, soft, and looks amazing today. I’ll see what it looks like after a full day of work. But for now, I’m sold!
Amazon Customer –
While I feel that the product does work temporarily, when it hardens they are a bit difficult to sleep in. Have to rewet to remove or the strong adhesion will not release. Good value for money. It like putting a puzzle together when trying to find the right pieces in the right places.
Aubrey Glover –
I love these!! I use them every night and re-use them the following night(carefully peel them off in the morning and then re-wet them and you can get another user two out of them). They form a nice hard cast. I will never get Botox so this is a great alternative. I’m not sure why there are so many complaints about the smell. It’s not unpleasant at all. I was expecting a strong chemical smell or something off-putting but I actually like the way they smell.
This is a helpful tool and just part of my skin routine. Thank you Frownies!!
Momof3 –
Wish the material was like the forehead the paper is too rough on my skin.