FLEUR: Perfume Floral Feminino 50ml – Fragrância Exclusiva e Duradoura
FLEUR é a essência que captura a delicadeza e a beleza das flores em uma fragrância única, projetada para a mulher moderna que busca expressar sua individualidade e charme. Com 50ml de pura elegância, este perfume floral feminino é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja deixar uma marca inesquecível. Sua composição é uma sinfonia de notas florais que se entrelaçam harmoniosamente, criando uma experiência olfativa que é ao mesmo tempo suave e envolvente.
A fragrância se abre com notas frescas de bergamota e pêra, que trazem uma sensação de leveza e alegria. À medida que se desenvolve, o coração do perfume revela um bouquet de flores brancas, como jasmim e rosa, que exalam feminilidade e sofisticação. Por fim, as notas de fundo de sândalo e musk proporcionam uma base quente e sedutora, garantindo que a fragrância permaneça na pele por horas a fio. FLEUR não é apenas um perfume; é uma declaração de estilo e confiança.
– Fragrância floral exclusiva que se destaca em qualquer ocasião.
– Longa duração, garantindo que você permaneça perfumada ao longo do dia.
– Notas equilibradas que se adaptam a diferentes momentos, desde o dia a dia até eventos especiais.
– Embalagem elegante que complementa sua coleção de perfumes.
– Ideal para presentear, trazendo um toque de sofisticação e carinho.
Para aproveitar ao máximo a fragrância de FLEUR, aplique o perfume em pontos estratégicos do corpo, como pulsos, atrás das orelhas e na base do pescoço. Isso permitirá que a fragrância se desenvolva ao longo do dia, liberando suas notas florais de forma gradual. Evite esfregar os pulsos após a aplicação, pois isso pode alterar a estrutura da fragrância. Para um efeito ainda mais duradouro, considere aplicar um hidratante sem fragrância antes do perfume, criando uma base que ajuda a fixar a essência na pele.
Amazon Customer –
I actually saw an ad for this product buried in a Yahoo article I was reading 2 years ago. It was on a promo sale for like 2 for $30. I was out of eye cream so bought 2. One of my best “blind” decisions ever! This cream is so amazing! It keeps the skin around my eyes well moisturized, firm, and so supple! I didn’t see much change in my dark circles but It works very well for wrinkles and dry skin. For the past month I’ve used this in combination with Cerave Eye Serum, which I put on first, and then I put this one on top and it does double duty. I’ve noticed significance brightening of my eyes ever since. The only downside is that it has tripled in price since since last year (but then again, what hasn’t??) On the plus side, I’ve used other eye creams that were 5x this current price and they didn’t work nearly as well as this product does AND this jar lasts me a long time and…I use it 2x a day! So make the splurge and check it out!
Claudette Litz –
This is an amazing product which I am using for the first time.
TD –
Good for my dark circles. Provides moisture while it absorbs quickly. I was without it for a few days and really noticed how much my eyes needed it!
Lori K –
There are some things that are great about this – it is thicker than any other eye cream I’ve tried and feels very luxurious to apply. It doesn’t have a scent that I noticed, which is fine, because I don’t really want fragrance near my eyes. However, after 10-15 seconds it starts burning really bad. It only lasts maybe 5 minutes, and it doesn’t make my skin or eyes red, but it is very unpleasant. I don’t have sensitive skin, and have never had this issue with any skincare product before. It’s a bummer, because it’s a great price compared to what I have been buying. I guess you get what you pay for.
Jo –
I had purchased this item in stores & loved it-but when it disappeared from store, I ordered online-the cream arrived totally dried up & unusable. Won’t purchase online again.
Nancy B. –
Very lightly scented with a clean scent, very fluffy; quickly absorbed; makes the area around my eyes feel soft all day. It’s hard to eliminate dark circles but I’ve been using this so long I don’t want to stop for fear they’ll reappear darker than they are now. Same goes for fine lines and wrinkles. At 70 years old I don’t have wrinkles around my eyes, or sagging eye lids. But then I’ve been using this product for a number of years. I am careful to never run out! I love it!
This cream is different than anything I’ve ever tried for my eyes. Most eye creams are just supped up face moisturizers with less product and very high price tag. But the skin under and around our eyes is different the skin on the rest of the skin on our face. The skin around the eyes has no oil glands so putting a water based moisturizer on it does absolutely nothing. I wish I had learned this earlier in my life. It would of saved me $1,000’s in high priced department store eye creams. Eye Eyes Baby is in a whole new category. It’s #1 ingredient is Vitamin E, the #2 is Squalane which is an incredible oil based moisturizer. This product is thick and creamy. So thick it helps to warm it up between your fingers before applying a very small amount to each eye. I put it under my eyes and my eye lids and it feels so good. No burning at all. I love that is it all natural and smells wonderful even though it as no added fragrance. My only complaint was when I opened my first jar it seemed to be only partially full. I don’t know if that is an effect if air packing but I exchanged it fir another jar. The 2nd jar was the same. Because I put that I was not happy with getting a less than full jar I was contacted by the seller. I explained the problem and she offered to send me a replacement free of charge. I couldn’t believe it but the seller was very serious about making her customer happy. Well I got my new jar and I am so haptics because I love this product. It’s so rare these days that a seller actually stands behind their products and does what they promise to do. I highly recommend this eye moisturizer and I am currently trying their face cleanser. I know there have been a lot of people saying Amazon has false reviews but this is not one of them. I am a real customer and I was not paid to say anything good or bad. I’m just so impressed with the product and the customer service I want everyone to try this and love it as much as I do. As you can read I highly recommend this product and this company. Thank you Fleur & Bee.
bad teacher_oh –
This used to be one of my favorite eye creams: smooth, creamy, very hydrating. Maybe the lavender scent is a bit strong, but not enough to keep me from purchasing. However, the sky rocketing price IS enough to stop me from buying this again. I realize everything is more expensive these days, but this is ridiculous.