Descrição do Produto: FLORA – FlorEssence Dry Tea Blend, Gentle Detox
FLORA – FlorEssence Dry Tea Blend é uma mistura de ervas cuidadosamente selecionadas, projetada para promover um detox suave e eficaz. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, este chá é ideal para quem busca uma limpeza interna sem os efeitos agressivos de outros métodos. A fórmula inclui ervas como bardana, dente-de-leão, urtiga e outros botânicos que trabalham em sinergia para apoiar a função hepática e renal, além de auxiliar na eliminação de toxinas do organismo. O sabor delicado e aromático torna o momento do chá uma experiência prazerosa, perfeita para ser incorporada na rotina diária.
1. Desintoxicação Suave: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza.
2. Apoio à Digestão: Melhora o funcionamento do sistema digestivo, aliviando desconfortos como inchaço e gases.
3. Aumento da Energia: Contribui para um aumento natural nos níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga.
4. Melhora da Saúde da Pele: Os ingredientes naturais ajudam a promover uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
5. Praticidade no Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária, tornando o detox uma prática acessível e agradável.
Para preparar o FLORA – FlorEssence Dry Tea Blend, adicione 1 colher de sopa da mistura em 500 ml de água fervente. Deixe em infusão por 10 a 15 minutos, coe e sirva. Recomenda-se consumir de 1 a 2 xícaras por dia, preferencialmente entre as refeições, para maximizar os benefícios de desintoxicação. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do chá com uma alimentação equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água ao longo do dia.
Fred Louch –
Has most of the ingredients of the Essiac tea,, which I can’t find anymore.
Camelia –
Wow, this product is Heaven sent. It has sooooo many virtues that it is worth Googling them. I used it on myself and my pets. They even tell you the dosage for pets! I cannot remember if the info is inside the box or on their website.
I always keep a box at hand for myself or my pets (here is where I am amazed with the results).
Awesome product, indeed. I highly recommend it.
Malvarez –
Excellent product!!
Follette –
Have used Flor Essence many years. Primarily I use to reduce inflammation and pain from arthritis & kidney problems. Flor Essence addresses many chronic issues including cancer. This tea is gentle and soothing, made from pure sourced ingredients. I suffered with debilitating pain before being introduced to the Essiac story. I drink 2oz diluted with 2oz distilled boiling water twice a day. It keeps me free from pain and further joint damage. Making your own solution is most cost effective. Flor Essence can be found already brewed and bottled. I’m grateful for this seller carrying the dry herb packets to brew. The Covid 19 shelter in place order deters normal purchasing at your local health food store. Seller was prompt in shipping. The packaging was appropriate. I have ordered from this seller numerous times and have always been pleased with their response.
chuckbobuck –
In December of 2010 my 52 year old wife was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. The doctors gave us no hope, no treatment, and suggested that we enter into hospice. Our son took it upon himself to research possible alternatives and the first was Essiac tea. This is the basic component of the Flor-Essence tea. The jury is still out as far as to whether it will be a cure for my wife’s cancer, but I began taking it along with her and must admit that for me the effects have been remarkable. I have had a nasty case of psoriasis for 18 years. Dozens of trips to dermatologists and thousands of dollars worth of medication have not been able to arrest my condition like the Essiac/Flor-Essence tea has. The “anger” has subsided in my skin rashes and in just 2 months the sites have begun to clear up. In my case taking the tea has definitely boosted my immune system. Initially a cousin also tried the tea and after 3 days passed a kidney stone.
At present my wife is completely free of pain and doing reasonably well.
Some users complain about the taste, but it just tastes like celery or turnip juice. It would be foolish to let the flavor stop you from trying to heal yourself.
This product has a colorful history, but it can definitely help.
jomaewake –
I’ve been drinking this herbal tea for years and fiber cysts in my breasts have disappeared, thank you, Jesus!
Linda L. Schubert –
What I disliked was how time consuming it was to make. What I did like is how it helps my beautiful, sweet dog feel and act healthier.
AndreaP. –
I’ve been suffering some fairly severe health issues for the last few months, due to adrenal depletion. In my research on this, I’ve discovered that fatigued adrenals can overload the liver and gallbladder. Well, recently I realized that my adrenals are much stronger than before, so something else was amiss, resulting in my feeling fatigued constantly. When I developed a lipoma on my calf, I figured my lymphatic system was congested. I bought a liver detox kit and used it for a few weeks, but I didn’t really notice any results.
Then I found websites talking about essiac tea. I had never heard of it, but people were making some pretty remarkable claims about it. As per usual, I immediately came to amazon to see what people here had to say about it (I feel confident that the reviews here are authentic). When I typed in “essiac tea” in the search module, it brought up Flor Essence. This product had terrific reviews, and I’d read how great it is for detoxing; so I figured, what have I got to lose?
People claim that it has cured their cancer. I can’t make a comment on that, because as far as I know, I’ve got no cancer. But after taking this tea for a few days, I can definitely state that it seems quite potent medicinally. I’ve been taking 2 oz. of the brewed tea with 2 oz. hot water, 3 times a day. The third day I started feeling the typical flu-like symptoms of detox, and by day 4 I woke up feeling like a truck had hit me. My allergies and chemical sensitivities got really bad. I had a lot of sinus congestion. I could feel this stuff working. It’s been a little over a week now, and it’s still working great. I think the worst of the detox is over. I also started taking milk thistle and quercetin with vitamin C, and I think those supplements are assisting in the detox.
Also, my boyfriend who never really thought he had digestive tract issues started taking this tea, just to maintain his health. Within a few days, he started seeing some nasty stuff (i.e. Candida, etc) come out in his bowel movements. So I guess this tea is also terrific for actually killing any parasites one may have. I can’t say that it will do so for everyone, but he and I are both having success with the tea. We even recommended it to his parents to try and are telling our friends about it. It’s not difficult to brew at all. After reading reviews where people said it was hard to do, I expected it to be grueling. It really doesn’t take that long to prepare. Most of the time is spent allowing the tea to brew overnight. When I make the tea, I’d say it takes me about 30 minutes in the evening and about 10 minutes the following morning.
If you’re looking to detox, give this a go. Don’t increase the dosage beyond the recommended amount (as I’m apt to do, because I always want to speed things up!), because if you do, you’ll feel awful. But this day in age, I think it’s all vital that we complete a detox every few months or so. Our bodies simply have yet to catch up with the toxin overload created by the modern world. I’ve tried a few detox remedies, and this one, by far, is my favorite. I intend to use this tea for a very long time, if not for life.