FORCE FACTOR Test X180 Pre-Workout Powder: A Revolução na Sua Rotina de Treinos
O FORCE FACTOR Test X180 Pre-Workout Powder é mais do que um simples suplemento; é a chave para desbloquear todo o seu potencial durante os treinos. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina ingredientes de alta qualidade, este pré-treino foi projetado para elevar sua energia, força e foco a níveis sem precedentes. Com 200mg de cafeína, misturados com compostos energizantes como Infinergy e Advantra Z, você sentirá uma explosão de energia que prepara tanto o corpo quanto a mente para um desempenho excepcional. Cada treino se tornará uma oportunidade de se superar, sentindo-se mais forte e poderoso a cada repetição.
A performance do seu treino é maximizada com Test X180, independentemente de você ser um corredor, levantador de peso ou amante de fitness em grupo. Este produto é formulado para combater a fadiga, aumentar a hidratação e melhorar a resistência, permitindo que você treine por mais tempo e com mais intensidade. Além disso, a fórmula contém impressionantes 3.000mg de L-citrulina, que não só atua como um suplemento de óxido nítrico, mas também melhora a circulação e o fluxo sanguíneo, resultando em bombas musculares duras e visíveis.
Outro destaque do Test X180 é a inclusão do KSM-66 Ashwagandha, um extrato de ashwagandha de padrão ouro, clinicamente estudado e comprovado para oferecer benefícios incríveis, como redução do estresse e aumento da resistência. Para completar, o produto é refrescante e saboroso, com 500mg de eletrólitos que otimizam a função muscular e a hidratação, tornando cada gole uma experiência agradável.
– Aumento de Energia e Foco: A combinação de cafeína e compostos energizantes proporciona um impulso significativo de energia e concentração.
– Melhora na Performance do Treino: Combate a fadiga e aumenta a resistência, permitindo treinos mais longos e intensos.
– Aumento do Óxido Nítrico: A L-citrulina melhora a circulação e proporciona bombas musculares impressionantes.
– Redução do Estresse: O KSM-66 Ashwagandha ajuda a controlar o estresse, promovendo um melhor desempenho mental e físico.
– Hidratação e Sabor Refrescante: Com eletrólitos e um sabor frutado, o Test X180 é agradável de consumir, incentivando a hidratação durante os treinos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o FORCE FACTOR Test X180 Pre-Workout Powder, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 15g) do pó em 240ml de água gelada. Consuma cerca de 20 a 30 minutos antes do treino para maximizar a absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Não exceda a dose recomendada e evite o uso próximo ao horário de dormir, devido ao conteúdo de cafeína. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Jonathan Mueller –
I’m not a weightlifter and don’t exercise much. I bought this to help with energy because I was diagnosed with Lyme and struggle with exhaustion. I drink this just once in the morning and it feels like the boost of energy lasts all day. The feeling comes on pretty quickly after drinking it and the flavor is amazing. I love the fruity flavor. So many other powders taste gross and don’t make you feel a surge of energy like this one.
edgar –
I gave 3 stars because it works, and the price is low compare to others. But the taste is really bad, i don’t think I’ll finish it. Ive been taking it for a week, hoping that i will get use to the flavor, but, no.
Rather spend $5-20 more for something that doesn’t taste awful
Henry G –
I am 46 and heavily rely on pre-workouts to help me with energy throughout the day. Without them I usually just feel tired all day. I have tried lots of pre-workouts and they work fair. Every month I usually order a different one and they all usually work the same. This one however is the absolute best I have ever tried.
I was literally falling asleep during the day from feeling tired and decided not to work out today then the Amazon truck pulled up and dropped off this product earlier than expected. I took a scoop and within 15 minutes I was working out with tons of energy. It has been hours and I still feel fully awake and great. Feel focused and alert. So far there has been no crash. Usually I crash within 2-3 hours after working out. I will keep using for the entire month and will update this review is there are any negative effects if any arise. If not updated it is because there weren’t any negative effects to report.
I feel amazing.
Gowolo F. –
I work night shift and need energy and this product increase my energy level, the taste is good, it give me strength, money is good for the quantity and the taste is not bad but it does have a lot of sugar
M –
Opened it powder looked strange and clumpy i thought. However tried it anyways the taste is so gross im literally trying not to gag as i write this. Do not waste your money its so disgusting and you can not return it. Into the trash it goes
Austin A. –
I initially purchased this because the other pre-workers I have tried had a bit too much caffeine for my morning workouts. At 200 mg of caffeine this blend gives a nice kick in the morning without being overwhelming, the beta alanine definitely does its job without leaving you tingling and uncomfortable, and the focus is definitely there.
That being said I purchased the fruit punch flavor which I believe to be a bit of a misnomer. Upon opening the package you are immediately hit with the scent of artificial strawberry and The taste is about the same with an earthy aftertaste. It is quite overwhelming.
Fortunately I am the type to chug my pre-workout so it is a moment of displeasure for about 2 hours of solid focus.
I would have rated this 3 1/2 Stars if I could but I settled on four because the energy blend really is that good even if the flavor is awful.
Tim H. –
Bought the fruit punch flavor first at Walmart because they were out of my regular preworkout. This stuff is WELL WORTH it’s full price. I’m a 20 year gym rat and have used at least a dozen different pre work outs over the years. First it’s strong but not “let’s kick toddlers” strong. Hits in about 15 mins and puts you in the zone without super niacin face tingles. Second, the endurance factor is ridiculous. I can do a full 45 minute heavy lifting session then get on the treadmill and do 3 mi easily. There’s truly no fatigue and I have yet to hit my limit with this. Third, there’s no diminishing intensity like most pre-workouts. I have used this stuff for a month straight now and it’s still as strong as day one. Lastly, the fruit punch is delicious. It doesn’t taste like Walmart Hawaiian punch but rather a virgin Mai Tai. I had my wife try it and even she liked it. She’s never liked any pre-workout I have ever taken. I picked up this blue raspberry because it was on sale for $11 and it tastes like a blue razz blowpop and still has the same effects as the Mai Tai flavor. This is my new go to pre-workout supplement. I already have two of my friends hooked on it as well. Fantastic product.
KrombopulosTyler –
This pre workout is awesome. My husband is a forever customer of this brand. I have tried and and it tastes excellent. He gets a good boost from it allowing his workout performance to sky rocket and it dissolves really well compared to other companies. Great boost of energy for anyone suffering for working all day but still trying to get that workout in.