Flents Eye Patch, Formato Côncavo Minimiza a Pressão, Preto, Tamanho Único (Pacote com 1)
O Flents Eye Patch é um curativo para os olhos projetado para oferecer alívio e conforto. Com seu formato côncavo, ele minimiza a pressão sobre a área ocular, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca proteção e descanso para os olhos. O tapa-olho é confeccionado em um tecido macio e resistente, que se ajusta perfeitamente ao contorno do olho, garantindo um encaixe confortável e seguro. Sua cor preta e design discreto o tornam versátil, podendo ser utilizado tanto em situações de recuperação ocular quanto em fantasias, como a de pirata.
O material espesso do Flents Eye Patch bloqueia completamente a luz, criando um ambiente escuro que favorece o relaxamento e a recuperação visual. Com um tamanho único que se adapta à maioria das pessoas, o produto é fácil de usar e proporciona um conforto prolongado, ideal para quem precisa de um descanso visual em meio à rotina agitada do dia a dia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Proteção e cuidado dos olhos: O Flents Eye Patch é ideal para proteger e cuidar dos olhos, seja para uso pós-cirúrgico, durante tratamentos médicos ou simplesmente para descanso visual.
- Conforto garantido: Com seu tecido macio e formato côncavo, o tapa-olho proporciona um ajuste confortável e não causa desconforto durante o uso prolongado.
- Design de alta qualidade: O produto foi projetado para ser durável e resistente, permitindo seu uso repetido sem comprometer sua eficácia.
- Bloqueio total de luz: O material espesso do tapa-olho garante que nenhuma luz penetre, proporcionando um ambiente escuro e relaxante para descanso ou recuperação visual.
- Fácil de usar: Com seu tamanho único, o Flents Eye Patch se adapta à maioria das pessoas e é fácil de colocar e ajustar. Seu design confortável permite o uso prolongado sem causar desconforto.
O Flents Eye Patch oferece uma série de benefícios que podem melhorar a qualidade de vida dos usuários. Primeiramente, ele proporciona alívio imediato da pressão ocular, essencial para quem passa longas horas em frente a telas. Além disso, o bloqueio total de luz ajuda a promover um sono mais profundo e reparador, sendo ideal para quem sofre de insônia ou distúrbios do sono. O conforto do material macio permite que o usuário o utilize por períodos prolongados sem incômodos, enquanto sua durabilidade garante que o investimento seja válido a longo prazo. Por fim, sua versatilidade permite que seja utilizado em diversas situações, desde cuidados pós-operatórios até eventos temáticos, como festas de fantasia.
Para utilizar o Flents Eye Patch, posicione o tapa-olho sobre o olho desejado, garantindo que ele cubra completamente a área ocular. Ajuste a alça elástica para um encaixe confortável, evitando qualquer pressão excessiva. É recomendado usar o produto em ambientes com luz intensa ou durante períodos de descanso, como sonecas ou à noite, para maximizar os benefícios de bloqueio de luz e alívio da pressão ocular. O Flents Eye Patch é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca conforto e proteção para os olhos em diversas situações.
D. Hearn –
The good: It does block out the vision and is con-caved outward. That’s nice as it doesn’t lay flat against your eye, forcing it to close (which could cause the un-patched eye to squint. Also durable and inexpensive.
The bad: Doesn’t block all the light because it is stiff in its shape and doesn’t fit precisely, depending on shape of face and nose. But I am using it primarily to block vision, not total light, for strengthening my weaker eye with some adult amblyopia exercises. So for that use, it’s fine.
TechNerd –
Não fiza direito no olho.
