O Flonase Sensimist Spray Nasal para Alívio de Alergia é a solução ideal para quem busca um alívio eficaz e não sonolento dos sintomas alérgicos. Com um pacote contendo 2 frascos de 60 sprays cada, totalizando 120 sprays, este produto é formulado para atender tanto crianças quanto adultos, proporcionando um alívio duradouro e confortável. O Flonase Sensimist atua bloqueando até 6 substâncias alérgicas, como pólen, mofo, ácaros e pelos de animais, que podem causar desconforto ao longo do ano.
Os sprays são projetados para aliviar sintomas como espirros, coriza, congestão nasal e coceira no nariz, permitindo que você e sua família desfrutem de um dia a dia mais tranquilo e livre de incômodos. A fórmula sem cheiro e a tecnologia de liberação de névoa fina garantem uma aplicação suave, quase imperceptível, tornando o uso do produto uma experiência agradável. Além disso, o Flonase Sensimist é especialmente recomendado para períodos de alergias sazonais, como a primavera e o outono, quando os alérgenos estão em alta.
– Alívio de sintomas alérgicos durante 24 horas, permitindo que você viva sua rotina sem interrupções.
– Medicamento não sonolento e sem cheiro, ideal para uso diário sem comprometer sua energia.
– Combate múltiplos sintomas, como congestão nasal, coriza e coceira nos olhos, oferecendo um alívio abrangente.
– Eficaz contra alérgenos comuns, como pólen, mofo e pelos de animais de estimação, garantindo proteção em diversas situações.
– Design patenteado que se adapta ao nariz de adultos e crianças, facilitando a aplicação e maximizando a eficácia do produto.
### –
Para adultos e crianças a partir de 12 anos, recomenda-se utilizar o Flonase Sensimist Allergy Relief Nasal Spray uma vez ao dia, conforme necessário. Antes da aplicação, agite bem o frasco. Incline a cabeça ligeiramente para frente e insira a ponta do spray suavemente em uma narina, fechando a outra narina com o dedo. Inspire suavemente enquanto pressiona o spray para liberar uma névoa fina. Repita o processo na outra narina. Após o uso, limpe a ponta do spray com um lenço de papel e recoloque a tampa protetora para garantir a higiene e a durabilidade do produto.
Charsel –
Just what expected from this product. Difficult to see the quantity however. But easy to use.
Beth A –
I’ve used Flonase for decades, since my allergist first prescribed it. He explained to me each time he wrote a prescription for it that it should be sprayed on the inside of your nostrils, on the mucous membrane, from which it would be absorbed, not up my nose, the way most nasal medications are used. This new system makes it much easier to take the medication correctly; and when it goes where it’s meant to go, it works better. I was a skeptic when this first came out, but finally tried it, and find that it makes a difference, so from my point of view, it makes sense to spend a bit more for Sensimist because of this.
Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it helpful.
MsMcGee –
The smell of Flonase makes me gag. It’s just awful. My kids also hate it and dread using the regular kind. I was hesitant to purchase this assuming that it would still have that smell but this truly is odorless. No more whining they just do it and that’s worth everything. I ordered a two pack, which had one adult spray and one children’s spray. Upon receiving them, I realized they are the exact same. Same amount of medicine per spray, and same amount of metered sprays and same amount of liquid. Save your self, the extra money and just get the adult version
diane brannen –
Jan –
I’m allergic to fragrance so was never able to use nasal sprays to treat the post-nasal drip and stuffiness that was permanently a part of my nose. When Veramyst (what is now Flonase Sensimist) came out, my allergist gave me samples to try and it worked! Problem was insurance wouldn’t cover it, not even with a doctor’s letter. Now it’s OTC as Sensimist and I use it regularly. Yes, the trigger mechanism is a little awkward, but don’t be fooled that it isn’t working just because you can’t feel it. Unlike Flonase, Sensimist is a steroidal treatment similar to asthma maintenance inhalers. It is dispensed in an extremely fine mist that you will not feel or smell, but it is there and working. The goal is NOT to shoot a spray up your nose, but, instead, to settle a fine mist over all your nasal passages that is easily absorbed. Instead of decongesting, it actually stops the allergic reaction that triggers post-nasal drip and congestion in the first place. Completely different drug and action than regular Flonase. I use this daily and, finally, can breathe through my nose, even when sleeping. Finally, the complaints about Sensimist not having a generic? Keep in mind that the ONLY thing that is identical about a generic is the active ingredient. There is nothing requiring generics to have the same INactive ingredients (that liquid that the medicine is suspended in) nor are companies required to do any testing of generics for reactions since that only pertains to the active ingredient. If you’re using Sensimist, you likely have allergies. Guess what? It’s entirely likely that you have sensitivities to some of the crappy inactive ingredients that are in generics. The brand has to test the entire formulation; generics do not. I’ve found that I absolutely cannot use generics for many things because I react to the some of the inactive ingredients that are used. There’s a reason generics are cheaper and it has to do with the quality of all the other ingredients – keep that in mind, especially with allergies.
Kim h. –
So I got two, and I have no idea how long I was using the first one even though it had run out of product as there is no way to tell when it’s empty! The extremely fine mist is not noticeable when you spray into nose so empty feels just like full. I wish they would fix that. But when it’s full it does help keep my nose clear but I don’t think it lasts very long thus the 3 stars for value.
Buck Z –
Breathing easy
Kimberly Williams –
I’ve used this product for a while now, and it works great. This is the first time I’ve purchased it from Amazon. Arrived intact and well sealed. It also arrived a day early, which is great because allergy season has started here.