FreezeSleeve Ice
FREEZE IT. SLEEVE IT. RELIEVE IT. O FreezeSleeve Ice é uma manga revolucionária de terapia a frio ou quente, que proporciona alívio e recuperação para músculos e articulações doloridos. Basta deslizar a manga para obter uma terapia a frio ou quente de cobertura total na área que está sendo tratada. Feito com Hydra-Gel que permanece macio quando congelado, para que a manga permaneça confortável ao dobrar as articulações.
MOBILIDADE TOTAL: O FreezeSleeve se adapta ao seu corpo e oferece 360° de cobertura na área de tratamento, permitindo total liberdade de movimento. O FreezeSleeve é totalmente flexível, sem faixas ou tiras. O processo de deslizamento fácil elimina a necessidade de bolsas de gelo bagunçadas e faixas incômodas. Formulado para ajudar a aliviar a dor nas pernas, joelhos, tornozelos, antebraços, cotovelos e pulsos. Deslize-o na área desejada para uma experiência de terapia definitiva.
TERAPIA A FRIO ajuda a reduzir o inchaço e alivia dores diárias. Use a compressa fria para lesões agudas com inchaço, como entorses de tornozelo, distensões musculares, recuperação pós-jogo e muito mais. Para terapia a frio, basta colocar o FreezeSleeve dentro do saco fornecido ou qualquer saco com fecho hermético no congelador por no mínimo 2 horas. Nosso design de compressão mantém o frio para uma penetração profunda na área tratada.
TERAPIA A QUENTE Use a terapia quente para ajudar a aliviar dores musculares e tendinosas, relaxar músculos tensos, aliviar dores e muito mais. Para aquecer, remova o FreezeSleeve do saco de armazenamento e aqueça no micro-ondas por 30 segundos, em seguida, pressione firmemente contra a pele. O FreezeSleeve deve estar quente ao toque, mas não quente demais. Reaqueça em incrementos de 10 segundos até atingir a temperatura desejada. O FreezeSleeve ajuda a aliviar dores musculares e desconfortos transferindo o frio/calor para a área afetada.
FÁCIL DE USAR Basta retirar o FreezeSleeve do congelador ou micro-ondas e deslizá-lo na área de tratamento para uma terapia instantânea. Sempre deslize o FreezeSleeve com a extremidade larga na parte superior; a rosca preta deve estar na parte inferior. As mangas são intercambiáveis entre braços e pernas. Consulte o guia de medidas para garantir o ajuste adequado na área de tratamento desejada. Se estiver entre tamanhos, é recomendável que você escolha o tamanho maior para garantir uma terapia a frio adequada com compressão.
- Alívio imediato de dores musculares e articulares
- Terapia a frio para redução de inchaço e recuperação pós-lesão
- Terapia a quente para relaxamento muscular e alívio de dores
- Design flexível e confortável para total mobilidade
- Fácil de usar, sem a necessidade de bolsas de gelo ou faixas
Para usar o FreezeSleeve Ice, basta retirá-lo do congelador ou micro-ondas e deslizá-lo na área de tratamento desejada. Certifique-se de deslizar o FreezeSleeve com a extremidade larga na parte superior e a rosca preta na parte inferior. As mangas são intercambiáveis entre braços e pernas. Consulte o guia de medidas para garantir o ajuste adequado na área de tratamento desejada. Se estiver entre tamanhos, é recomendável que você escolha o tamanho maior para garantir uma terapia a frio adequada com compressão.
Kerry Cooper –
Marie –
If your looking for cold 360 therapy this works very well.
B Rowan –
This the best Way to ice your ankle and arm,
So easy to use and you can move around with it on.
If you’re not sure about it you will notbe sorry with your purchase.
Leslie –
Mine arrived yesterday. I love it! I am a dance fitness instructor, recovering from a quad strain. I ice 3x per day. Instead of having to sit in a chair with ice packs on my leg, this allows me to ice and be mobile at the same time. It does not fall down and it’s very comfortable. The fit is perfect. I bought a Large, and 4″ above my knee measures 16″.
Angie O –
Being 46 years old and an avid weight lifter and drummer, I’ve gone through several bouts of tendonitis in my elbow (tennis elbow) over the past few years. I recently completed a Prednisone pack to reduce inflammation from another round of tendonitis and was looking for something to use as a preventative measure going forward. After reading many positive reviews, I decided to try this product. The Freeze Sleeve feels amazing! I just slip it on after I’m done working out or practicing and keep it on until the coolness wears off which is around 20 minutes or so. This is much more convenient than sitting around holding an ice pack on my elbow when I have things to do. It stays in place and flexes nicely so I’m able to multitask and get things done while wearing the sleeve. Size wise, it covers the entire area where inflammation relief is needed for tennis elbow. I feel the price is fair and am very satisfied with the quality of this USA made product. I plan on purchasing a second one so I can ice down both arms post workout. I also found their sizing chart to be very accurate. Coupled with adjustments in my workout and practice routines, the Freeze Sleeve has allowed me to move forward with no further inflammation issues at this time. That was my goal in using this product. I absolutely love it and would highly recommend it!
Angie O –
Bought a freeze sleeve due to liking my sister’s — for a knee injury.
Mine ran smaller. I ordered ( large ) like hers. After having less than a week, the cheap peel on advertising is peeling off, unlike hers did.
Amazon/supplier should reinburse without question. More of a hassle to send back…
Amazon treat your employees and your customers better!
Update: returned and ordered new one from link my sister bought from. Looks like same issues. Inconsistent fit (even smaller) and peeling letters in less than a week. See 2nd photo added.
Rob Nelson –
We found this product from OrthoSouth recommendation here in Memphis (Germantown), TN. My wife’s left knee has been hurting and the Doctor, after reviewing her X-rays, stated “mild arthritis.” No surgery is required. We shared that we’re walkers, like 2,900 miles last year per FitBit. Surprisingly, he wanted her to chill out, take a break from walking, and allow the knee to recover. Our black sleeve arrived in one day from Amazon. Great packaging and the directions are well written. Sue is 5’1″ and only 111#, yet the chart said she needed LARGE. We were concerned, but it fits her perfectly. After we try it later today, I will update this review. The feel and design are impressive. Sue likes to wear it for 30 minutes.
David Gliniecki –
The Freeze Sleeves work well. They are easy to slide on, maintain a cold temperature for about 20 minutes, maintain compression for as long as you have the sleeve on. The material seems substantial and able to withstand pulling it on and off, time will tell. Overall I am satisfied with the performance of this product.
Jeff Scott –
This sleeve is fantastic .its gets really cold and stays soft and flexible when you put it on. 10 stars!!!
B.P. –
The sleeves work well and freeze rather quickly. They are strong and sturdy but don’t stay frozen for very long.