Descrição do Produto: EZ Melts Dissolvable Folate 1,667 mcg, L-Methylfolate, Sem Açúcar, Suprimento para 2 Meses
Descubra a revolução na suplementação com EZ Melts Dissolvable Folate, uma solução inovadora para quem busca uma maneira prática e eficaz de garantir a ingestão adequada de folato. Com 1,667 mcg de L-Methylfolate por dose, esses comprimidos se dissolvem facilmente na ponta da língua, eliminando a dificuldade de engolir suplementos grandes e ásperos. A forma bioativa de L-Methylfolate é rapidamente absorvida pelo organismo, proporcionando um suporte essencial para funções vitais do corpo.
O folato é um nutriente fundamental que não deve ser negligenciado. Ele desempenha um papel crucial na saúde do coração e do sistema nervoso, sendo indispensável tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Com EZ Melts, você não precisa depender apenas da sua dieta para obter a quantidade necessária desse nutriente vital. Esses comprimidos ativos promovem níveis saudáveis de energia e equilíbrio cognitivo, contribuindo para o seu bem-estar geral.
Além disso, a segurança e a pureza dos ingredientes são prioridades. Os comprimidos de folato bioativo são feitos com ingredientes veganos e não-OGM, sem adição de alérgenos comuns como glúten, laticínios e soja. Fabricados nos Estados Unidos, em instalações na Flórida, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto de qualidade, com ingredientes de fornecedores confiáveis.
– Fácil de Consumir: Dissolve rapidamente na boca, ideal para quem tem dificuldade em engolir comprimidos.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Essencial para a saúde do coração e do sistema nervoso, promovendo funções corporais fundamentais.
– Forma Bioativa Superior: Utiliza L-5 MTHF, uma forma estável e eficaz de folato, garantindo melhor absorção e eficácia.
– Ingredientes Seguros: Livre de alérgenos comuns e feito com ingredientes veganos e não-OGM.
– Produzido nos EUA: Garantia de qualidade e segurança, com ingredientes de fornecedores confiáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido EZ Melts Dissolvable Folate por dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Deixe o comprimido dissolver completamente na boca antes de engolir, permitindo que o L-Methylfolate seja absorvido de forma eficaz. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua qualidade e eficácia.
Janet Jackson –
Tart taste like smarties candies
Sweetestfriend –
I highly recommend this product. They say that up to 70% of people with anxiety and depression are unable to convert folate/ folic acid to the form needed to help with production of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin. This product is beneficial, even if you are already on antidepressants. My husband won’t take medication but will take vitamins. Because this is considered medical food, he will take it. Because he takes this, we are still married. Depression runs deeply in his family and none of them will take an antidepressant. Several are now taking this and are doing so much better. I hope that if you or your loved ones need it, you will get it and let it change your life.
Sandy –
I got this for my kids as they don’t love swallowing multiple pills a day. I know folate is really good for behavior and attention so I wanted to make it as easy as I could. I have found when they take B1 and folate with the easy melts that they’re focused with reading and school is better. My kids are junior high and high school
Grace –
I have trouble swallowing pills so dissolving tablets are perfect for me.
Dawn Jones –
My son, who has Autism, is genetically predispositioned for a Folate-blocking autoantibody. This interferes with his body’s ability to transport Folate to his brain cells. In children with Autism, this can cause lower brain functioning, increased behavior problems and lower communication skills. Since my son began taking the EZ Melts (3 months ago), we have seen so many improvements. He is more sure of himself and the choices he makes. He stops and thinks before he reacts/speaks. He is not as impulsive. He has become less emotional and no longer cries at the drop of a hat. He is able to actually sit down and carry on a conversation with the family. He is less anxious about changes in routines. He is so much calmer than he has ever been before. His teacher’s have noticed positive changes in him too! My son LOVES the taste and has no problems swallowing the tablets. Our son takes no other medications for his Autism or ADHD, but when his psychiatrist recommended these, and we saw the improvements it has made, we have been firm believers. As a Special Education Teacher, I often tell my parents of children with Autism to check into these supplements and give them a try.
witchy_gurl –
At the suggestion of my doctor, I took a DNA test from GeneSight to determine how my DNA interacts with my prescribed medications. I take a few medications and vitamins regularly but was still suffering from fatigue and at a loss after pursuing several medical avenues as to why. The results of the DNA test revealed that I didn’t have issues with the actual medications, but that my DNA (body) does not process Folic Acid normally produced or supplements as it should. Enter raw Folate in the form of L-Methylfolate. Not two weeks after I started taking these did my Dr. run my blood work again and discovered that with the proper amount of raw folate being absorbed in my body and in turn my body processing my meds correctly – I was slightly over medicated. We lowered my dosages, made sure I was taking the correct amount of Folate (4×1700 mcg) daily and voila! I’m feeling much better all around. I prefer chewable and/or melts, which is why I gravitated toward these. They melt easily and taste good. Because of this, I have now ordered all the rest of my vitamins from EZ melts to include (B-12, D3 etc,) The product comes as advertised, delivered promptly, and as long as it continues to do what is intended inside my body, I will continue to purchase and use.
Rebecca Weber –
I can only guess that these are a good quality product, but they taste horrible. They don’t dissolve very fast either. I have to make myself use them.
Update: I increased the star rating from 3 stars to 4 stars because seller reached out to me to improve my satisfaction with their product. The seller had great communication and willingness to make it right with me. Thanks!
Mama Mia –
My son takes ADHD medicine and the genetic testing indicated that all of the medicine for ADHD Was “red” for him, which means he is unable to metabolize it properly. Our pediatrician did lots of research and found out that taking methylfolate will help him to metabolize the medicine. He feels much better when he takes this with his ADHD medicine, and it melts in his mouth and doesn’t taste bad at all.