Descrição do Produto:
A Fórmula Original de Enzimas Digestivas Sistêmicas Proteolíticas Serrapeptase Source é um verdadeiro marco na saúde e bem-estar, oferecendo suporte imbatível para o sistema imunológico e articulações, além de promover o aumento do fluxo sanguíneo e a função cardiovascular. Com 450 cápsulas de alta qualidade, este suplemento é uma escolha essencial para homens e mulheres que buscam uma vida mais saudável e ativa.
- Fabricado nos EUA, Essencial para a Saúde, Baseado em Plantas: Nem todos os produtos de enzimas digestivas são criados iguais. Ao investir em qualidade verdadeira, você não ficará desapontado. A World Nutrition é pioneira em enzimas sistêmicas complementares. Em 2001, introduzimos a pílula Vitalzym, uma fórmula híbrida que oferece benefícios tanto sistêmicos quanto digestivos, proporcionando suporte total ao corpo. Rapidamente se tornou a enzima sistêmica mais vendida do mundo, com vendas superiores a $10 milhões nos primeiros três anos.
- O Melhor Suplemento Vegetariano para Digestão e Remédio: Nossa Fórmula Premium de Defesa Super Gut contém tudo o que você precisa para suporte total ao corpo: Protease, Serrapeptase, Papain, Bromelain, Amylase, Lipase, Rutin e Amla. Cada ingrediente poderoso é derivado de fontes naturais e vegetarianas. A maioria dos concorrentes utiliza enzimas extraídas de porcos e vacas após o abate, que são de baixa qualidade e força, exigindo doses muito mais altas para serem eficazes.
- Cápsulas Avançadas de Amplo Espectro Promovem Bem-Estar: Nosso extrato complexo fornece o nível de potência ideal de enzimas proteolíticas que podem ajudar com IBS, gases, inflamação, regular seu sistema imunológico, remover excesso de placa e fibrina (tecido fibroso) e apoiar o retorno do volume e fluxo sanguíneo. As cápsulas Vitälzym são formuladas para apoiar a saúde nos seguintes sistemas: cognitivo/mental, respiratório superior, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, reprodutivo, articulações, tecido conjuntivo e pele.
- Resposta Rápida, Orgânico, Acalma Indigestão e Auxilia com IBS, Gases, Inchaço: Recupere o conforto intestinal com nossa mistura sinérgica perfeita de enzimas sistêmicas e digestivas. O processo começa no estômago e ajuda o corpo a quebrar os alimentos e absorver os nutrientes. Após aumentar as habilidades digestivas, as enzimas sistêmicas agem na corrente sanguínea, movendo-se por todo o corpo. Esta combinação única pode ajudar a melhorar seus processos corporais e recuperar sua qualidade de vida.
- Formulado para Aumento da Vitalidade Ativa e Recuperação: Cápsulas de pó puro de alta qualidade que se dissolvem no estômago fornecem suporte digestivo a cada dose. Parte da serrapeptase sobrevive ao ambiente ácido do estômago e uma dosagem é liberada no intestino delgado, permitindo que seja absorvida na corrente sanguínea e distribuída por todo o corpo. Nossos clientes relataram aumento de energia, resistência e recuperação após exercícios intensos.
1. Suporte Digestivo Eficiente: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, aliviando problemas como indigestão e gases.
2. Aumento da Energia e Vitalidade: Relatos de clientes indicam maior energia e resistência após o uso regular.
3. Saúde Articular e Imunológica: Contribui para a saúde das articulações e fortalece o sistema imunológico.
4. Melhora do Fluxo Sanguíneo: Promove a circulação sanguínea, essencial para a saúde cardiovascular.
5. Base Vegetariana e Alta Qualidade: Fórmula livre de ingredientes de origem animal, garantindo um produto ético e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. As cápsulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água, permitindo que as enzimas sejam liberadas no sistema digestivo e entrem em ação de forma eficaz. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para maximizar os benefícios e promover uma saúde ideal.
Maeven –
This completely manages my pain, so I don’t have to take any other pain killers whatsoever. I take 6 at a time 3-4 times per day. (It is common with cancer to take higher therapeutic doses.)
It is supposed to further help treat cancer by breaking down the tumor, and by also allowing other treatment protocols to get through the tumor’s protective coating. It’s also supposed to help neutralize pathogens, which are in high incidence with any cancer patient. While I don’t have direct evidence to support these aspects, I do feel my entire protocol is now very effective overall. It could be contributing to the other items, but I have no way to know for sure.
