As fraldas DYPER Viscose de Bambu tamanho 1 são a escolha ideal para pais que buscam uma alternativa ecológica e segura para o cuidado de seus bebês. Feitas com ingredientes naturais, essas fraldas são compostas 100% de viscose de bambu, proporcionando um toque macio e confortável, perfeito para a pele sensível de recém-nascidos e crianças pequenas. A ausência de produtos químicos nocivos, como cloro, látex e fragrâncias, garante que cada troca de fralda seja uma experiência segura e saudável. Com um design que se assemelha mais a calças de yoga do que a fraldas convencionais, elas oferecem um ajuste quase íntimo, permitindo liberdade de movimento e conforto durante todo o dia.
Além de serem notavelmente absorventes, as fraldas DYPER são certificadas pelos mais altos padrões de segurança do consumidor, como o OEKO-TEX, e foram testadas clinicamente, recebendo 5 estrelas de dermatologistas. Isso as torna uma excelente alternativa às fraldas de pano, sendo versáteis o suficiente para o treinamento de desfralde, proteção noturna e momentos de lazer. Cada pacote contém 36 fraldas tamanho 1, adequadas para bebês que pesam entre 8 e 14 libras, garantindo que você tenha o que precisa para cuidar do seu pequeno com responsabilidade e carinho.
– Conforto incomparável para a pele sensível do bebê.
– Feitas com ingredientes honestos e seguras para uso.
– Alternativa versátil e eficaz às fraldas de pano.
– Certificadas pelos mais altos padrões de segurança.
– Contribui para um futuro sustentável e livre de crueldade.
Para utilizar as fraldas DYPER Viscose de Bambu tamanho 1, comece abrindo o pacote e retirando uma fralda. Desdobre-a completamente e posicione-a sob o bebê, ajustando-a para garantir um encaixe confortável e seguro. As abas laterais devem ser fixadas adequadamente para evitar vazamentos. Após o uso, descarte a fralda de maneira responsável, evitando o descarte no vaso sanitário. Essa prática não só ajuda a manter a higiene, mas também contribui para a preservação do meio ambiente.
Allison –
I ordered these diapers for my 2 month old. I wanted something that was better for the baby’s skin and this checked all of the boxes. They are very absorbent and are gentle on her skin. They are a little pricy but worth it in my opinion.
Howtypical –
These diapers are so soft! They fit well and are absorbent. Best of all they are nontoxic. I have purchased more.
Rachel –
EDIT- I have to eat my words from earlier. We’ve been solely using these diapers for his whole life (6 months) and they are amazing and wonderful and I can’t sing their praises enough. Not to mention- the company is incredible with customer service! The trick here is your baby will size out of these like a thief in the night- don’t know how to else to describe it. It seems to fit fine but it just doesn’t- you have to size up pretty early, earlier than the weight stated per size in my experience. As long as you do this they work like a dream!
I was so excited to use these for my new baby. I try to be as eco-conscious as possible and avoid a lot of the toxic ingredients found in just about every single thing they sell is in America. This brand has made a step in the right direction as far as safety of ingredients and the capability of these diapers to break down naturally! I thought for sure I’d use these the whole time for my baby. HOWEVER…
These diapers leak everywhere. Any time I put one on my baby he ends up covered in a mess. They do run bigger so I waited a couple weeks for him to even be able to wear the newborn size but even now they do not hold anything in. I’m so sad, I really wanted to love these. The idea is wonderful, as is the softness and I love that they don’t use ink and are plain white- but the functionality is just not there and I can’t possibly use them.
sam –
We have tried about 15 different diapers over the last two months and these were the worst for us. They do not fit well, they leak, the Velcro sticks better to the inside of my son’s sleepers than the diaper, always coming undone. Could not trust these for sleep. Had to change every hour for one reason or another.
Victoria –
Small around baby’s waist but kind of long in length. Absorbent, feels soft, and doesn’t irritate baby’s skin. Definitely recommend and would gift to others! Docked a star for small waist and lack of accessibility to compost the diapers. (Costs $$$ if you don’t live near one of their centers.)
Krista Jessie –
We have tried just about every type of diaper out there and my son either hates them or gets a rash from them. We got a package of this brand as a gift and my son loves than. The fit great, are great quality, and not so thick he cannot move. With other diapers he was waking up every time he peed at night because he could feel the wetness now he goes 4 hours at night (that’s when he wakes up to nurse). We also have never had an issue with rashes in these diapers.
They do have issues with blowout in the back of you didn’t get to it soon enough but that can be solved by folding the back flap a little. Also they are a bit pricey, but if it means his comfortably and him sleeping I’ll cut a coat somewhere else.
Haim –
While this is a great ecological option, they leak so easily and feel wet on both sides: in and out. I do not recommend this product.
Chelsea –
This is our primary diaper. We love how soft it is, it’s super absorbent, and it’s just white so we don’t have prints showing through our outfits. Great diapers. Fit pretty close to size. Never had a blow out happen in these.