Descrição do Produto: Premium Bladder Formula para Saúde da Bexiga
A saúde da bexiga é um aspecto fundamental do bem-estar geral, e a Premium Bladder Formula surge como uma solução inovadora e natural para aqueles que enfrentam desconfortos recorrentes na bexiga e na pelve. Com uma abordagem holística, o Bladder Rest combina ingredientes de altíssima qualidade, desenvolvendo um conjunto único de mecanismos de ação que visam proporcionar alívio e suporte à saúde da bexiga. Este produto é recomendado por médicos e confiado por consumidores, tornando-se uma opção viável para um regime diário de saúde e alívio do desconforto na bexiga.
Produzido em uma instalação certificada pela GMP nos Estados Unidos, o Bladder Rest é formulado para atender tanto homens quanto mulheres, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades. A fórmula é livre de conservantes e ingredientes artificiais, não contém leite de soja, ovos ou peixe, e é isenta de OGM e glúten. Antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, é aconselhável consultar um médico para verificar se há contraindicações com medicamentos ou condições médicas existentes.
– Alívio Natural: Proporciona um suporte eficaz para desconfortos recorrentes na bexiga e na pelve, promovendo um alívio natural.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Formulado com ingredientes premium, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
– Recomendado por Profissionais: Aprovado por médicos, aumentando a confiança dos consumidores na sua utilização.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de conservantes, ingredientes artificiais, OGM e glúten, ideal para quem busca uma opção saudável.
– Adequado para Todos: Desenvolvido para ser utilizado por homens e mulheres, atendendo a uma ampla gama de necessidades.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Premium Bladder Formula, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações do seu médico e não exceder a dose recomendada. Mantenha o produto em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e armazene fora do alcance de crianças. A consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios e promover a saúde da bexiga de forma eficaz.
zenith –
It didn’t help ease my bladder pain, but it has some vitamins in it that are beneficial so I continue to take it sometimes.
Jennifer –
I was in a huge flare when this product arrived so I waited for things to settle down. I feel like I’m always in a flare almost seven days a week 24/7. I tried this and now take it regularly for the past three months. Bladder Rest has been an absolute game changer for me and I now I have happy tears as I now have a part of life back that I thought was lost long ago is back. I’m sooooooo thankful for this product. My doctor told me about this company and their IC products. I’m very thank for Bladder Rest and the people who created it. I really pray and hope that others find relief and get their lives back. I hope this product works as good on others as it did for me.
Christine –
I bought this product because I had a bad bladder infection a year ago, which caused damage to the lining of my bladder. That damage takes a long time to heal and makes your bladder sensitive to certain foods and drinks. This has helped to ease discomfort and lessons the sense of urgency. I’ve only been taking this for a month and it has helped. Use this in combination with healthy food choices and see results. Bonus side effect, my short thin hair has grown out!
Kezia –
I received a brochure about Bladder Rest that it was so much better than CystoProtec and offered many more benefits for less money. That was not my experience! I had an IC flair and it did nothing. A placebo would have been better than Bladder Rest! I’m sticking with CystoProtec, as it actually offers relief from IC flairs.
Bren –
This helps me with pain. I really notice if I stop taking this. I recommend this if you have IC. I noticed a difference in less than a day. I found out about this from a girl who was recommended this by her naturopathic Dr. she said her pain was so bad that she took more than recommended and it helped even more. I hope this never runs out of stock. I feel this is a safe natural option rather than harmful drugs. Make sure you also eat a low histamine diet and avoid things that burn like pepper, citric acid, mint, etc also avoid food like nuts, cheese, vinegar, fermented foods because those can aggravate histamines and can have mold which will cause flares. The quercetin in this blocks histamine naturally which is important because the bladder is inflamed and the bladder contains the highest concentration of mast cells in the body. Histamine will aggravate the bladder further. Don’t eat left overs because food grows histamine as it sits. There is also ingredients in this that help you rebuild your injured GAG layer. Taking this promotes healing and less pain. I take this with essentia alkaline water and it brought my pain down from a 10 to now over time a 2. Hopefully it will be zero soon. I’ve been taking this for less than two weeks.
Elizabeth B –
I have been using this for almost 3 weeks. Wanted to wait to write a review, until I had been using it for a fair amount of time. I am very fed up with the lack of integrity in reviews out there! Anyway, I have had the symptoms of IC for 2 years now and have tried many, many things to get this frustrating condition under control. Examples include different AZO products, Prelief, Kava Kava, Himalaya Uricare, Bladder Ease, Pumpkin Seed oil, Mag Citrate, Marshmallow Root, B6, B1, Bladder Builder (from IC Network) plus many accupuncture treatments, Ki Gong, energy healing sessions, frequency healing music on youtube, bla bla bla. I’m sure I’ve forgotten something. Oh yes, limiting high oxalate foods. That actually is something that can help a lot. If you don’t know about oxalates and have IC, please do some research. Oxalates (in a LOT of heathy foods) can be very hard on the bladder.
Several of these things seemed to help for a very short time and then the symptoms would come roaring back. Anyone who has this knows how painful and all consuming it can be. To feel like you have to urgently pee all the time, along with pain, tension and burning in the bladder/urethra area is the greatest health challenge affecting the quality of my life for 2 years now. I am otherwise quite healthy and fit.
So when I started taking this I didn’t hold out much hope, but I have been oh so pleasantly surprised that as the days have gone on, my bladder issues are slowly easing up. Evenings were always the worst. It’s 7:30 in the evening now and I haven’t peed in quite a while and don’t even feel my bladder. That is huge for me. It is not completely healed, I think it is more about managing symptoms, when it comes to IC, but it is bothering me less and less all the time. Very grateful I found this. I take 2 in the morning with a little yogurt and the IC network supplement mentioned earlier, in the evening. This one works the best but I think I was getting a little benefit from the other too, so I take it at night. I have spent so much time and energy researching online, trying different things and being disappointed over and over. It feels so nice to actually have some relief for once. IC seems to affect everyone a little different so I don’t know if it will work for you but thus far, it is helping me a very noticeable amount! So so glad for the relief.
edit on 11/1/20. I am now experiencing a flare in my IC symptoms and the supplement has not helped much if at all. Taking away one star. Did seem to help for awhile though. This is quite disappointing. I did order a book The Better Bladder Book here on Amazon. It received excellent reviews and have started it. I don’t think any supplement will be a miracle cure. Dietary changes and food allergies/sensitivity testing may be the key. We’ll see…
edit 2/10/2021. I hope you have read this far down on my long review. Supplements only work temporarily and if used occasionally. Daily use will quickly build immunity to the effects. The most useful thing I have found with this awful condition is the book mentioned previously. The Better Bladder Book, available here on Amazon. I gave up gluten, (her No 1 recommendation in the book) and I am now almost symptom free. If I eat something with too much oxalates, or too much sugar, I get a mini flare. But fine otherwise. Been such a huge relief!! Hope this helps someone!!
Faye –
This is good product and was recommended to me by my urologist. I only take it when my doctor tells me to.
Sarah Schoen –
This product has saved my life! It works wonders! I can drink soda and some coffee again which I have not been able to do for 6 years before now with my IC. Highly recommend for anyone with IC. I would give 10 stars if I could!