Ach –
I wear glasses for astigmatism and my doctor recommended I use an eyepatch while wearing my glasses to cover my stronger “dominant” eye so that I could sort of work out and strengthen my weaker eye and improve my vision. I wore the eyepatch every night after work while I watched TV and browsed the web on my laptop and it worked like a charm, my weaker eye would feel tired and a little strained like I just worked it out, and then that feeling went away in the morning and I went out in the world without the eyepatch. My vision got noticeably better after less than a month of doing this, and a year later as I type this I’m still enjoying clearer eyesight with and without my glasses. The eyepatch was comfy when you could get it in a good position, and it didn’t bother too much when I’d wear it, my glasses over it and big over ear headphones for hours at a time on the computer
Stuart N. Schwartz –
I’ve used this style of eye patch for a number of years, because they are disposable, readily available and fairly cheap. However, for someone who wears glasses, the concave shape is very disruptive and is there is no good way to accommodate the patch behind a lens.
chinagirl –
The band is small a piece of stretchy nylon that barely fits my adult head. The eye cover is hard plastic and doesn’t cover my eye, much less the brow. Dime included in image for size reference.
Compare to the image: Flents Concave Eye Patch. Patch is large and covers adult eye, brow, and even to the nose. Band is a thick piece of black nylon. Appears to have a cloth like substance.
> SOFT COMFORTABLE FIT – Eye patch is constructed with a soft fabric that fits comfortably over the eye
Totally false. It is not fabric. It is not comfortable. It does not fit comfortably.
> ADJUSTABLE FIT – Adjustable elastic band is easily adjusted so that one size fits all
False. Would fit a child comfortably.
> COMPLETE COVERAGE – Eye patch offers a snug fit and complete coverage over the eye
> THICK MATERIAL – Thick material completely covers the eye and blocks out all light
Half true. The plastic is thick, but plenty of light comes in through the two holes for the band.
> HIGH QUALITY DESIGN – Product is designed for repeated use
Lawyers might get this through on a technicality.
This product would work reasonably well for a child’s Pirate costume. As a patch for an eye – garbage. Would not buy again. Not remotely as pictured.
UPDATE: Went to Walmart. Bought Equate brand eye patch for a about $1. Far superior to this trash..
LikesABargain –
I have been using Flents eye patches for a year now. People have mentioned that they are a “hard” eye patch and uncomfortable. They are made of what seems to be a hard type of material covered with a silky looking material. I need to have absolutely no pressure on my eye so I purchased this concave model. I found that by gently manipulating the eye patch with my fingers that it softened up so worked well for me. I have purchased three. I would recommend for anyone who cannot have pressure on the eye. Have included some pics. One pic shows all of them starting with the newest on the left and the oldest on the right (the oldest has no body and is completely soft because it went into the water and has been stepped on a couple of times).
LikesABargain –
I don’t understand the negative reviews. This is a light, comfortable patch that has room for your eyelashes and can be wiped clean. It fits me very well with very little light, but I have a narrow face and I can see that it might not fit all and the strap might be too tight if you have a big head. Worth a try for this low price.
Ach –
I have a Dry Eye condition that requires me to sleep with an eye patch to protect the problem eye. The Flents eye patch is simply the best. The concave shape protects the eye and does not come in contact with the lid or eye itself. It is semi-rigid fabric that provides excellent protection for my eye when sleeping.
My only complaint is that due to the construction, it is not washable. So with time, the patch will become dirty and soft so that the only recourse it to toss it and get a new one. Fortunately, they are modestly priced and last quite a long time before you need to toss them.
I have tried numerous other brands of eye patch and always return to the Flents. They are the best.
Martin L Bloom –
I’ve had a lazy eye since I was a child but just noticed recently that it had gotten very lazy again.
So I knew that an eye patch would help me achieve my goals faster by covering my good eye and forcing my lazy eye to work.
This patch is very lightweight and your eye does not get hot. And because it is concave shaped it does not push down on your eye.
I started doing the eye exercises with following the pen with your bad eye (like I did as a kid) but when reading on other ways to strengthen my lazy eye I found some new methods.
Other ways to strengthen a lazy eye are to cover the good eye and color only with the bad eye, play video games with only the bad eye or read with only the lazy eye.
I have been using the eye patch for only a week and my lazy eye is focusing better. Things were slightly blurry with that eye (only noticeable when good eye closed) and it was difficult to read, color or do most focused activities with that lazy eye alone but my vision has already begun to improve.
I recommend this eye patch since it is top quality and much better than others that I have used in the past.
Amazon Customer –
Works great cuz it keeps the patch away from the eyelid and lashes with the comfort foam perimeter