Descrição do Produto: PhosphatidylSerine
A Phosphatidylserine é um fosfolipídio essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da saúde cerebral e na função cognitiva. Este suplemento inovador foi desenvolvido para aqueles que buscam maximizar seu potencial mental, oferecendo uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes que trabalham em sinergia para promover a clareza mental e a agilidade cognitiva. Com 400mg de Phosphatidylserine derivado de lecitina de girassol não transgênica e 400mg de Bacopa Monnieri, nossa fórmula 2 em 1 é um verdadeiro aliado para quem deseja manter a mente afiada e combater a fadiga mental.
A Phosphatidylserine atua como um suporte cognitivo, ajudando a desbloquear sua mente e permitindo que você permaneça focado e alerta. Ao melhorar a memória e a acuidade mental, este nootrópico é ideal para quem precisa operar em alto desempenho, seja em ambientes de trabalho desafiadores ou em momentos de estudo intenso. À medida que envelhecemos, nosso cérebro pode perder parte de sua capacidade de processamento, resultando em dificuldades de raciocínio e recordação. A fórmula extra-forte de Phosphatidylserine combate esse declínio cognitivo, fornecendo ao cérebro o combustível necessário para funcionar em sua capacidade máxima.
Além disso, nossos suplementos são formulados com ingredientes de primeira qualidade, garantindo eficácia e segurança. Este complexo nootrópico avançado é vegano e livre de glúten, ovos, laticínios, nozes ou conservantes, mantendo a pureza e sendo inclusivo para todos. E para garantir sua satisfação, oferecemos uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro: se você não estiver 100% satisfeito, basta nos avisar e devolveremos seu investimento sem perguntas.
– ✅ Melhora da memória e da clareza mental, essencial para o desempenho acadêmico e profissional.
– ✅ Combate a fadiga mental, permitindo que você mantenha o foco por períodos prolongados.
– ✅ Fórmula 2 em 1 que combina Phosphatidylserine e Bacopa Monnieri para um suporte cognitivo otimizado.
– ✅ Ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia sem aditivos prejudiciais.
– ✅ Garantia de satisfação, proporcionando confiança na compra e na experiência do usuário.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Phosphatidylserine diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os efeitos benéficos no desempenho cognitivo. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar melhorias significativas na memória e na clareza mental ao longo do tempo.
Alfredo O. –
I must say it works because I passed my HR certification within 3 weeks of study. I crammed alot of information in a very short period, yet I was able to retain information better than normal and passed an exam that most people don’t pass on their first attempt. I also had a lot of stress from worked and I would combine it with L-Theanine. I felt like this combination worked well for me. Even though I ordered this product a while I ago and didn’t use it consistently. I’ve been using it consistently for the last 4 weeks and I can tell it’s helped me on my daily job/life. I will order again once I run out.
R. Webb –
Started taking as soon as I received them. After one day I noticed some interesting changes in my short term memory. Over the last few weeks some deeper results have appeared.
I’m not an expert and these are my personal experiences.
ccrj –
After reviewing a whole bunch of mental acuity enhancers, I decided on this one because it has 2 of 3 main ingredients for enhancing memory and reasonable price. I was getting pissed every time i’d walk to the kitchen and forget what I wanted, or lose my train of thought in the middle of a sentence! Long story short THIS STUFF WORKS! My recall for short term memory has increased exponentially: I remember things that happened last week and why I walked into the kitchen or any other room. I’m not stumbling around in my mind for the right words to use. I remember names of places and people without hesitation.
If these issues sound familiar to you, try this product …it WORKS!
Andrea S. / DJ Purity –
At first I wasn’t sure how this would work other than I’ve read it takes many weeks to work (up to 15???)…. And within a week or so I did have improved mood and felt better, clear headed, better memory…. But I also had bad days, like I was moody, irritable, depressed, and wanted to cry even. No reason either.
I’d also have days of fatigue and anhedonia.
And then my sleep became fragmented. I’d wake up with anxiety and what I assume is a surge in cortisol at like 4 AM, and all my anxiety meds stopped working. Sleep supplements or meds stopped working. Couldn’t sleep. Always tired. Caffeine stopped working.
So after several sleepless nights, I decided to take a break. I even tried halving my dose and taking it at different times of the day. It felt best when taken in the AM and the fatigue wore off. But that’d be late afternoon. And I couldn’t fall asleep, so it’s not a good trade off.
When I stopped after taking half a dose, I had insomnia and anxiety for a couple days, but things that were not working before began working again. So I read into Bacopa and see it does interact with some medication due to inhibiting certain enzymes that process and metabolize some things I take.
I thought it may work well for tapering off of stuff like the anxiety meds and ADHD meds, and blah blah but the lack of sleep was killing me. The anxiety in the middle of the night was awful. I’m glad that’s gone now, but my sleep is still not back to normal, and I guess everything is still not back to 100% working.
I’ll give it another try at a lower dose or split dose maybe when I am down in my tapering and having issues. I already take adaptogens which I know should be cycled out, and I was hoping bacopa would help. But nope.
I also craved vitamin C like crazy, and I found vitamin C is needed to synthesize serotonin!! Which may explain the good moods, but also the sleep issues or anxiety? I have no idea.
There’s no place to find what exactly interacts with it, so be warned. No place to check for drug-herb interactions, so it’s all guesswork and doing my own research. Not what I expected.
But what I experienced apparently is not uncommon on some nootropics boards like on Reddit which also spoke of similar experiences leading to people quitting, although some claim there’s no withdrawal. I don’t think I had withdrawal, but I did have a rebound effect.
Steve –
I definitely detect a difference in my recall after just one month of use. I plan to continue to use this product.
C. Amaral –
This is one of my daily supplements. After starting taking this, I really feel my memory is sharper than ever. I will continue to take it to improve brain functions. It is easy to take without any side affect.
Ronald Schoenberg –
Easy to take, and good for the brain.
Michael –
Update review: now a 5 star due to the companie’s MONEY BACK GUARANTEE…could not access my refund thru Amazon so sent a message to the MGF via their online website….recieved an email response in 2 days & a refund to my bank assount in 4 days…a MOST reputable company!..I do recommend them.
Works too well for me…became edgy irritable hyperactive with insomnia, however, is VERY focus effective
It felt like I was overboard with Nor-Epinephrine & Dopamine…wrong neurotransmitters for me…returning to taking Ashwagandha more Serotonin
I understand the no returns polocy, however, they do give a Guarantee in writing:
“MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: We know you’ll love our product and experience the overwhelming benefits, but if you aren’t 100% satisfied for whatever reason, let us know and we’ll give you a full refund with no questions asked!
I’ll update my review if they truly refund my $ “…without questions…”