A Fórmula Completa para Tecidos e Ossos do Dr. Christopher é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, projetado para oferecer suporte essencial ao sistema musculoesquelético. Com 100 cápsulas vegetarianas, cada uma contendo 440 mg de ingredientes selecionados, este produto se destaca por sua eficácia na promoção da saúde dos tecidos e ossos. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o produto é identificado pelo número de modelo CRO89128, garantindo a autenticidade e a qualidade dos ingredientes utilizados.
Com dimensões de 10,41 cm de comprimento, 4,57 cm de largura e 4,32 cm de altura, o pacote é compacto e ideal para quem busca praticidade no dia a dia. Pesando apenas 4,0 oz, é leve e fácil de transportar, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem deseja manter a saúde dos ossos e articulações em qualquer lugar.
A Fórmula Completa de Tecido e Osso é especialmente recomendada para pessoas que buscam fortalecer seus tecidos e ossos, promovendo a regeneração celular e auxiliando na recuperação de lesões e fraturas. Seus ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade são formulados para proporcionar vitalidade e bem-estar ao sistema musculoesquelético.
1. Suporte eficaz à saúde dos tecidos e ossos.
2. Promoção da regeneração celular e fortalecimento das articulações.
3. Auxílio na recuperação de lesões e fraturas.
4. Ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade.
5. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, garantindo confiabilidade e segurança.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Amazon Customer –
One year ago I had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from my colon. I took these to heal afterwards from the major abdominal surgery and healed quickly without issues.
Now a year later I have developed often severe and debilitating pain from what I believe to be scar tissue. I took very minimal pain meds from my prior surgery- actually nothing after the first day, but this pain that has developed is so bad that I have ALMOST resorted to using those left over meds- so bad that the other night I was unable to drift off for more than 45min at a time all night long. I have been at my wit’s end. I decided to do a water and then a juice fast seeking relief. Some improvement, but not nearly enough. A few days ago I decided to pull out a bulk bag of this formula (comfrey included) and make up my own capsules. The first evening I took 50. About 10/hr. I also had a few TBS of the Complete Tissue Syrup thinking it might be faster acting. I was able to sleep well enough, definitely better. BTW, this pain has been regular and only increasing for approximately the past 3 months or so.
Yesterday I took another 50 capsules and syrup here and there as well. Another good night of rest. Oddly, I can FEEL the pain making an effort to come on, but it never really takes hold. Today I made up more capsules and will continue as above.
I understand that most people are way more hesitant to use herbal products and will feel that this use is extreme and possibly dangerous. Well, my pain has been extreme. I have also done my research over the years. I have read Dr. Christophers own testimonials regarding this formula, and you use the amount that you need to use in order to get the needed results. I am also familiar with comfrey (which these pre-made capsules do not contain). It is an INCREDIBLE herb. I personally use it internally without qualms. So, I certainly make no recommendations for anyone else, but this is my story. Will try to remember to update in a few.
Lisa Bechtol –
I had bone injuries that were unable to be set or fixed surgically. I researched products that would give relief and help bones to heal. I do not like pain medication and like to take more of a homeopathic approach. This worked amazing. I’ve been using it since my accident four months ago and the results I must say kinda shocked me. Definitely will continue as the ingredients are beneficial. For the price it’s an amazing value.
Lisa Bechtol –
The product is great! The delivery was put in my mailbox instead of my front porch. I always need delivery on my porch! I am an old person and it is difficult for me to get to my mailbox, which is why I request front porch delivery. Please follow directions. Thank you!!
Busymomma –
We have bought this for years and have shared it with many friends and neighbors and have seen a lot of success in helping with bones that weren’t healing before use of this product.
Ernest –
This has helped reduce pain in aging joints
T. Myers –
I have gotten nausea, headaches, and vomiting from this stuff because it contains wormwood. I am apparently sensitive to wormwood. I have taken wormwood tablets because and had the same effects so it must be the wormwood. I went home from work today thinking I had motion sickness or the flu, then I remembered I was taking this the past few days for my teeth. I’m glad I don’t have the flu but boy I am sensitive to this stuff! It seems to work for others and I don’t doubt it, but the side effects are strong for me.
Amazon Customer –
I’m very pleased with the deal I got….very timely, well packaged, very friendly delivery person and I had a very busted up hip, from ramp collapse and it’s slowly coming back
clare30 –
I had a bad fall about a month ago and fractured the fifth metatarsal of my right foot. It’s a very bad break also known as a Jones fracture (one of the worst fractures you can get..Google it!). More often than not, this type of fracture requires surgery to pin the bones of the foot back together. When it happened to me a month ago, my podiatrist (who’s also a surgeon} put my foot in a soft aircast. He wanted surgery to be a last resort (as did I!), so he said he would see if there was a slight chance that the bones would heal by themselves. He was giving me a month in the cast, and if he saw no signs of healing then, he was going to schedule surgery. I left his office and did my research on the internet that night. This product, Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue & Bone Formula, kept coming up with such great recommendations, I just had to try it. I ordered one bottle of it here on Amazon. I took it as recommended, 2 capsules 3x daily. I also ordered the Dr. Christopher’s Complete Tissue & Bone Ointment, which is also available here on Amazon. I rubbed that ointment on my foot 3x daily. I saw the doctor yesterday, and I’m thrilled to report that the bones of my foot are 65% healed, and he has ruled out surgery. I still have to stay in the aircast for another four weeks, but the doctor says my foot should continue to heal well, as long as I continue to take it easy, keep it in the aircast at all times, and don’t fall on it again.
Even he was quite surprised at how much it had healed in just a month. I told him about the Dr. Christopher’s formulas. He had never heard of them, but he told me to keep on doing whatever it was that I was doing…lol! I firmly believe that it was the Tissue & Bone capsules and Tissue & Bone ointment which helped my foot to heal. It’s a wonderful supplement! I am the mother of six young children, and I work in the medical field, and I can honestly say that I’m blown away by how much this supplement has helped me. I do not even mind spending another four weeks in the aircast, now knowing that surgery is off the table. I will continue to use the Tissue & Bone for the next four weeks while I’m still in the cast, and I will always have a bottle on hand in my house in the future!
(Also, I want to say that in addition to the Tissue & Bone formulas, I took a calcium supplement which I think is also very good. It’s called Nature’s Way Alive Calcium Bone formula – only 2 tablets per day). You can get it at any vitamin store, and it’s also sold here on Amazon).