Produto Importado dos EUA

Frida Baby Windi – Alívio de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês, Alívio de Constipação, 10 Unidades

*R$165.03 Em até 6x de R$27.51 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.51 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$165.03 sem juros2x de R$82.52 sem juros3x de R$55.01 sem juros4x de R$41.26 sem juros5x de R$33.01 sem juros6x de R$27.51 sem juros

O Frida Baby Windi Gas Passer é um produto que ajuda a aliviar gases, cólicas e constipação em bebês. Ele vem em um pacote com 10 unidades e possui características e benefícios importantes para os pais.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Frida Baby Windi - Alívio de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês, Alívio de Constipação, 10 Unidades *R$165.03 Em até 6x de R$27.51 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.51 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$165.03 sem juros2x de R$82.52 sem juros3x de R$55.01 sem juros4x de R$41.26 sem juros5x de R$33.01 sem juros6x de R$27.51 sem juros
SKU: D459D2A6 Categoria: Tag: Marca:

Descrição do Produto

O Frida Baby Windi Gas Passer é um tubo oco que proporciona alívio imediato e natural para gases e cólicas em bebês. Desenvolvido por um gastroenterologista pediátrico, o Windi é longo o suficiente para alcançar além do músculo que prende o gás e estimular o esfíncter, mas possui um limitador para evitar que seja inserido muito profundamente.

Este produto oferece um alívio natural para cólicas em bebês, dispensando o uso de gotas ou medicamentos ingeríveis, tornando-se uma ótima alternativa. Além disso, o Windi é seguro e higiênico para uso em bebês, sendo livre de BPA e látex, proporcionando confiança aos pais.

Com sua embalagem contendo 10 tubos de uso único, o Windi é conveniente e ideal para levar em viagens, garantindo alívio rápido e eficaz para o desconforto causado pelos gases em bebês.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Alívio instantâneo para gases em bebês
  • Desenvolvido por um especialista em gastroenterologia pediátrica
  • Alternativa natural para alívio de cólicas em bebês
  • Seguro e higiênico para uso em bebês
  • Embalagem conveniente e ideal para viagens

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para utilizar o Frida Baby Windi Gas Passer, siga as seguintes instruções:

  1. Antes de usar, certifique-se de que o bebê esteja deitado de costas.
  2. Segure o tubo Windi com uma mão e segure as pernas do bebê com a outra.
  3. Com cuidado, insira suavemente a ponta do tubo no ânus do bebê.
  4. Empurre o tubo levemente para dentro até sentir resistência.
  5. Segure o tubo no lugar por alguns segundos e, em seguida, remova-o delicadamente.

Lembre-se de descartar o tubo após o uso. Consulte um médico se os sintomas persistirem ou se tiver alguma dúvida sobre o uso do produto.

10 avaliações para Frida Baby Windi – Alívio de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês, Alívio de Constipação, 10 Unidades

  1. Laura Weierheiser

    This product is pretty cool. It definitely gets the trapped gas out, and sometimes helps with a bowel movement. They are simple to use and come with clear directions. They whistle when the gas exits and sometimes the tube itself fills with poo which can get messy. The only problem is that not as much gas gets out as you are led to believe from the advertising, and if used too often your little ones bowels will become lazy and they will continue to have a problem making things move on their own. Otherwise, I would by again, and recommend to others.

  2. April Collins

    Let me first say I never write reviews but was so happy with this product I had to. First time I used it, I couldn’t get it to work but my baby may not have had to go just yet. This evening she was fussy and trying to pass gas and use the bathroom. I used the windii and tried a few times rubbing her belly and doing bicycle kicks and I heard the whistle. I thought yay she passed gas! Then I could see she was still in pain so I tried again. This time I heard the whistle and que the explosion that shot out of her! Maybe gross but instant relief. I’ll definitely be using this again.

  3. Rebecca Connolly

    We LOVED the Frida windi! We bought a multipack because of how well they worked. These helped with our baby’s discomfort in the middle of the night after bicycle kicks didn’t relieve anything. Our baby didn’t seem to notice anything but the relief.

  4. Heather

    LET’S TALK POOP, GAS & TUMMY TROUBLES… because, face it, oce you have a baby, talking about poop is no different from talking about the weather. 🙂

    We had an EXTREMELY colicky baby… we thought she was just angry and colicky, but we learned she had a SEVERE allergy to dairy. Her allergy is called CMPA – Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy. A rare allergy to CMP that passes through the breastmilk, and causes swelling and tears in the baby’s intestines, stomach and bowels. This caused MAJOR GI issues, gas, diarrhea, and belly pain – and SCREAMING. Oh, the screaming!!!!

    Ahead of delivery, I ordered this because I’d heard great things about everything by FridaBaby (oh, how I love their booger sucker!). Sure, these were bizarre in concept, but I thought, “well, if I do need it, I’ll be happy I have it.” And man, were my husband and I happy to have these.

