Descrição do Produto: Amylase Formula, 180 caps
A Amylase Formula é um suplemento inovador que desempenha um papel crucial na digestão de amidos, ou seja, carboidratos. Com 180 cápsulas em cada frasco, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde digestiva e melhorar a absorção de nutrientes. A amilase é uma enzima essencial que ajuda a quebrar os carboidratos complexos em açúcares simples, facilitando a digestão e promovendo uma melhor utilização da energia proveniente dos alimentos.
Fabricado pela R-Garden, uma empresa familiar com mais de 30 anos de experiência, a Amylase Formula é produzida nos Estados Unidos e passa por rigorosos testes de laboratório para garantir sua pureza, potência e identidade. A R-Garden se compromete com a qualidade de seus produtos, oferecendo uma garantia de devolução do dinheiro em 90 dias. Caso a Amazon não permita a devolução, os clientes podem entrar em contato diretamente com a empresa para obter instruções. É importante notar que a data de fabricação impressa na parte inferior do frasco refere-se à data de fabricação e não à data de validade. As cápsulas têm um tamanho #1, facilitando a ingestão.
– Melhora na Digestão: A Amylase Formula auxilia na quebra eficiente de amidos, promovendo uma digestão mais suave e reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
– Aumento da Energia: Ao facilitar a digestão de carboidratos, o produto ajuda na liberação de energia, contribuindo para um aumento na disposição e vitalidade ao longo do dia.
– Suporte à Saúde Metabólica: A enzima amilase pode ajudar a regular os níveis de açúcar no sangue, beneficiando aqueles que buscam manter um metabolismo saudável.
– Fácil de Usar: Com cápsulas de fácil ingestão, a Amylase Formula se adapta facilmente à rotina diária, tornando-se uma adição prática à dieta.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: A garantia de devolução do dinheiro e a verificação laboratorial asseguram que os consumidores estão adquirindo um produto de alta qualidade e confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a Amylase Formula, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas antes das refeições que contenham carboidratos. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água para facilitar a dissolução e absorção das cápsulas. Para aqueles com condições de saúde específicas ou que estejam sob medicação, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do suplemento.
thorning –
I’ve had digestive problems for years and I couldn’t pin point the problem. At first I thought I was just lactose intolerant so I removed all forms of dairy from my diet. That only decreased my gas production. I did that for a year with really no change, and my symptoms started getting more severe. I landed on the popular culprit that is gluten, which I removed from my diet for nearly half a year. The diet worked great for me and my system appeared to betting healthier and my symptoms diminished. My symptoms cleared up, however episodes would return presenting the same issues. Figuring that gluten is in almost everything, I blamed a contamination of my food to be the problem. After weeks of trials ensuring that I wasn’t getting glutened, I started blaming other foods. Weeks went by where I was taking this and that food out of my diet to no avail. My gluten free diet wasn’t completely alleviating my symptoms.
After months I decided to try a carb free diet. TA DAA!!!!!!! My symptoms disappeared. Turns out I suck at digesting carbohydrates and sugars, and I don’t plan to subject myself to that strict of a diet. I need my calories……
Removing gluten from my diet also removed many forms of sugar and carbohydrates. When my symptoms diminished from my gluten free diet, I incorrectly attributed my problems with gluten when really my problems were with sugars and carbs.
I take around 8 pills a day and now I can eat everything I used to eat. If I’m going to eat a particularly sugary meal I make sure to take enough to balance it out.
V&B –
After having my gallbladder removed I started having horrible pains whenever I ate anything with more than a couple of grams of sugar, didn’t matter if it was natural (fruit) or processed. My surgeon did some tests but couldn’t find anything physically wrong with me and I was told to just wait it out. 🙄 Needless to say things didn’t get better so I did my own research and found this product and it has been a life saver for me. By taking these I can eat sugar again without being in any pain. I hope this company never stops making these capsules because I don’t know what I’d do without them!
Ginny –
This amylase formula really helps in the digestion of carbohydrates. I noticed a difference in the way I feel very soon after taking the amylase. I highly recommend this product.
dude –
Similar to the last review, I cut out gluten and still have problems with carbs. I’ve tried Ezymedica’s carb digest, but have a reaction to it (my system is very reactive after years of gluten reactivity). I had only a mild reaction to these at first, which seems to have subsided. And yes, they totally help to digest carbs (I had major undigested (CO2 fermenting) of carbs). I’ve gradually increased the amount I use and no problems now it seems. I’m ordering another. It also seems to help reactions to other things. I’ve read there is a link between amylase and immune response. I have a warm feeling in my stomach as I can feel things digesting (and energy), improvement of mood. Also had pancreatitis acute a while back and doesn’t seem to cause and pancreas pain.
Joe Zeppi –
Really helped my digestive system
Jay –
I’m very impressed with the quality and potency of this product. The seller was easy to work with. I will definitely order this product again.
Rosah –
Excellent product in case u have allergies to certain trees, cats, etc and u r always feeling miserable and blowing ur nose, itchy eyes, etc. I take 2 Amylase before every meal and it works. I don’t have allergy anymore. My dr. told me that, in my case, I have a deficiency in Amylase; this enzyme it is found in your saliva. Try to discontinue all carbohydrates and the results are amazing. Try it. It is worthy
Esmerelda –
Works for what it’s needed for!