I use Vitalzym, graviola extract, vit. D, poke root, and some other herbs for cancer and liver support. I’m also juicing and eating whole foods, doing things to help flush my lymph system, and mild exercise and sunshine. Overall, things are working now and my tumors are starting to break down. I’m also using Intestinal Drawing Formula and flushes, and have just started using Parasite Free to more intensely deal with the parasite part of cancer. Together, it’s working and I’m showing improvement.
I wouldn’t be able to get through the pain without Vitalzyme. It makes me feel good to know that it has other benefits to help me through this as well, and that I’m not further poisoning my liver with medication in the process.
I’ve tried other enzyme products, and this one has the strongest and best results for me. Now I never go without it.
Tears26 –
After going to the doctors office and finding out I have fibroids, I freaked out and told her I wanted these foreign objects out of my body as soon as possible… She in return, told me I shouldn’t get surgery, I should start eating beef (I haven’t eaten red meat in about 10yrs) and we will monitor the fibroids of which 1 was the size of a 3month old fetus. Needless to say, I stop going to that doctor and started taking matters into my own hand because there was no way I was going to standby and watch while this uninvited guest planted itself into my Uterus and invite all its little `waist spreading’ fibrous friends to visit.
Seemed as if my waistline was growing in every picture I took so I had to act fast and find a solution.
Thank God I found Vitalzym because I did not want this unwelcomed invasion in my body to get any larger.
To date, I am on my 4th week of taking these pills and I am very happy with the results.
I can totally see the difference in my lower waistline and my period isn’t as intense or heavy as it once was.
Listen, I know this product seems expensive but looking at the bigger picture, you really save in the long run because it’s a much healthier solution that truly works.
Just remember to drink water because it is a detox and not drinking water will have an adverse affect that you do not want to deal with in the bathroom. Take it from someone who experiences it. ME!
I’ve already recommended this product to my friends who have the same issue and now I am doing the same for anyone who reads this review.
J. Callum –
I would pay double the price for these unless I could find another product that works just as good. This is my first systemic enzyme I have tried so maybe other systemic enzymes will help me just as much. I wanted to use this for a couple of months before I wrote a review which I have done. I wanted to make sure they didnt only work for a couple weeks. I started out taking 4 capsules 4 times a day and some days 5 caps 3 times a day. I am now at 3 capsules 4 times a day. I am trying to get at taking only 8 caps per day while maintaining my good digestion. Hopefully overtime I wont even need these. My digestion is like night and day when I take these vs when I dont. I have tried other digestive enzymes, yogurt, kefir and other things but nothing has helped with my digestion other than raw grass fed cow milk. I tend to drink to much raw milk which makes me constipated. Drinking a lot of raw milk adds additional calories also and I’m on a diet so I stop drinking that, at least for now. I still believe raw milk is the best food for people without a doubt.
Update: ok so it appears to be the serrapeptase in this that is helping with my digestion so much. I researched each of the individual enzymes in Vitalzym and decided to try a serrapeptase supplement with ONLY serrapeptase. So I stop taking vitalzym and waited about a week before I started taking the serrapeptase supplement. At a much cheaper price, my digestion is just as good as it was when I was taking the vitalzym. I have been taking serrapeptase for about 2 months at a fairly high dosage. Around 360,000 units per day that I split into 3 doses. You will probably feel woozy if you start out taking that much so start out with a small dosage. I am not trying to promote any particular brand of serrapeptase. I don’t think it really matters what brand I take. I just choose the 1 that gave me the best bang for my buck.
Dos –
I am almost done with my first bottle and just purchased my second bottle yesterday. So far it seems to be working. I was nearly crippled after 6 surgeries on my neck and back. I have a job that is very strenuous on my back. Every day I was in tears. Every day so much pain I didn’t think I was going to be able to keep my job. I’m not out of the woods yet, but I feel so much better. I can walk with minimal pain now and I can last 8 hours a day now. I started with 3 pills 3x day. Then I upped it to 4 3x day. This bottle I’m going for 5 3x day. Seems the more I take the better I feel. In the spirit of total disclosure I am also getting weekly massages and I stopped all prescriptions that can cause pain, like statins for cholesterol. Please check with your doctor first.