    We LIVED by these, and did so with our pediatrician’s approval. You don’t want to use this too much, because the baby can become reliant on it for BMs. But, her system was so bad off (to the point she had micro-tears in her GI, so we were doing hemoccult tests regularly at the doctor until we knew she was healed), we were desperate at times. Usually around 2 or 4AM every night, she would scream nonstop. The same happened at least 2 other times during the day. We always tried tummy massages (we took a class at the local hospital) and leg crunches. When those failed, along with tummy-time, we used these things. This went on for 3-4 months… so for the first few months, especially the first 2.5-3 months when we didn’t know she had the allergy, these were the only thing that would temporarily relieve her gas pain.

    Where these get wider, that’s what stops it from going too far into the baby’s bum. It’s exactly the same concept as the well-known thermometer or q-tip method parents & doctors have been using for years. When a baby’s constipated or gassy, using one of these things (thermometer or qtip) were often used to ‘stimulate’ some activity. These are better because not only are they disposable (really – don’t try to reuse these), but they go a little deeper than just the edge and really help to relieve (and channel – the MESS!) what’s going on in there.

    Sorry FridaBaby, but I have to share this with fellow parents…. there is another brand that makes these (though, the invention credit goes to FridaBaby) for a little cheaper. Let’s face it, these aren’t cheap… but you can save a little bit by Aizara 

    Gas Relief Baby, Gas and Colic Reliever for Babies Doctor-Invented Hollow Tube Natural Solution for Colic 10 pcs

    . These work EXACTLY the same as Windi’s version. They may even be slightly better made, but it’s negligible. Really, there’s no functional difference just a few dollars in savings.

    As a tip, we used Vaseline, or grape-seed oil as a lubricant when using this and combined these with tummy massages. Remember when you give a baby a belly massage, you MUST go from the baby’s left to right… I suggest the “I Love You” massage – google it. Then do some leg crunches to their belly, add a little lubricant, (have a diaper or pad ready for the mess) and use this. Net, this works 99% of the time and worked exactly as well as Windi. If you prefer the name-brand (Windi), I still recommend it and the same tips above. This version is just a little cheaper.

    To use, (after you’ve tried tummy time, massage, etc.), you hold baby’s feet in one hand pulling them to their face, (baby’s on their back), use a lubricant to ensure you don’t create any fissures or damage, insert and wait. You can apply gentle pressure or have your spouse gently rub down and counter-clockwise (from your POV, so counter-clockwise to you while you’re facing baby), which often helps. I wouldn’t say it really “whistles”, not in the sense I think of when someone says whistle. It sounds like what you’d expect gas to sound like… and poop often DOES come out. So be ready to catch it with a diaper.

    As some people have commented, these do not work for everyone. In fact, there were times when I thought, “WTH… why isn’t this working!?!?!? It always works!” So, don’t be discouraged, and don’t push it (figuratively)… sometimes the baby’s bowels just aren’t ready. Use common sense, and don’t use this 5 times a day, but when you need it, you’ll know. Sorry if TMI – just hoping this helps someone else on their journey.

  5. Lisa

    Consigliato da una mia amica che vive negli states, che dire, ho risolto al 100% i problemi di mia figlia. Questi sondini dalla forma così particolare svolgono il loro lavoro egregiamente, sono già al terzo acquisto e continuerò.

  6. Joel Gossner

    Have a fussy baby and nothing is helping soothe them? Try these Friday Baby Windi Gas Passers!

    I initially bought these because my sister-in-law told me about them. They sat in the nursery drawer untouched until one evening when baby was absolutely inconsolable and I figured we had nothing to lose by giving one a try. Within 30 seconds, it was very evident why baby had been so upset. The gas-passing pipe easily cleared out all trapped gas and constipation. No wonder baby was so uncomfortable! In a matter of weeks, these handy little gas-passing pipes have become a “regular” part of our nighttime routine and baby is much happier for it.

    As for the product itself, it’s both straightforward and simple to use, thanks to the directions on the box. Moving baby’s legs and massaging the stomach area seems to improve its effectiveness.

    Overall, I highly recommend the Frida Baby Windi Gas Passer!

  7. Latasha Witherspoon

    I bought this product because my baby was having gas pain. It worked the first time I think other than that it didn’t work again I feel like the first time it was luck. I really cant see what they do to help

  8. Amazon Customer

    Crazy. I did not expect it to work as quickly as it did. My baby pooped within seconds of using this! Do massage the tummy for 2-3 mins beforehand.

  9. Sydnee

    We absolutely love these. They work every single time. If baby seems a little backed up or having tummy issues we use one. You can hear that it works! 🤣 The multiple dirty diapers also let you know it works!

  10. Samanagram

    I’m not sure why the review I wrote wasn’t approved, so I guess all I can say is it’s a great product that works.

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