Fleur Marche Focus: Patches Botânicos para Aumentar a Concentração
Descubra o poder transformador dos patches botânicos Fleur Marche Focus, uma solução inovadora para quem busca maximizar sua capacidade cognitiva e manter o foco ao longo do dia. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes nootrópicos, como Cafeína, L-Theanine e Lion’s Mane, esses patches são projetados para ativar seu cérebro e otimizar sua memória e atenção. Cada patch é uma dose controlada de bem-estar, permitindo que você sinta os efeitos quase imediatamente.
- BOOSTED BRAIN POWER: Um coquetel nootrópico que fará seu cérebro funcionar em alta performance. Aumente sua mente, memória e capacidade de atenção com esta mistura poderosa de Cafeína, L-Theanine, Lion’s Mane e outros nootrópicos que “hackeiam” o cérebro.
- PATCHES ARE LEGIT: Os patches são uma maneira muito eficiente de introduzir ingredientes benéficos no seu corpo, pois não são filtrados pelo seu metabolismo. Eles entregam ingredientes baseados em plantas e respaldados pela ciência em uma dose controlada.
- EASY TO APPLY, FUN TO WEAR: De uso único e pré-dosados, esses patches de bem-estar são fáceis de entender e usar. Aplique e comece a se sentir melhor quase que imediatamente! Combine com suas joias favoritas e expresse sua personalidade!
- LASTS 12 HOURS: Este pequeno patch de foco cerebral dura até 12 horas (!!), então não se preocupe em precisar de mais para passar o dia ou a noite. Ele está sempre ao seu lado.
- NO SCARY STUFF: Nossos patches contêm APENAS ingredientes de alta qualidade que são testados quanto à potência, contaminantes e metais pesados. Nossos produtos acabados são testados novamente para garantir que não há nada assustador!
1. Aumento da Concentração: Melhora significativa na capacidade de foco, ideal para estudos ou trabalho intenso.
2. Memória Aprimorada: A combinação de nootrópicos ajuda a fortalecer a memória, facilitando a retenção de informações.
3. Praticidade e Conforto: Patches fáceis de aplicar e que se adaptam ao seu estilo, permitindo que você se sinta bem enquanto se concentra.
4. Efeito Prolongado: Com duração de até 12 horas, você pode contar com o suporte necessário durante todo o dia.
5. Segurança e Qualidade: Ingredientes testados e de alta qualidade garantem que você está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para utilizar os patches Fleur Marche Focus, escolha uma área limpa e seca da pele, como o braço ou a parte superior do tronco. Remova o patch da embalagem e aplique-o suavemente, pressionando por alguns segundos para garantir a adesão. O patch começará a liberar seus ingredientes ativos imediatamente, proporcionando um efeito contínuo por até 12 horas. Para melhores resultados, evite aplicar em áreas com pelos ou em locais onde a pele possa estar irritada. Após o uso, retire o patch e descarte-o adequadamente.
Amazon Customer –
Doesnot stick 👎 no effect
laura d. –
The idea is interesting: A transdermal patch that can deliver a time-released dosage of caffeine through your skin. I mean, it’s not as fun as a cup of coffee or a can of Mountain Dew, but it could be a decent option for those who either have stomach issues or else when you’re on the go and can’t get a drink.
In practice? I am not sure.
First off, the packaging is missing very important information about what amounts of the various ingredients are actually included in these patches. The ingredients are:
** Caffeine
** L-Theanine
** Propane-diol
** Tetrahydropiperine
** Sage Oil
** Lion’s Mane
** Citcoline
Unfortunately, there’s no indication of how much caffeine (or L-theanine) is in the patch, or any indication of what dosing/hour it might provide.
In addition, which the packaging indicates it is manufactured FOR the entity who is selling it, there’s no indication where it has been manufactured.
To test these, a friend and I both tried one. We both applied it to the inner arm, near a vein, as recommended. We both abstained from coffee (or other caffeine drinks) that morning. I drink coffee in the mornings, but would not consider myself addicted (i.e. if I don’t drink it, I don’t get a headache). My friend needs to drink it every morning or they get a headache by the afternoon.
