COSLUS Water Dental Flosser: A Revolução na Higiene Bucal
A higiene bucal é um aspecto fundamental da saúde geral, e o COSLUS Water Dental Flosser se destaca como uma solução inovadora e eficaz para manter seus dentes e gengivas em excelente estado. Com tecnologia avançada de pulso de água de 0,3 mm + 0,3 mm, este irrigador oral portátil é endossado por uma equipe de dentistas americanos, garantindo um desempenho superior na remoção de placa bacteriana. Com pulsos de alta pressão que variam de 1400 a 1800 vezes por minuto, o COSLUS é capaz de eliminar até 3 vezes mais placa em comparação com métodos tradicionais, proporcionando uma limpeza profunda e eficaz.
O tanque de água extra grande de 300 ml, livre de BPA, é uma das características que tornam este flosser tão prático. Com o dobro da capacidade dos modelos antigos, você não precisará se preocupar com reabastecimentos frequentes, permitindo uma experiência de limpeza bucal mais conveniente e eficiente. Além disso, a bateria recarregável oferece uma impressionante autonomia de 30 dias após apenas 3 horas de carga, tornando-o ideal para uso em casa ou em viagens. Compacto e leve, o COSLUS vem com um cabo USB, transformando-o em um kit de viagem perfeito.
A impermeabilidade IPX7 garante que o uso do flosser seja seguro até mesmo durante o banho, enquanto seu motor atualizado proporciona um fluxo de água de dupla corrente mais eficaz e uma durabilidade de 3 anos, superando produtos similares no mercado. Com múltiplos modos de operação e configurações de pressão, o COSLUS é fácil de usar e gentil com as gengivas, adaptando-se às necessidades de diferentes faixas etárias. Seu design ergonômico e as 5 pontas intercambiáveis garantem uma experiência confortável e versátil.
– Limpeza Profunda: Remove até 3 vezes mais placa bacteriana, promovendo uma higiene bucal superior.
– Conveniência: Tanque de 300 ml reduz a necessidade de reabastecimentos frequentes.
– Longa Duração da Bateria: Até 30 dias de uso com uma única carga, ideal para viagens.
– Impermeabilidade: Uso seguro durante o banho, facilitando a limpeza.
– Versatilidade: Múltiplos modos e pontas intercambiáveis atendem a diferentes necessidades e idades.
Para utilizar o COSLUS Water Dental Flosser, comece enchendo o tanque de água com água morna ou solução bucal, conforme sua preferência. Se for a primeira vez que você utiliza o aparelho, recomendamos iniciar no modo ‘Soft’ para permitir que suas gengivas se adaptem à pressão da água. Posicione a ponta do flosser na boca, direcionando-a para a linha da gengiva. Ligue o aparelho e ajuste a pressão conforme necessário. Mova a ponta ao longo da linha da gengiva e entre os dentes, permitindo que o fluxo de água remova resíduos e placa. Após o uso, limpe a ponta e o tanque para garantir a durabilidade do produto.
Dan M –
I was thrilled when I received this product. The color was wonderful. This is easy to handle and feels nice in your hand. The chamber was easy to fill and plug without any leaks. The power was tremendous and effective. My teeth felt cleaner after use.
Ilija –
I purchased from a YouTuber recommendation and couldn’t be happier. So much stronger than previous water flossers with a large water tank and multiple modes depending on your choice. I mix water and a splash of non-alcohol mouthwash and my teeth and gums look and feel great
Dan M –
We got this in September of this year for my 12yr old daughter who had to get an Expander in her mouth. It was hard to keep clean until we got this water floser. She got her Braces added to the Expander in October and having the closet has helped keep in between all the wires and things clean. Just saw the regular dentist for her 6 month cleaning and he was very pleased with how well she was maintaining her teeth and Braces. And it’s all thanks to the water floser. It’s easy to travel with. Color is nice, holds charge realy well, noise isn’t too bad, and has been dropped a handful of time without breaking so quite durable if you ask me. And it comes with all sorts if attachments for different uses. Will be ordering a pink one for my youngest next.
