Descrição do Produto: Frontier Co-op Organic Stinging Nettle Leaf, 1lb Bulk Bag, Cut
A folha de urtiga orgânica da Frontier Co-op é uma erva premium, reconhecida por seu sabor herbáceo e aroma levemente amargo. Com uma rica tradição de uso na culinária e na medicina natural, a urtiga é um ingrediente versátil que pode ser incorporado em diversas receitas, como chás, sopas, ensopados e muito mais. A urtiga, com seu sabor robusto e levemente salgado, lembra o gosto do espinafre, mas com um toque de salsa italiana, tornando-a uma escolha ideal para a preparação de chás de bem-estar.
Cultivada de forma sustentável na Bulgária, a nossa folha de urtiga é 100% orgânica, certificada como kosher e não irradiada. Isso significa que não há aditivos artificiais ou produtos químicos utilizados em nenhuma etapa do processo de produção, garantindo um produto puro e de alta qualidade. Desde sua fundação em 1976, a Frontier Co-op se estabeleceu como líder em botânicos naturais, orgânicos e de comércio justo, sendo uma cooperativa de membros comprometida com a pureza, honestidade e qualidade.
– Qualidade Premium: Garantia de um produto orgânico e puro, sem aditivos artificiais.
– Versatilidade na Culinária: Ideal para chás, sopas, smoothies e refogados, permitindo uma ampla gama de aplicações na cozinha.
– Sabor Único: O leve amargor e o sabor herbáceo proporcionam um toque especial às receitas, enriquecendo o paladar.
– Sustentabilidade: Cultivada de forma responsável, respeitando o meio ambiente e as práticas agrícolas éticas.
– Benefícios para a Saúde: A urtiga é conhecida por suas propriedades nutricionais, podendo contribuir para o bem-estar geral.
Para preparar um delicioso chá de folha de urtiga, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa da erva em uma xícara de água fervente. Deixe em infusão por cerca de 5 a 10 minutos, coando antes de servir. A urtiga também pode ser incorporada em sopas e ensopados, adicionando-a nos últimos minutos de cozimento para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais. Para smoothies, basta misturar uma colher de sopa com suas frutas e vegetais favoritos. Além disso, a folha de urtiga pode ser utilizada em receitas de cuidados com a pele, como máscaras faciais ou shampoos caseiros, aproveitando suas propriedades benéficas.
Sandra –
Arrived quicker then expected, very easy to use for infusions as nicely cut . Using product as recommended to help with boasting iron stores due to previous episode of anemia.
Aging Backward –
My tea that I sips off and on all day! The healthy tea. The feel better and get better tea.
Becky –
Excellent service and product.
Zane –
I love this brand in general and they’re one of my favorite for bulk teas. Nettle tea is really good for skin and teeth. Love drinking it daily.
Theresa Romero –
I can trust Frontier to deliver quality herbs, and this is no exceptionOne 1 Lb Nettles Leaf, Cut & Sifted, Organic. This is a wonderful value! It costs so much less to buy a pound of this, instead of the tea bags I used to buy. Nettles is reported to be good for many ailments. It was one of the ingredients in the tea blends I used to get as a lung tonic, to treat my asthma, so I don’t just rely on inhalers. (I prefer to do all I can to help my body to heal, rather than just mask symptoms with medications.) After taking it as a tonic for months, my asthma is better and also, I feel like it has helped my body in so many other ways, as I am healthier overall.
I make a tea with a half cup of nettles and a half cup of pau d’arco, which I put in a pot with a quart and a half of filtered water and boil with the lid on over a low heat for half an hour, and let it steep. This makes a concentrated tea that will be black as coffee. When it has cooled, I strain it into jars and put it in the fridge. I take a half cup a day, warmed in the microwave and mixed with coconut milk and raw honey. Sometimes I mix in a teaspoon of cocoa for fun.) I find it delicious, either way.
