As fraldas premium para bebês Bambo Nature, no tamanho 4, são a escolha ideal para pais que buscam conforto, segurança e sustentabilidade. Com 27 unidades por embalagem, essas fraldas são projetadas para atender bebês com peso entre 15 e 31 libras, garantindo um ajuste perfeito e liberdade de movimento. Feitas de materiais naturais e sustentáveis, as fraldas Bambo Nature não apenas cuidam da pele sensível do seu bebê, mas também do nosso planeta. A camada superabsorvente mantém a pele seca por mais tempo, evitando irritações e proporcionando noites tranquilas para toda a família.
O design inovador das fraldas inclui um indicador de umidade que muda de cor, sinalizando quando é hora de trocar. A faixa elástica na cintura e as barreiras nas pernas, livres de látex, asseguram que as fraldas permaneçam no lugar, permitindo que o bebê se mova livremente. Além disso, a camada externa respirável garante que a pele do bebê esteja sempre confortável e seca, mesmo durante as noites mais longas.
Bambo Nature é uma marca com mais de 35 anos de experiência em fabricação sustentável, sendo as primeiras fraldas de bebê certificadas com o Selo Ecológico Nórdico. Isso significa que, ao escolher Bambo Nature, você está fazendo uma escolha consciente e responsável, tanto para o seu filho quanto para o meio ambiente. As fraldas são livres de produtos químicos nocivos e alérgenos conhecidos, utilizando polpa de celulose feita sem cloro total (TCF), garantindo segurança e conforto.
1. Sustentabilidade: Fabricadas de forma sustentável, as fraldas Bambo Nature ajudam a preservar o meio ambiente.
2. Conforto máximo: O ajuste perfeito e o indicador de umidade garantem que o bebê esteja sempre confortável e seco.
3. Absorção superior: O design de três camadas e o núcleo superabsorvente suportam várias molhaduras, ideal para uso noturno.
4. Certificação ecológica: Com o Selo Ecológico Nórdico, você tem a certeza de que está usando um produto seguro e responsável.
5. Segurança da pele: Feitas com materiais seguros, livres de produtos químicos nocivos, são ideais para a pele sensível do bebê.
Para utilizar as fraldas Bambo Nature, abra a embalagem e retire uma fralda. Verifique se a faixa elástica está posicionada corretamente na parte de trás. Coloque a fralda no bebê, ajustando-a conforme necessário para garantir conforto e segurança. É importante monitorar o indicador de umidade regularmente para saber quando é necessário realizar a troca. Após o uso, descarte as fraldas de maneira adequada, seguindo as diretrizes de reciclagem e descarte de resíduos da sua região.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been using these diapers for over 3 years (2 children) and I can’t say enough great stuff about them. Soft, durable, absorbent, I just love these non toxic, chemical free, diapers.
RR –
I have been looking for a good clean non toxic diaper that’s not too expensive for months. I finally feel like I found them with these!! So far we have not had any issues with rashes or leaks/blowouts. They held up great overnight! I think these are the diapers we are officially going to be sticking with!
GGBee23 –
Love these for my daughter I was looking for an alternative to Milie Moon diapers However, these are a bit pricier and we ran through them too quickly. If you can’t afford it they are a great choice.
Gretchen –
I learned about the Bambo brand while researching organic diapers before my baby was born. He is now 2.5, and in the size 5 diaper, and the brand has been reliable every step of the way. A few pros (1) Durable, superior absorbency, leak protection (2) Non-irritating, no trace of fragrance, super soft (3) Material quality far exceeds price, great value. (4) No-fuss adhesion tabs. Their commitment to sustainability and high-quality products have given us so much joy and peace of mind as new parents.
Jake p –
My daughter has very sensitive skin and the diapers we usually get were out of stock so thought we would try these. After being in it for maybe an hour she had a VERY bad rash, my wife even took her to the doctor to see why and they said it was the diapers. They look soft and comfortable but not for our baby.
Jenanna –
Such great quality diapers & they absorb so much! They do run a little big but mainly true to size – I think just most other brands run small lol. My 22 pound, 31 inch height 10 month old boy is a size 4 in these diapers but a size 5 in most others like Honest, Pura, Coterie, & Eco Originals.
Ana –
Tienen un buen diseño y material. Solo si es un precio excesivo
karina muñoz nares –
Los pañales son muy suaves, no le han ocasionado ninguna rozadura a mi bebé. Los recomiendo altamente! Están libres de ingredientes que dañan la piel de nuestros bebés y el precio (entre 9 a 11 pesos por unidad) es bastante razonable por lo que ofrecen. Probé con Honest, Seventh generation y babyganics y sin duda estos fueron los mejores. El único contra es el fit, son muy anchos por en medio de las piernas por lo que le quedan un poco extraños a mi bebé, pero por todo lo demás valen la pena.
sbs –
I’ve been searching for a new diaper for my daughter’s sensitive tush since Andy Pandy went out of stock. These fit her well but we have at least a couple of leaks a week, vs zero with other diapers. As far as rashes go she doesn’t seem to react to anything in the diaper, but she got a mild rash once I think due to poor absorbency. Wanted to love these but the hassle isn’t worth it.
Here’s my diaper journey for other parents who might be looking:
Andy Pandy: Great, soft,, no rashes ever, no leaks in the right size, expensive but worth it. Would buy them on the black market if I could find them now.
Honest: nope, gave her a terrible contact rash
Hello Bello: better, no contact rash, but she kept getting a bacterial rash and they didn’t seem to breathe much
Parasol: great diaper, didn’t fit her right but might size up and try again. Expensive.
Hannah Sinks –
At size 2, this diaper worked great for us! We had no problems. So even though some reviews talked about leaking I thought we were in the clear. When we moved up to size 3 my son was at the low end of the weight scale – a little over 10 lbs. We then had leaks so often I resorted to using a different brand. Since I’d bought Bambo Nature in bulk though I gave them another shot a week later. This time around we have been leak free!
Edit to add: When my son moved up to size 4, he was around 16 lbs. We’ve had no leaks! I really think the key is to open up the diaper first and make sure the leg flaps flare out correctly.