Four Sigmatic Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder Creamy Cacao Protein with Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps and More | Clean Vegan Protein Elevated for Brain Function and Immune…
Nosso pó de proteína à base de plantas Four Sigmatic Organic Creamy Cacao Protein com Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps e muito mais é a proteína vegetal perfeita para elevar sua nutrição. Combinamos proteína vegetal pura, cogumelos funcionais e adaptógenos praticamente mágicos, sem adição de enchimentos. Você vai adorar o que ele faz pelo seu dia a dia.
Não economizamos em ingredientes de qualidade. Rejeitamos os artificiais e optamos por não usar sucralose, açúcar refinado ou até mesmo estévia. Em vez disso, adoçamos nosso pó de proteína com sabores naturais de leite de coco em pó orgânico, açúcar de coco orgânico, sal rosa do Himalaia e fruta do monge orgânica.
Diferente da maioria dos pós de proteína de chocolate orgânico, utilizamos cacau em pó orgânico não refinado, e não chocolate artificial e açucarado. A primeira parte do nome científico do cacau (theobroma cacao) significa literalmente “alimento dos deuses”, e acreditamos que ele faz jus ao nome. Esse superalimento não apenas confere ao nosso pó de proteína um sabor decadente, mas também contém mais antioxidantes por grama do que mirtilos, além de ser rico em flavonoides, conhecidos por sua capacidade de reduzir a inflamação.
Cada porção deste pó de proteína com baixo teor de carboidratos contém 1000mg de cogumelos funcionais (extrato de chaga, extrato de reishi, extrato de cauda de peru, extrato de cordyceps e extrato de lion’s mane), além de 500mg de adaptógenos (ashwagandha e eleuthero). Juntos, esses cogumelos e adaptógenos miraculosos oferecem uma infinidade de benefícios para fortalecer o sistema imunológico, equilibrar o cérebro e apoiar o combate ao estresse.
Estamos empolgados com os ingredientes que utilizamos em nossa proteína à base de plantas orgânica. Ela é composta apenas por pós de proteína limpos (pó de proteína de cânhamo orgânico, proteína de ervilha americana orgânica, chia orgânica, proteína de abóbora orgânica e proteína de coco orgânica). Cada embalagem reciclável contém 15 porções de proteína elevada, limpa e especializada. Essa é a proteína que você e sua cozinha merecem.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Proteína vegetal densa em nutrientes
- Adoçada organicamente e sem ingredientes artificiais
- Sabor cremoso de cacau orgânico
- Rica em cogumelos funcionais e adaptógenos
- Ingredientes limpos e de alta qualidade
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa do pó de proteína Four Sigmatic Organic Creamy Cacao Protein com Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps e muito mais em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou suco. Agite bem ou misture até ficar homogêneo. Consuma diariamente como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa do pó de proteína Four Sigmatic Organic Creamy Cacao Protein com Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps e muito mais em 250ml de água, leite vegetal ou suco. Agite bem ou misture até ficar homogêneo. Consuma diariamente como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
I recently order Four Sigmatic Organic Protein Powder during a sale on Amazon. After making several smoothies with the powder I decided to go ahead and order a second can while it was on sale. I ordered sweet vanilla as I can make it chocolate, coffee, fruit etc flavored and find it to be more versatile. The powder blends well in my VitaMix, no clumps or “bumps” or chalky taste. I like that the powder is plant based and includes numerous healthy additions such as mushrooms and ashwagandha. You get 18g of protein per serving from pea, coconut, pumpkin, hemp and chia. The can only has 15 servings so it’s maybe a bit pricey especially if not on sale. I am allergic to dairy and always on the search for dairy free protein powder that tastes good. I won’t lie, this isn’t as delicious as many of the unhealthy powders, but once you add fruit, stevia etc it makes a pretty great smoothie. I am impressed that this powder does not cause any upset tummy for me! Give Four Sigmatic Organic Vegan Protein Powder a try!
