FORCE FACTOR Smarter Greens Superfoods Energy Powder é a solução ideal para quem busca um impulso de energia natural e saudável. Este pó de superalimentos combina uma mistura poderosa de ingredientes que não apenas energizam, mas também promovem a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Cada porção deste produto contém cafeína de fontes vegetais de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma energia suave e duradoura, sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados de nervosismo ou superestimulação.
Além disso, a fórmula é enriquecida com fibras orgânicas, prebióticos, enzimas digestivas e 125 milhões de CFUs de probióticos de alta qualidade, todos projetados para melhorar a digestão e a saúde intestinal. O sabor refrescante de limão-lima torna a experiência de consumo agradável, eliminando o gosto desagradável que muitos pós de vegetais apresentam, e tudo isso sem adição de açúcares ou adoçantes artificiais.
A praticidade é outro ponto forte do Smarter Greens. Em vez de perder tempo e dinheiro preparando sucos de vegetais, basta uma colher e água para obter uma dose diária de nutrição completa. A fórmula também conta com uma Matriz de Melhoria de Biodisponibilidade, que maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes essenciais, garantindo que você aproveite ao máximo cada porção.
Anden Acitelli –
The normal version tasted terrible, but this one tastes much better. Be warned, it’s noticeably larger!
christine diaz –
I mix it with the force factor beets with raspberry or strawberry lemonade, drink it down every morning, no issues, fills my belly good! for 2 years know I am very satisfied with this product.
Tigerfan.815 –
My favorite greens powder.
Curtis knepp –
I have been getting this for quite a few months now and have really liked it. Made me feel great all day and tasted pretty good. But the last container I got the other day is different. It is now a different color green and in my opinion tastes very bad now. I feel like a once great product has been ruined.. I will be trying something new
Disco –
Surprisingly, taste wasn’t as bad as I expected, though I put it in 20 oz. of water vs. 8-10 oz like they recommend. If you put it in a smoothie you can barely taste it at all. Besides the “grassy” taste, this stuff really changed how I feel. Having digestion problems for years, almost immediately I noticed a difference. I feel like I have more energy and just all around feel healthier. It even helped curb my appetite. I’m no doctor, but if you’re looking for a way to add more veggies and vitamins to your diet, I highly recommend this. Even got mom and the hubby to start taking it, who also have noticed a difference. Also, I recommend taking it first thing in the morning before your breakfast for maximum absorption.
Update: After taking this for several months, I think this company may have changed something in their recipe or ingredients and it’s been giving me stomach issues. Although the new tubs I’ve been getting are greener and mix better with water, it’s seriously harsh on my stomach. Sadly, because of this I wouldn’t recommend. Changing to another green juice to see if that solves the problem.
Dennis –
This stuff taste so disgusting. I threw it in the trash.
Laura Manry –
So far, I like them.
Baddy –
Trying to find something to mix it with to make it taste better