Descrição do Produto: Fórmula Original de Enzimas Digestivas Sistêmicas Proteolíticas Serrapeptase Source
A Fórmula Original de Enzimas Digestivas Sistêmicas Proteolíticas Serrapeptase Source é um produto inovador que combina a eficácia de enzimas digestivas e sistêmicas para oferecer suporte integral ao corpo. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, este suplemento é essencial para a saúde e é totalmente à base de plantas, garantindo que você pague por qualidade verdadeira e não se decepcione. A World Nutrition, pioneira em enzimas sistêmicas complementares, lançou em 2001 a pílula Vitalzym, uma fórmula híbrida que rapidamente se tornou a enzima sistêmica mais vendida do mundo, gerando mais de $10 milhões em vendas nos primeiros três anos.
Este suplemento é considerado o melhor remédio vegetariano para a digestão, contendo uma fórmula de defesa intestinal de força premium que inclui Protease, Serrapeptase, Papain, Bromelain, Amylase, Lipase, Rutin e Amla. Cada ingrediente poderoso é derivado de fontes naturais e vegetarianas, ao contrário de muitos concorrentes que utilizam enzimas extraídas de porcos e vacas, que são de baixa qualidade e eficácia.
As cápsulas avançadas de amplo espectro promovem o bem-estar, oferecendo um nível de potência ideal de enzimas proteolíticas que podem auxiliar em condições como Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (IBS), gases, inflamação, regulação do sistema imunológico, remoção de excesso de placa e fibrina, além de apoiar o retorno do volume e fluxo sanguíneo. As cápsulas Vitälzym são formuladas para apoiar a saúde em diversos sistemas: cognitivo/mental, respiratório superior, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reprodutivo, articulações, tecido conjuntivo e pele.
Com uma resposta rápida e orgânica, este produto acalma a indigestão e auxilia em problemas como IBS, gases e inchaço. A mistura sinérgica de enzimas sistêmicas e digestivas começa no estômago, ajudando o corpo a quebrar os alimentos e absorver os nutrientes. Após aumentar as habilidades digestivas, as enzimas sistêmicas entram na corrente sanguínea, promovendo melhorias em processos corporais e restaurando a qualidade de vida.
Formulada para aumentar a vitalidade ativa e a recuperação, as cápsulas de pó puro de alta qualidade se dissolvem no estômago, proporcionando suporte digestivo a cada dose. Parte da serrapeptase sobrevive ao ambiente ácido do estômago, liberando uma dosagem no intestino delgado, permitindo que seja absorvida na corrente sanguínea e distribuída por todo o corpo. Nossos clientes relataram aumento de energia, resistência e recuperação após exercícios intensos.
– Suporte Digestivo Eficaz: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: Relatos de aumento de energia e resistência, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a regulação do sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Melhora na Circulação Sanguínea: Ajuda a remover excesso de fibrina e placa, promovendo um fluxo sanguíneo saudável.
– Fórmula Vegetariana de Alta Qualidade: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma opção segura e eficaz para veganos e vegetarianos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula de Fórmula Original de Enzimas Digestivas Sistêmicas Proteolíticas Serrapeptase Source, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada e uma dieta equilibrada para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento.
Emily Anita –
I ordered 2 bottles vitalzyme. Gave one to my son. Both expired. One in 2022, the other 8/2024. That suks. I’ve been taking since received. Bad wat to get repeat customers!
Nat Read –
Love love.. Originally was taking these 26 years ago when I transitioned from vegetarian to vegan while taking these I noticed my keloids on my ears started shrinking (random) and one I had on my foot due to a childhood accident. Once I noticed it started to eat up fibrin which is in keloid/fibroid I started telling all my friends about this. Many reported ridding their body of fibroids. I recently had surgery, and I turned to old reliable to again rid my body of scar tissue and pain. They are doing their job. I always take at bedtime they can increase hunger if taken during the day, and I double the dosage amount so instead of 2 I take 4-6 on an empty belly before bed to let it work.Or even when I wake up for a middle of the night bathroom run I take them.. I tried the advance formula. But these seem to work best for me.. I don’t take them within two hours of eating to ensure they aren’t working as a digestive enzyme but systematically.. Wanna change the game on your scar tissue and pain.. I’d recommend these.. Nope no monies, or products where exchanged for this review. I’m just. a honest vegan looking to improve my health.
catherine –
I highly recommend this supplement for anyone struggling with slow digestion and pain and inflammation in the body. It helped me feel better and I got more energy in the day because my stomach wasn’t struggling to digest my food all day. Great stuff
The Dancing Chef –
Has a great result with digestion and works synergistically well with Wobenzym as it compliments each enzyme and is great for the body as a whole. The Europeans know
Qn. –
I have to say, I am a bit lazy to do reviews but I HAD to for this one! I have IBS and basically always issues with my stomach. Literally planning my day around bowel movements. After taking this, I have no problems with that whatsoever. It was the very first thing I noticed. I do not take the prescribed dicyclomine anymore as this was more than enough to make me regular like a normal person. I also have noticed an absence of the stomach bloating I would have so often. Will be buying again. SO GLAD I saw the information for this product in the GNC. Also glad I didn’t buy it there. Better price here on Amazon.
Amazon Customer –
If you have old injuries, this breaks up the scar and relieves the pain
Amazon Customer –
I am 50 years of age.. i have been physically active all my life. I ran track all the way through college. Also i used to work out. I have chronic knee arthritis in both knees..
So my BFF shared this product with me and advise me to read the reviews. She purchased it about two weeks prior and was happy with the results. So I decided to give it a try. I ordered it, the bottle comes with 90 capsules and it’s advise to take 3 capsules daily. I have 12 capsulses left today. My stiffness is cut more than half. I started back going to the gym and the joint pain doesn’t linger as long as it normally does post my workout. I just want to say if you suffer from chronic joint pain, stiffness and you want to get active or remain active. Make this product part of your daily supplement. I don’t leave home with out it. In the morning I drink my tea and pop three.
Order one bottle, try it and mark your results.Trust me you WILL NOT regret it. The cost is not more expensive than all other joint support products on the market today. I am ordering my second bottle now. Hopefully this will be around forever.
MC –
I experience inflammation and have noticed some of it is due to certain foods I eat. I had seen another product advertised on Facebook that claimed to have enzymes to help combat inflammation, but it was quite expensive, almost twice as much, and you were automatically put on instant reorder. I wanted to try something similar to see if it could work. While this has a few less enzymes, I have noticed that it does help. Some of the ones missing in this, I pick up in a different supplement. I am on my second bottle now, and I will continue to order it. It would be nice if it was a little less expensive, because you should take it a couple of times a day. But, it is worth it when it helps.