Rainin_whiskey –
I got this after my dentist recommended a water-based automatic flosser. It’s simple and easy to use. Starting out I found the soft mode was helpful. The best part is the very large water tank. I like the floss using a lot of water and so I don’t have to keep refilling this one. Of course, it’s also nice to have a reasonably priced product which this is.
Keep in mind before buying this that it is very chunky and large sized compared to the previous small single shot at a time water flosser I used before. I like this one better, but as you can see from the photo even in my large hand this looks pretty big.
Candace Williams –
Cleans the food nice but you’ll still flossing.
Breeanna –
*update to review- updating to 5 stars. I contacted customer service and could not be happier with the service I received. They were prompt, nice with their responses and immediately sent me out new parts that I received in the mail within 3 days. The flosser runs like its brand new.
I am horrible at using regular floss, I know its something I should be doing on a daily basis, but I despise it. I figured I would try a water flosser instead. I was so happy I finally made this purchase, and flossing was actually a breeze. No more pain and it does the trick. Even my dentist noticed a difference at my regular cleaning. This flosser worked flawlessly for several months, however out of the blue one morning it started to squirt water out of the top left side. I did not drop the flosser, I did not change the head on the flosser, nothing was different. I tried several more times and still the same issue. I cannot figure out what happened. Guess I could use this flosser while in the shower since it sprays water everywhere, but that would be a pain. It was a good product while it lasted.
Adam & Johna Plute –
I do like this a lot. It is my first one. If you have never used one or are just starting out, I would definitely use the massage setting first & make sure when you are using it, do not press on until it is pointed towards your mouth. I didn’t & water went everywhere lol. Once I pointed it to my mouth & used the massager part it took out all of the food between my teeth, so it did clean my teeth very well & I even brushed my teeth with my vibrating toothbrush that’s supposed to get everything before. The only thing I don’t like is how much water it uses at first, which could be due to the fact that I hit the button on accident on the highest setting & water went everywhere. I filled the whole tank up & by the time I was done using it within like 2 minutes it barely had any water in it. Another issue is that it does come with a charger , but not a box. So make sure you have a charging box that fits that charger specifically. I do, which is nice but some people may not. My teeth are really sensitive when I use normal floss, but it didn’t hurt my teeth even on the highest setting which I hit on accident first. It is worth the money & the quality is nice. I do think it is a good buy & not expensive especially for a teenager or someone like me in their 20s that’s tired of flossing all the time. It cuts the time in half.
Honest reviewer –
Effectively clean food in between my teeth and with it the smell. Highly recommended!
MF –
I’m really glad I tried this. I’ve never had one before so I can’t compare it to other machines but this is working great for me so far and it was much more affordable. I was really looking for something to help me floss more consistently. Even if the thread and plastic flossers are more efficient (I’m not sure if they are or not), I’ve never managed to keep it up nightly. I figured using something slightly less effective but easy enough to do nightly would be a lot better than nothing!
I appreciate that it’s so easy to set up and fill with water. It’s not too loud and because it’s small and portable it’s not in the way at all sitting on my counter. You could definitely put it in a cabinet or somewhere else if you didn’t want the clutter. There are cute color options, though I went with black.
You just charge it, click on the nozzle, fill it up with water, select a mode, put the nozzle in your mouth and then press on! I do recommend starting on the soft mode if you’ve never done it before and/or you’re not super consistent with flossing already. It doesn’t hurt but you may bleed if that happens to you. Ideally as you keep using it your gums stop bleeding.
Adam & Johna Plute –
I finally broke down and purchased one after a lot of research and just really needing to pick one to try. This product works as described so far no issues. It definitely gives me a more clean mouth feeling and you can see the stuff coming out that is in those hard to reach places. I also see a differences in the whiteness of my teeth!!! I currently recommend this product to anyone looking to advance their oral care!