I could not sense any effect. I didn’t feel that bit of pep that coffee gives me, and by mid-afternoon I was feeling about as worn down as usual. I also didn’t feel particular more “focused”. Basically, I felt the same as I always do in the afternoon.
More telling, my friend, who does suffer from caffeine withdrawal, started to get a headache in the afternoon, suggesting that if he was getting a caffeine dose, it wasn’t sufficient to keep the withdrawal demons at bay.
Overall, neither of us was impressed enough to consider these a useful alternative to actual caffeine drinks.
As always, with any supplement, your mileage may vary. But whatever dosing these may provide doesn’t seem very strong. Given the price, I’ll stick to actual coffee.
Sparkie –
These patches give me a steady and gentle boost that doesn’t really stop until the patch comes off. I had a lot to do two days ago and really needed to stay on top of things. I put a patch on over the vein on my wrist about 10 AM .I started to feel more focused within a few minutes. I got a lot done. To my surprise and pleasure I kept on working past the time I would have normally quit.
Mindful of the need to keep it dry, I wore gloves when I washed the dishes. At one point I decided to take a shower and I carefully peeled off the patch and put it back on the plastic square that it came on. I put the patch back on my wrist later and it stayed. I didn’t take it off until 10 PM, and I felt that it was working the entire time.
I don’t drink more than two cups of coffee a day and the lift I get from coffee isn’t steady or sustained like the patch is. The effects of the patch did last all day and into the evening and stopped pretty quickly when I removed it.
I tried to save it overnight to reuse . I put it on the plastic again , in a ziplock bag to try to keep it from drying out. Next morning it didn’t want to stick again, alas, even though I spritzed a little water on the stickum to try to refresh the glue. So I taped it on with surgical tape and eventually it re-adhered . I removed the surgical tape .The patch stayed on by itself , but was loose around the edges where the adhesive had peeled off.
Although the effect might not have been as strong as on day one, I seem to have gotten a second day out of the patch.
Although I had some wakefulness at night after using the patch it seemed well worth it to me.
I think that if I used these every day the beneficial effect might diminish over time. I really love using the patch and will probably buy them for use “as needed”.
Christine W. –
I wanted to try these because my gut can’t tolerate any caffeine right now but I don’t notice any difference when I wear these patches. And I’m super sensitive to caffeine so if I was getting much of anything I would feel it. I tried them on my wrists and on my ankle like people mentioned but no difference. Save your money!
Amazon Customer –
I tried it the first time last night.
My thought process was that I am not very useful in the focus and concentration area that time of day/night. So if it worked, I would be able to see an improvement.
Yes! I did.
To be fair, I have adhd. So this isn’t my strong point to begin with. Then after a day of mom-ing and stuff…it’s even less.
So I tried it. And after a few minutes my heart felt fluttery but my heartrate didn’t increase. After 10 minutes or so, I was able to focus. And I was able to think. And I even flirted with the idea of reading a book…at 9pm. That’s not usual.
Tasks didn’t seem so daunting. Because I could focus.
Sadly, I don’t know how long that would have lasted because it was kiddo bathtime and I placed the patch on my wrist, on my dominant hand. So it quickly came off. The effects wore off probably after 30 minutes after removal. But I was still able to focus moreso than usual.
So excited to try it again.
Meeting a friend for coffee. I applied it on my non-dominant, upper forearm. I did wipe my skin down with alcohol to remove any oils. It’s been 5 hours now. And I was so focused on our conversations without jumping all over the place. And able to remember what I was going to say without interrupting my friend. Things that just don’t happen… it’s fantastic!
I LOVE it! I even shared the link with my friend.
Now, the price point…
I would honestly love to get them. And if money wasn’t an issue, these would be constantly stocked in my house. The subtle focus is amazing. I definitely recommend them if this is within your budget. I honestly feel very calm and focused and it’s amazing.