As almofadas de resfriamento Frida Mom Witch Hazel proporcionam alívio refrescante durante a recuperação pós-parto. Armazene o pacote na geladeira para um resfriamento adicional. O comprimento do forro cobre a maioria dos absorventes de maternidade para ajudar a reduzir o inchaço e acelerar a cicatrização em toda a área perineal. Um item essencial para o banheiro durante a sua recuperação pós-parto. Feito com hamamélis medicada, sem corantes ou fragrâncias agressivas. Adicione às suas necessidades da bolsa de maternidade e use durante sua primeira ida ao banheiro no hospital e em cada ida ao banheiro em casa. Inclui 24 forros de cobertura total.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio Refrescante: As almofadas de resfriamento Frida Mom Witch Hazel proporcionam um alívio refrescante durante a recuperação pós-parto, ajudando a aliviar o desconforto e a dor.
- Cobertura Completa: O comprimento do forro cobre a maioria dos absorventes de maternidade, oferecendo cobertura completa para ajudar a reduzir o inchaço e acelerar a cicatrização em toda a área perineal.
- Sem Produtos Químicos Agressivos: Feito com hamamélis medicada, as almofadas não contêm corantes ou fragrâncias agressivas, tornando-as seguras para uso durante a recuperação pós-parto.
- Cuidados Pós-Parto: Adicione as almofadas de resfriamento Frida Mom Witch Hazel às suas necessidades da bolsa de maternidade e use durante sua primeira ida ao banheiro no hospital e em cada ida ao banheiro em casa para ajudar a promover uma recuperação mais confortável.
- Forros de Cobertura Total: O pacote inclui 24 forros de cobertura total, garantindo que você tenha o suficiente para usar durante todo o período de recuperação pós-parto.
As almofadas de resfriamento Frida Mom oferecem uma série de benefícios que são cruciais para a recuperação pós-parto. Primeiramente, o alívio refrescante ajuda a minimizar a dor e o desconforto, proporcionando um conforto imediato. A cobertura completa garante que a área perineal esteja adequadamente protegida, acelerando o processo de cicatrização. A formulação com hamamélis medicada, livre de produtos químicos agressivos, assegura que as usuárias possam utilizá-las sem preocupações com irritações. Além disso, a praticidade de ter 24 unidades permite que as novas mães tenham um suprimento adequado durante todo o período de recuperação, facilitando a rotina diária. Por fim, a facilidade de uso e a recomendação de armazenamento na geladeira potencializam o efeito refrescante, tornando-as um item indispensável na bolsa de maternidade.
Para usar as almofadas de resfriamento Frida Mom Witch Hazel, remova um forro do pacote e coloque-o sobre o absorvente de maternidade. Certifique-se de que o forro cubra completamente a área perineal para obter os melhores resultados. Para um efeito de resfriamento adicional, recomenda-se armazenar o pacote na geladeira antes do uso. Substitua o forro a cada ida ao banheiro para manter a higiene adequada e garantir um alívio contínuo. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar este produto, especialmente se houver qualquer dúvida sobre sua aplicação.
Adrian –
This was my first birth and I was not interested in putting in the effort to make my own padsicles before birth so I bought a few different items to try to see what I liked best. Compared to tucks pads, the strength was less intense but still enough to be soothing. It was nice to not feel like I was making a deli sandwich every time I changed my pad and was easier to get it to sit flush and line up properly with the pad in comparison to tucks. I liked them enough to order a 2nd pack.
Caitlin Eargood –
My only complaint with these is that I want more in a pack. I ended up having an unmedicated VBAC as I was in the OR getting ready for a c-section and tore a ton. I had tucks wipes in the hospital and ordered both for use at home. These are significantly easier to line in a pad than the tucks wipes. They ate comfy, help with pain, and don’t add a ron of thickness down there. They ate a bit pricey in comparison but honest were so worth it
Kahley Heikes –
I really like the quality of these wipes and the ingredients! They are super easy to use and extremely comfortable. They are thin enough to feel nice but not tear when you pull them out. I went through two packs postpartum, would recommend them to any postpartum mamas!
Elsa –
As a first time mom I was definitely worried about the pain of healing afterwards… I had a 3rd degree tear and the hospital gave me the Tucks pads which were great but they were tiny circle pads where you’d line your pad with like 3-4 of them… I LOVE these ones and will only ever buy these. 1 fits the entire length of the pad, feels sooo much better down there and works like a charm. Instant relief. Because I was so worried about healing I was on top of it using these all the time and felt great within 2 weeks!! Highly recommend getting these and their foam!! Frida mom post partum line saved my life 🙌
Carolyn –
Bring these to the hospital. They are so much better than the tucks pads and will stay put when you put them on the pad. They offer immediate comfort after birth and I will recommend them to any mom.
Natalie Reyes –
Life savers! Putting them in the fridge and just letting them cool in the freezer these were definitely life savers!! The thickness isn’t to thick but just enough to make it feel comfortable and not to much. the quality is also great for these.
Kayla K. Corbin –
Idk what ingredients give it a cooling sensation but it is very nice after birth. I didn’t have any tears, not sure if the medicated cooling would have been nice or painful in that case. But I definitely loved them and think they are a very nice “treat” for your lady parts after having a baby.
non –
تمدحها مرره. بس تقول سعرها غالي مرة في امازون مقارنة بالموقع الاصلي
Megan C –
Love love love this cooling wipes! I would say a must have post-partum. Very comforting: they soothe, cleanse and promote healing. I felt that I healed faster with the use of these wipes/liners. Cooling effect is more comfortable than using a frozen pad/ice pack.
Sami –
These are SO much better than the regular small circular witch hazel pads!
This review will get pretty real, so scroll by if you’re not prepared for that.
You need at least 3 of the little pads. Those things can move around and get folded and tucked into crevices once you move around a bit. When you sit down to go to the bathroom sometimes you have to search around for them a bit, which can cause major problems in those first weeks post partum when bladder control isn’t always the greatest. Fishing those little guys out of the toilet because you couldn’t hold it any longer is no fun…
These are huge! The size of your maxi pads at last, so you get full coverage anywhere you might need it with only one. Because of the large size, they don’t move around and hide. This seriously makes such a difference. The ONLY negative is that they do “dry out” faster than the little ones that they give you at the hospital / you buy at the drug store. But for me, the benefits FAR outweighed this negative.
These are easily the BEST gift that I received for myself as a postpartum momma. Now I buy these for every mom to be that I know.