Floraison Varinhas Mágicas de Aço Inoxidável Inquebráveis para Refrescar e Embelhecer Rosto e Pescoço
As varinhas mágicas Floraison são a solução perfeita para quem busca um toque de frescor e beleza na rotina de cuidados com a pele. Feitas 100% de aço inoxidável, essas varinhas inquebráveis oferecem um resfriamento instantâneo que transforma a aparência do rosto e pescoço, proporcionando uma sensação de renovação e vitalidade. Com um design ergonômico que se adapta aos contornos do corpo, elas são ideais para reduzir o inchaço, aliviar olheiras e deixar a pele radiante e revitalizada.
O uso das varinhas Floraison não só melhora a aparência da pele, mas também promove uma série de benefícios que vão além da estética. Elas ajudam a aumentar a circulação sanguínea, tonificam a pele, reduzem a inflamação e aliviam a tensão acumulada, tornando-se uma ferramenta indispensável para quem deseja um cuidado facial eficaz e prático.
- Resfriamento instantâneo: Proporciona um efeito refrescante imediato, ideal para dias quentes ou após exercícios físicos.
- Redução de inchaço: Eficaz na diminuição do inchaço facial e olheiras, promovendo uma aparência mais descansada.
- Melhora da circulação: Estimula a circulação sanguínea, contribuindo para uma pele mais saudável e vibrante.
- Versatilidade de uso: Pode ser utilizado em diferentes momentos, seja após procedimentos estéticos ou como parte da rotina diária de cuidados com a pele.
- Durabilidade: Feitas de aço inoxidável, as varinhas são resistentes e projetadas para durar, oferecendo um excelente custo-benefício.
Para utilizar as varinhas mágicas Floraison, comece com a pele limpa. Aplique um óleo, soro ou máscara de sua preferência para potencializar o efeito refrescante. Em seguida, passe as varinhas suavemente sobre o rosto e pescoço em movimentos circulares, seguindo os contornos naturais da pele. Para melhores resultados, utilize-as diariamente ou sempre que desejar um toque de frescor e luminosidade. As varinhas são especialmente eficazes após tratamentos estéticos, como microagulhamento ou peeling, ajudando a acalmar e revitalizar a pele.
Gnemik –
I was on a quest and glad I found these as the first price I came across on a Google search wasn’t worth the hype to me.
I’ve used them a few times that I’ve remembered so far, and I have seen improvement. Feels great to use in general and as a stress reliever.
Gnemik –
I put a gauze mask on and use these on top and it really gives your skin a glow… especially in summer when pores are more open this is a nice addition to your skincare routine to keep your pores nice and tight and help to seal product in 🙂
Max –
These stainless steel wands are fantastic. They live in my freezer & I use them every single morning as part of my skincare routine. They stay ice 🥶🥶🥶 cold for at least 10 minutes! Highly recommend to use to help destress, resolve puffiness, dark eyes, etc
Samu –
The metal feels great on the skin. I found that I prefer to keep these in the fridge instead of the freezer since the gel keeps cold so well.
NummyYum –
The sticks come in a convenient case for storage. They fit easily in the fridge. I don’t know about all the other claims, but I do think they’re invigorating.
Maybe it will help over time, but I haven’t noticed any immediate changes. My main reason for wanting these was to reduce puffiness under my eyes. It hasn’t worked. I even followed a tutorial.
Max –
I like it very much and the color is very beautiful and harmonious. It is what I wanted and it is very easy to work with. They also sent me an extra brush that I wanted to buy one.
Sara McCoy –
The stylish, elegant presentation lifts the worth as a gifting option. The gold tone cold therapy tools have a premium look and feel. The metal accounts for the heft of these facial cooling pods. These are perhaps the heaviest tools for delivering localized cooling therapy. Plus, this is a new, novel design, shape for me.
I would describe the shape as being like a curved tear drop, or like a filled ladle. I am familiar with jade massage rollers and spherical tools for applying cool facial therapy. This new shape is adept at the intended task. The surface is smooth and rounded, to allow it to flow along the contours of the face and neck. The while silicone serves to insulate the handle, so that your hand/fingers are not as affected by the cold temperature of the metal. However, I found this white insulation to be a bit short, I’d been happier if it was longer on the handle. The white insulation at the tip, while aesthetically pleasing, does little to facilitate a leveraged grip. It does help hold it, but I want to be able to use more fingers to grasp the handle, and maneuver the tool.
One of the tools has a marred surface, which is more apparent on a mirror finish, gold metal veneer. I’ve seen a comment in other reviews that mentions a ‘rust’ spot. That might be similar to the instance that I discovered. This shows poor quality control during manufacture.
The metal instruments cool rather quickly in the freezer (wanted to do quick test of the product), and maintains the temperature for a reasonable length of time. It seems to last longer than cooled jade rollers.
Again, the short white silicone piece didn’t afford enough coverage to protect my fingers, so I did hold onto the handle with some fingers on the silicone and others on the metal handle. And, you can feel the difference.
This is a decent product, with a few design flaws. It is a very capable product, delivering lasting cool therapy in an attractive gold metal tool. When I shook the tool, I can hear something moving inside, which seemed odd. Attached are photos to show real world images, with a ruler for size reference.
Overall, the product matches the description and pictures in the product details. Based on observations and noted considerations, this product earns a 4.0 – 2.25 star rating, with a moderately high level recommendation.
Amazon Customer –
I like these for the mornings my eyes and face feel puffy or when I have a headache. I prefer to keep them in the fridge as it takes at least 15 to get to a better temp when they are stored in the freezer. I would of preferred them to be a bit smaller, but otherwise they are great.
Amazon Customer –
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