Christin Byram –
I have tried really REALLY hard to like this. I’ve tried mixing it in shakes, smoothies, pancakes yogurt and they were awful – chalky and earthy with a weird sweet flavor. I finally tried mixing it into waffle batter and it’s not bad, not great but good enough where I’ll use the rest of the container. I’ve heard good things about the creamer so maybe that’s the way to go instead.
marcia urban –
I work out every day and this is my go to protein without any animal or GMO or soy or dairy in it. It is all made from different types of mushrooms. It is unflavored, but it has a little bit of monk fruit in it, which makes it taste goodbye itself, but I make smoothies. I put a little fruit and some nuts And some Chia seeds and flaxseed oil and hemp seed into 12 ounces almond milk even though it says you can add ice or water. I don’t want it water down then I put a scoop of stuff and put it in my ninja bullet. It’s very delicious and smooth, but you must drink it all up quickly or it’ll get too thick and that’s normal for protein products but it helps me get my daily protein. It’s the same time while I’m working out as I’m older, but I’m very fit and athletic for my age and I don’t look my age And I am gonna continue to fight that for a long time and this protein drink is all vegan even though I’m not a vegan. I am a big fan of it and it’s the best protein drink. I have found out on the market so far and it’s third-party test it as far as I know , I love it and I will always buy it Actually, very worth the price that you pay for it and it is actually delicious
Róghvatr Kummerspeck –
All I can say is that I went into this with absolute Zero expectations. I am a coffee person and not even good stuff, I choose instant because its faster to make then to brew a pot and have the leftover waste of a filter and grounds.
I wanted to try this stuff on a whim and this brand was on sale and the cheapest. even with that its still pricey! but man the benefits for me are out of this world.
I’ve no longer needed naps to get through my days. bed time at midnight, up at 6am and nap from 230-3pm. I do not have the jitters like I did with caffeine from coffee, and I just feel better overall. literally the only thing I changed from my diet.
cons: it has the consistency of wet beach sand and it tastes like soggy cardboard mixed with powdered baking cocoa. adding sugar, stevia, Honey, mixing it in oatmeal, nothing works for me. still, I will happily power it down given how it makes me feel.
Brett N. –
I love this protein powder! I have been using the chocolate in my Creami and as shakes. It isn’t chalky, has a good flavour, and is full of benefits. Highly recommend.
Ashley B. Higgins –
I was really excited for this product and it just does not deliver. It is very bland. It does not blend well and sticks to the side of the shaker cup. It also scores a 30/100 on the Yuka app for high sodium, fat, and calories. I don’t recommend this product. There are other products that taste better, blend better, and are just over all better! I like trying new products and this was advertised on a health and wellness podcast I listen to, which is why I thought I’d give it a try. I won’t purchase again.
Alycia –
I love this protein! Taste is great and so are the ingredients. I mix with ice, water and a little milk and it tastes like I’m having a frozen hot chocolate!
Anna Cencora –
I was looking for a really good clean quality and good ingredients plant protein powder that tastes good not chalky tasting. I really love this protein powder and love that it’s organic and has really good ingredients. No clumping and mixes really well and very filling. I finally found a protein powder that is easy on my digestion and tastes really good I will continue to purchase this and tell my friends.
Sunshine –
I really love this protein powder. I’ve purchased 3-4 times the peanut butter flavor. Really good with a banana, 1 cup almond milk, a ts of cacao, few drops of sweet leaf drops in chocolate and hazelnut flavors, few cubes of ice and a splash of water. My favorite treat :). I have not tried it with just powder and a liquid, only in smoothie form.
Mariano –
So, always worried about flavors especially when mixed with mushrooms but this one delivers! Another thing I always consider is how easily it break down when shaking and how clumpy it is after. Thankfully that’s not an issue with this one, thankfully! We now use this on a consistent basis in our home, worth purchasing.