Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder da natureza com a fórmula “Ease the Ache” da Earthley Wellness, uma solução herbal projetada especialmente para mulheres que enfrentam os desafios mensais da menstruação. Com uma combinação única de quatro ervas poderosas — Folha de Urtiga, Folha de Framboesa Vermelha, Casca de Cólicas e Erva-Mãe — este extrato herbal não apenas alivia as cólicas, mas também melhora o seu humor, proporcionando um alívio duradouro e eficaz.
- Corte as cólicas com nosso extrato herbal “Ease the Ache”! É uma combinação de quatro ervas nutritivas que acalmam suas dores e elevam seu ânimo.
- A loucura menstrual mensal está te deixando para baixo? As cólicas estão realmente… atrapalhando seu estilo? Resolva seus problemas com nosso extrato herbal Ease the Ache!
- A maioria dos “remédios para cólicas” disponíveis apenas encobre o problema. Claro, você se sente melhor (por um tempo), mas isso não resolve a questão de verdade.
- Ease the Ache é diferente. Nossa fórmula herbal realmente ajuda a promover o equilíbrio hormonal e a resolver o problema subjacente… o que significa que você se sente melhor de verdade. Sem os efeitos colaterais! Nossas ervas reequilibram seu corpo de forma suave e natural, reduzindo os sintomas comuns da TPM.
- Com Ease the Ache, seu período é apenas mais uma parte da vida… não uma semana em que você mal consegue funcionar. Você terá menos cólicas e se sentirá melhor em geral. E isso é incrível.
1. Alívio Eficaz das Cólicas: A fórmula herbal atua diretamente nas causas das cólicas menstruais, proporcionando alívio real e duradouro.
2. Melhora do Humor: As ervas selecionadas ajudam a equilibrar o humor, reduzindo a irritabilidade e a ansiedade frequentemente associadas à TPM.
3. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Promove um equilíbrio hormonal saudável, ajudando a regular o ciclo menstrual e a reduzir os sintomas da TPM.
4. Uso Natural e Seguro: Com ingredientes 100% naturais, você pode confiar que está cuidando do seu corpo sem os efeitos colaterais de medicamentos sintéticos.
5. Facilidade de Uso: O extrato é fácil de incorporar à sua rotina diária, tornando o alívio das cólicas uma parte simples do seu autocuidado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 a 2 ml do extrato “Ease the Ache” diariamente, especialmente durante a semana anterior ao início do seu ciclo menstrual. O produto pode ser administrado diretamente na boca ou diluído em água ou chá. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Samantha Ford Taner –
This bottle of Ease The Ache Women’s Cramp Formula comes bubble wrapped with product graphics and info printed on the bottle label. This has been a great swap from the monthly capsules to ease pain. The flavor is better than I thought it would be with a sweetness. I feel it even lifts my mood along with the extra glass of water I drink when adding product to water. This will not be a home health staple for our household.
Amazon Customer –
The 2 times I tried this I got a really bad sore throat for several days. Not sure if I am allergic or not. But didn’t really see the pain relief from PMS that I was hoping for. So I just use the get better fast tincture they have instead.
K. Kline –
This tastes NOTHING like the exact product I’ve been purchasing from Earthley directly for the past year which is BEYOND worrisome. Half of a dropper and something isn’t right. NEVER purchasing here ever again.
Barbara Kimball –
I ordered this for my daughter who has excruciating cramps every month. Unfortunately it didn’t come quick enough for her to try it this month (ok, I didn’t order it soon enough!) but next month she is prepared! It has some great ingredients that should help from what I have read, so fingers crossed. It doesn’t taste bad at all, and if it helps it could taste terrible and women would still take it to get some relief. I love that it is all natural and vegan, so much better than things full of chemicals and drugs! I will update once she is able to use it!
Clyde –
I prefer to use natural products when I can. These seem to be of higher quality with a lower price point than many others that I have used, which is a major factor for me right now. I got this for myself and my girls because we currently have 3 cycling females in the house (large family, 6 females verses 4 males in the house) and it can get rough sometimes with the cramps and mood swings. This does seem to help, especially my younger teen daughter that has only had a few cycles and is not use to the horrible cramps that come with them.
It seems to help her a lot with both cramps and feeling tired. The bigger difference is at the second day, from then on you can really tell a difference. The taste is not great, a little like herbal tea that has sat a little long and started to get a slight alcohol taste BUT its much better if mixed with water or another drink.
Overall, i really like this and i’m interested in trying more products from this brand.
Laine –
Ok…. I never write reviews but since this product doesn’t have many and I’m honestly shook at how well it worked during my first cycle of using it I had to write a review. I love herbal products, I love natural products, I try not to take Advil but my period cramps the first 2-3 days are SO bad nothing else helps and I’ve. tried. Everything. Or so I thought… I do a herbal tea of raspberry, nettle, oat straw and chamomile during my cycles that I love but sometimes it’s just not strong enough and I can’t get my hands on cramp bark because mountain rose has been sold out for a while. Anyway, I love everything I’ve tried from this brand thus far so figured I would give this a try. I didn’t follow the instructions yet because I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t have a reaction to it so I just tried it once the first day of my period with taking Advil every 4 hours because I was miserable.. but the SECOND DAY I do this twice and usually I have to take Advil every 4 hours the second day as well and nothing. No cramps whatsoever. Now I’m on day 3 and took this again this morning and still no cramps and my period is even lighter and feels like it’ll be done soon. I can’t wait to try this 3 days before my next period 2-3 times a day like the instructions say. I didn’t love the taste of taking it straight so I added it into a glass of water and it was way better.. just tasted like a watered down tea and not like alcohol. I’m thoroughly impressed so far!!!! Also… for the price why NOT give it a try? Thanks for making awesome affordable natural herbal products 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Destini Ingoldsby –
I can’t begin to tell you how this changed my life! I love it! It has made my period pain almost nothing. Try it!
Laine –
This stuff is amazing. It really takes away cramping and any uncomfortable feelings associated with your period. It doesn’t taste great, but it’s easy enough to to get it down with some juice.