Descrição do Produto: Frontier Co-op Organic Cut
O Frontier Co-op Organic Cut é um produto de alta qualidade, ideal para quem busca ingredientes naturais e orgânicos para enriquecer suas receitas. Este corte orgânico é cuidadosamente selecionado e processado para garantir frescor e sabor excepcionais. Com um aroma intenso e uma textura perfeita, ele é perfeito para temperar pratos, preparar marinadas ou até mesmo para ser utilizado em infusões. A embalagem é prática e sustentável, preservando as propriedades do produto e facilitando o armazenamento. Com o Frontier Co-op Organic Cut, você pode elevar o nível de suas criações culinárias, proporcionando uma experiência gastronômica única e saudável.
1. Qualidade Orgânica: Produto certificado, livre de pesticidas e aditivos químicos, garantindo uma alimentação mais saudável.
2. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Ideal para uma variedade de pratos, desde saladas até pratos principais, permitindo criatividade nas receitas.
3. Sabor Intenso: O corte orgânico proporciona um sabor autêntico e robusto, elevando o paladar das suas refeições.
4. Sustentabilidade: Produzido de forma responsável, respeitando o meio ambiente e promovendo práticas agrícolas sustentáveis.
5. Fácil Armazenamento: A embalagem prática mantém a frescura do produto, facilitando o uso diário sem desperdícios.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Frontier Co-op Organic Cut, recomenda-se adicionar o produto durante o preparo de pratos quentes ou frios. Para marinadas, misture o corte com azeite, vinagre e especiarias de sua preferência, deixando marinar por pelo menos 30 minutos antes de utilizar. Em sopas e ensopados, adicione o corte no início do cozimento para que os sabores se integrem completamente. Para saladas, utilize o corte como um tempero final, polvilhando sobre os ingredientes frescos. A dosagem pode variar conforme o gosto pessoal, mas uma colher de sopa é um bom ponto de partida para realçar o sabor das suas receitas.
chris –
Makes good tea
A.M.S. –
Ecstasy date August 5, 1880
“There will be serious diseases that human art (skill) cannot alleviate. This malady will attack the heart first, then the mind, and at the same time, the tongue. It will be horrible. The heat that will accompany it will be a consuming fire, so strong that the affected parts of the body will be of an unbearable redness, (red blotches / patches).
After seven days, this malady, like the seed sown in a field, will rise rapidly and make immense progress (i.e. take over the body quickly, or, spread through the population
My children, this is the only remedy that can save you:
You know the leaves of thorns that grow in almost any hedges (white hawthorn). The leaves of this thorn will stop the progress of the disease. You must pick the leaves, not the wood. Even dry, they will retain their effectiveness.
Put them in boiling water and leave them there for 14 minutes, covering the container so that the steam remains. When the malady first attacks, you must use this remedy three times a day.
My children, this disease will be very serious in Brittany. The thought of God there will be less great …(I.e. they will not think of God as much as before and therefore will be struck hardest with this malady.)
The malady will produce a continual uprising of the heart, (blood pressure? Increased heart rate?) vomiting. If the remedy is taken too late, the affected parts will become black, and in this black, there will be yellowish pale streaks.”
Mzzchief –
I’d ordered the Hawthorne leaves and flowers from an Etsy vendor before, so I had an idea of what to expect.
The Frontier product was far superior in my opinion. The leaves are still green and you can see actual white flower petals in the mix. This mux does not have a particularly strong odor or taste.
Since they’re part of a 7 herbal tea mix I make, cannot really comment on the strength or taste of the brew.
All in all the price was right and the tea itself superior to what I’ve had before.
crispin soliven –
This product is good for your system
M.A. –
I bought this for heart palpitations that I have been suffering for almost a week. It would happen 3 to 4 times a day and middle of night. Although it wasn’t painful, it was very scary. Last year, I experienced heart palpitations from the effects of having h.pylori, so I’ve tried supplements of Hawthorne berries
and magnesium and taurine, which worked very well but had added crap to it and were expensive. I read Hawthorne leaves are stronger than the berries, and this was a more natural and cheap option. The shipping was very fast, and as soon I brought in the house, I boiled water and added 1 tbs of this with acv and raw honey and milk thistle seeds (due to having some digestive issues) and went to bed. For the first time, I had no rapid heart beat in the middle of the night or this morning. I’m very shocked how quickly this worked. I drank another teaful this morning and I still feel great. I’m going to keep doimg this for a month straight and see it goes (of course, whike maintaining my healthy diet). I am finally getting peace in my life.
WillAhappy –
Health benefits are excellent, good as a preventative. No complaints from the husband.
The realskinny –
I have been using dried Hawthorne for several years now (around 5) and recently switched from Starwest (amazing) to Frontier due to the increase in price.
When I got it, I still had the last of my Starwest and decided to do a compeither.
The sift of both is similar, mostly bits of dried leaves, flowers are not discernible in either.
Frontier: faint smell of Hawthorne
Starwest: very pungent, much stronger scent, woodsy
I poured 1 oz of each into 1 qt canning jars and covered with boiling water, stirred then let steep for 24 hours
Frontier: straw yellow with a bit of orange cast
Starwest: deep rich reddish orange color
frontier: woodsy, but light
Starwest: flowery and woodsy
TASTE: Frontier, light, faint apple taste. very mild
Starwest: much stronger taste, possible bite of tannin.
This is a bit trickier since with Hawthorne effects happen over months not with a taste.
Starwest could affective lower my blood pressure.
It is gard to know if Frontier is as effective because I used Starwest for so long.
I can say that I am still using the Frontier since I got a large bag but will probably go back to starwest and just pay more.
I do love sine Frontier dried herbs but this is not one of them.
Since I use Hawthorne to treat hbp, I am augmenting my herbal infusion with Hawthorne extract for right now.
Marie –
I never tasted hawthorn tea, so I had no idea what it would taste like. I wanted to drink it as often as possible for its health benefits. I guess I’m not a fan of the taste, but that does not reflect the integrity of the producer or the seller.
Andrea Macintyre –
The product is great. I wanted to try it as I read much about its medicinal help.
Will buy more!