You can find a lot of information online on the many benefits of drinking nettle tea as a tonic. Here’s a bit on the benefits:
“Expectorant: This helps cause the expulsion of mucous and breaks up congestion similar to the stimulant actions. (colds, asthma and allergies)” (
“If there’s one plant to have on hand at all times that provides a cure for arthritis, an herbal treatment for allergies, relieves hair loss, treats Celiac disease, bleeding, bladder infections, skin complaints, neurological disorders and a long list of other conditions — it’s nettle leaf.” “a natural cleanse that removes metabolic wastes and is both gentle and stimulating on the lymph system, promoting easy excretion through the kidneys.” (
Here is a bit on what is in nettles that is so helpful:
“It contains biologically active compounds that reduce inflammation.” (
“This tea is made from leaves that are rich in vitamins A, B1, B5, C, D, E and K, iron, potassium, copper, zinc, magnesium, calcium and others. It also contains flavonoids, essential amino acids and proteins.” (
mskay –
I am really getting into herbal teas. I think this nettle makes an outstanding tea. The color is so rich, dark and potent looking. The taste is earthy, grassy and satisfying. I am sure this is something that is going to enhance my life and help me on my journey to continued good health.
It is easy to make. I put in three quarters of a cup of nettle into four cups of water in a saucepan. I let it simmer for 10 minute and let it sit for another 10 minutes. I strain it into a four cup measuring cup. I add a little water ( to your liking) into a glass pitcher then add the strained cooled nettle. I put it the refrigerator and have it ready to heat up in the the microwave when I want a cup. This recipe make a robust brew, you might want to use less nettle, add more water to suit your taste.
Oh yeah you get a lot of nettle leaf! I wrap the nettle well and store it in the refrigerator.
SuziCat –
I’ve bought these several times from Amazon because for the quantity, the price has been the lowest online. Although this most recent purchase of nettle was a good green color, the herbs have not always been the vibrant green that I think they SHOULD be. I’m sure there are better sources but they cost alot more money. I continue to buy these because I know of a great health food store that stocks Frontier brand so I feel they are a trusted source.
I_Love_My_Kids –
I learned about all the amazing health, healing and nutritional benefits of drinking organic nourishing herbal infusions on a daily basis on Nettle Leaf is among the heavy hitters and some classify Nettle leaf as a superfood. The quality of the nettle leaf I received from Frontier Natural Products was amazing. I agree with other reviewers (who helped me make the decision to buy this product), that the taste and freshness stand far above the rest. I love nettle leaf, but love it even more now.
Here’s a recipe if you would like to try to make your own nourishing herbal infusion with this nettle leaf. Start by measuring out 32 ounces of water and bringing it to a full boil. while it’s heating, measure out 1 ounce (by weight) of organic nettle leaves (dried cut and sifted) and place it inside a quart-sized mason jar (i used an old glass spaghetti sauce jar that is 36 ounces and it works fine). Once the water has come to a full boil, place a metal butter knife into mason jar (to prevent cracking) and pour the water while it is still boiling carefully into the mason jar. stir in the nettle to make sure it all has been absorbed the water (some will raise to top), seal it tightly right away (be quick, because it’s hot) and let it seep for a minimum of 4 hours. I let mine seep for 8 hours +. Next, you will need another empty quart sized mason jar or similar-sized glass jar (to strain the nettle out of your infusion and into a new jar), use a mesh strainer to strain out the nettle leaf into the other jar. You may want to lightly squeeze out the remaining moisture from nettle leaf inside the strainer. Once you are done straining, you can drink it right away, but make sure to keep it refrigerated as soon as you strain it. Also, the used nettle leaf is a great addition to your garden soil or potted plants, so don’t throw it in the trash! Make sure to drink it within 36 hours, it is best to drink it throughout the day (within 8 hours), refridgerated. I typically make my herbal infusions at night, before bed and drink first thing in the morning and throughout the day. I prefer the taste of nettle herbal infusions cold. it’s my favorite herbal infusion so far. Thank you, Frontier – I will be ordering from you again!!! ;o)