Descrição do Produto: Fórmulas Ecológicas – Vitamina C de Tapioca 150 g
A Vitamina C de Tapioca da Fórmulas Ecológicas é um suplemento inovador que combina a pureza da tapioca com os benefícios poderosos da vitamina C, oferecendo uma solução natural e eficaz para a saúde e beleza da pele. Com 150 gramas de pura vitamina C, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma alternativa ecológica e sustentável para o cuidado diário. A vitamina C é amplamente reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-envelhecimento, ajudando a reduzir a aparência de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma pele mais jovem e radiante.
Além de seus efeitos benéficos na pele, a Vitamina C de Tapioca também desempenha um papel crucial no suporte à função adrenal, ajudando a regular o estresse e a fadiga. Este suplemento é uma excelente escolha para aqueles que enfrentam desafios diários relacionados ao estresse, pois contribui para a manutenção do equilíbrio hormonal e energético. Outro benefício importante é a sua capacidade de ajudar a combater alergias, fortalecendo o sistema imunológico e promovendo uma resposta saudável a alérgenos.
- Vitamina C de Tapioca 150 gms
- Anti-envelhecimento para a pele
- Suporta a função adrenal
- Ajuda a combater alergias
1. Pele mais jovem e saudável: A vitamina C é um poderoso antioxidante que combate os radicais livres, promovendo uma pele mais firme e luminosa.
2. Apoio ao sistema imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças e alergias.
3. Regulação do estresse: Contribui para a saúde das glândulas adrenais, melhorando a resposta do corpo ao estresse diário.
4. Fácil de incorporar na rotina: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, sucos ou receitas, tornando o consumo prático e saboroso.
5. Produto ecológico: Feito a partir de tapioca, é uma opção sustentável e livre de aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Vitamina C de Tapioca, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10 g) do pó diariamente. O produto pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou batidos, garantindo uma absorção eficaz dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios, e, se necessário, consulte um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Bennett –
Great vitamin powder. It’s a great brand. It is a little pricey but it’s the best in the market.
Amazon Customer –
My nutritionist recommended this. Apparently most vitamin C on the market is made from GMO corn, and it’s not stated on the label. That’s why I choose this brand and have been using it for a few years. Seems to do the trick.
TJ –
This is by far the best Vitamin C available. It is ideal for individuals with sensitivities because it is sourced from tapioca instead of corn. Because it is in powdered form to be mixed with juice or water, it is extremely bioavailable. At higher doses, it works wonders for those with constipation issues. My family of four takes it twice daily because Vitamin C does not remain in the body for very long. Especially in the winter months when colds and flus are rampant, we would not be without it.
Bryan Family –
I am sad to see poor ratings on this product for things like a mistake with sending capsules, or that this product isn’t the right one for you…some people have no choice and can only use corn free options. If this is you, you need corn free…look no farther!!
This product has been a life saver for my family! This product is a staple in our home and has helped us not get sick or helped us not get as sick for years! I have also been able to see a huge difference in my daughters teeth after using this product daily! I highly recommend for sensitive individuals.
Designer –
I was looking for a corn free source of Vitamin C and this has consistently been a great product.
Phenix –
Great product. However they sent the capsules instead of the powder. Too lazy to return it. I will order directly from website from now on.
Phenix –
This is a wonderful supplement. I have a very severe corn sensitivity, so have a hard time finding supplements I can tolerate, and Vitamin C is almost always derived from corn. But this product is from tapioca, and very pure and clean and easy to tolerate. A sprinkle of this and a little stevia in a glass of water or on food, and it tastes like a dash of fruit juice has been added.
Deb M. –
This is the only source of non-GM vitamin C isolate available, as far as I know. It’s derived from tapioca (from the cassava plant), which is not currently a marketed GM-crop–though they’d like it to be, so watch for that in the future. Most synthetic vitamin C isolates are derived from corn, which is mainly genetically modified in labs these days (not a good thing, according to many experts). The only other supplemental vitamin C that isn’t GMO is the whole-food type like Garden of Life (GoL) or Pure Radiance vitamin C, or separate fruits like camu camu, acerola, or rose hips (among others).
The downside to natural sources is that they don’t usually provide consistent or high doses of vitamin C (per serving), which some people need. The upside to them, however, is that they contain all the bioflavonoids needed to assimilate the C, so they’re better absorbed. With any synthetic C, you’re lacking the necessary bioflavonoids your body needs to fully use the vitamin C. This can be remedied by taking other supplements with this one, which will provide the needed nutrients. There are many plant sources that are high in bioflavonoids which can be found in supplement form, like acai, goji, blueberry, and pomegranate. Basically all the so-called super fruits will suffice; most of them can be found in powder form (or capsules).
I personally combine capsules of this vitamin C with acai powder from MRH (Mountain Rose Herbs) and GoL’s resveratrol, plus I also take a whole-food vitamin C at the same time (one that I make myself by blending several fruit powders together). I recommend encapsulating almost all forms of vitamin C since it has a bitter taste. I use the Cap M Quik “machine”, available here at Amazon, along with the vegetarian capsules from MRH.